[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

I’m not wasting my energy with anti-Sylvanas ppl any more. I’m just going to enjoy my time playing WoW and see where the story goes.


I’m not saying it is. I’m just trying to understand this very dismissive attitude NE fans have towards those don’t want the same things they want

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Once again, same as the post above yours dismissing anyone that doesn’t want the same thing.


What did I dismiss exactly?

Not your post. The one above it.

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How is Ren not wasting her time, that she’s paying for, on anti-sylvanas people and enjoying her time in WoW dismissive of what you or NE fans want?

You…do understand that she’s entitled to not engage with anyone she pleases right? You do understand that?


Dismissal in not considering reading the wants of those with different desires as worth one’s time.


I owe you nothing. not my time, interest or engagement.


No one does.

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Is picking and choosing who someone engages with a foreign concept for you?

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then why do you expect it from me?

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What are you talking about? How did you go from punishment to sacrifice?

Either way, the Horde as a faction doesn’t care about Sylvanas anymore nor will they take her back.


Why should I care, you don’t like this story? You’ve been consistently dismissive of me for the last two years I’ve been posting here.

I don’t care that you are disappointed with the story. I’m not being vindictive about it, I just couldn’t care less about your opinion on this.

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You do know I meant blizz killing her off right? And scapegoating yet another leader right?

Like…it’s not complicated to understand what I said

Nothing. I am trying to get Micâh to realize that Micâh already knows the answers to the questions Micâh keeps asking about why people dismiss each other.


Ok. I love all of you. But I’m’a weigh in now.

I’m a sylvanas fan. I’ve told the story of how I first got into the lore because of her (and the not-real Tauren Mills I was promised). I’ve followed her and the forsaken from testing the New Plague/Blight on captured civilians to Arthas chasing us out of the Halls of Reflecting. I rode beside her in Silverpine with my heart in my throat from the emotions rising up, and I swore to follow her into the Broken Isles to help her avenge Vol’jin. I own the Alliance Banner and the Horde Banner wall hangers, but what flies over my gaming pc is the Banner of our Dark Lady.

Sylvanas needs to be punished.

Not for NE fans, not to punish Sylvanas fans. But to have some semblance of a cohesive narrative.

Soul splitting does not absolve your crimes; just ask Sylvanas. Being manipulated by the Jailer does not absolve your crimes. These are mitigating circumstances, but not absolution. It is unreasonable and unrealistic that a character of any faction can attempt to murder an entire playable race (and according to the narrative, come pretty close) and walk away, all forgiven. The Alliance won’t forgive her. The Horde shouldn’t forgive her. Tyrande shouldn’t forgive her. And the Forsaken should absolutely not forgive her.

Because all those people? They have all been irrevocably damaged by Sylvanas. Tyrande lost her people. The Horde and Alliance lost enough soldiers that Anduin was either on the verge of recruiting, or did recruit, farmers to take the battlefields. And the Forsaken were betrayed by the woman whom they invested everything in, only for her to fly away from them and use them to serve, not her own ends, but Zovaal’s.

If the narrative forgives Sylvanas, it’s saying all of that is irrelevant, because the only thing that matters is this one, lone character.

There’s no one else to compare. Garrosh? Dead, then double-dead. Arthas? Dead, then stuck in Anduin’s sword and probably double-dead. Anyone else? Also dead.

Sylvanas should not die for this. She should not be trapped in the Maw for all eternity. But a penance is required, and that penance must take her away from the narrative for a long while.


There can be punishment without killing her. There can be a focus on her victims rather than her. It’s not complicated.
Enough of the false dichotomies please.


Is it false that blizz routinely scapegoats horde leaders?

News to me


I fail to understand what blizzard wants from her.

She’s getting a redemption of sorts but will still be this Nathanosesque person with snark, despite being horrified by her actions.


Obviously whenever you are unsatisfied with Sylvanas’ narrative I can echo the same statement back to you.