[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

It’s not even that, though it is amusing. It’s…just I don’t know, it just seems like some NE fans forget that there are other people and fans with a vested interest in the story.

And some are dismissive of opinions that don’t align with theirs. As a worgen fan, I get it, I have own complaints about the game but it just appears no one cares how sylvanas fans feel. We’re humans with emotions too, you know?

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This franchise doesn’t only appeal to your wants. This is clearly a story written for Sylvanas fans at this particular moment.

I do not share the same interest as Sylvanas fans. There are many people with different wants. No one is invested in the desires of all people on the internet.

Case in point, see the post above this one.


I am annoyed that even now, the devs talk about everything from the perspective of Sylvanas. What about the people she wronged? Shouldn’t they have more focus and shouldn’t we see things from their side?

And I don’t mean Anduin and Jaina or even Baine. I mean Delaryn/Sira, the Forsaken, Malfurion and Tyrande. The fact that even now they care more about her perspective than her victims’ says a lot.


I don’t like Orc story so I skipped WoD. You can walk away from WoW for a bit if it’s not telling a story you want to watch.

You are sitting there trying to ruin it for the people who do like it just because you are whinig you are not getting what you want. Don’t be a brat Amadis.

The story has been fine for me so far. Short of Elune gaslighting Tyrande, I do not have the same issues with Shadowlands that many others do.

Don’t you find it slightly amusing that NE fans always point to the NE and forsaken as victims, but never mention the worgen being victims, since you know, they lost two homes to forsaken aggression?

(And I know it’s contradictory to some, but you can like a leader and want her to be redeemed while still wanting the horde in general to pay)

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Would it be so bad if Tyrande was merciful? Would that not show her as being a heroic character? Capable of compassion? The alternative is to bwcome just like Sylvanas herself and commit genocide… is that really what you want?

To be fair, the state of Gilneas is head-scratcher, given the Forsaken were kicked out of it during their Silverpine questing, and Blizzard just… never wrote the Gilneans going back.


Well I don’t mind Genn being there. That wasn’t my point. I forgot other victims of Sylvanas, but you’re making my point for me- there are too many people left out because the devs do not care.


Being merciful is as Alynsa brought up earlier, passing down a lighter sentence, not forgoing judgment.


Some of us can seperate the horde from Sylvanas though. And realize the horde as a entity still hasn’t made any attempts at reparations to it’s victims

That’s my issue, the horde as a WHOLE never pays for its crimes.

Oddly enough - thanks to Dark Horse comics a long time ago, they played this scenario out.

Spoiler alert - it ends with Darth Vader in all white armor working with the Rebellion (and Luke) to hunt down the Emperor.


Well that picture link doesn’t show up but you can click it to a google image thing.

//Just a Star Wars fan who remembers those legends thing from long ago - Carry on with your debating


You know as well as I do that Blizzard cannot touch the Horde. They already scapegoated Sylvanas for its crimes, and now when it’s time to deliver justice, they are concerned about her growth as a character and how to retcon away her crimes (leaving the Horde looking worse)


And how does sacrificing yet another horde leader, satisfy anyone? Because people on the horde faction are honestly sick and tired of loosing their leaders


At this point Sylvanas isn’t a Horde leader.


I know you don’t care, but there is literally zero reason to sacrifice her to make a small number of alliance fan boys happy


Condemning her would be more so Blizzard doesn’t come off as genocide apologists than making anyone happy.


Again though, why is your happiness and NE fans happiness more important than everyone else’s?


That is as unimportant a question as asking why the happiness of Sylvanas fans is more important than anyone else’s.