[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

And since that chapter is locked for a specific reason, we’re likely going to learn a about her character than.


Locked to coincide with her BOOK RELEASE in 6 weeks. If you look at how the chapters will unlock this last chapter will unlock around the time of her book release.

That’s very reassuring tbh.


Given Golden said the book was done a long time ago, it is indeed likely meant to line up with the story conclusion in-game, yes.


I’d more so ask:

“What act could redeem a character who has committed the atrocious XY and Z.”

In the case of Vader used earlier, had he not died, does him throwing the Sith Lord down the energy shoot redeem him for killing Jedi Children? Does that just give him a blanket pass.

Or is it like hey, thanks for helping kill the Sith Lord… but for all the other things you did, like exploding a planet… you’re still getting the firing squad…


That act has already happened in the Shattered Legacies where Ranger General refers to herself as “butcher, monster” and acknowledges that her crimes are unforgivable. That’s an act of atonement.

I know the Darth Vader comparison but that doesn’t really compare. There’s a good book/movie called Atonment, Where Briony basically destroys her sisters life and she never gets the opportunity to ask for forgivness but she’s a writer so she writes her sister a happy ending in her last book.

Atonement doesn’t have to be “x character gets punished.” This the case of Briony she struggles emotionally for the rest of her life knowing what she did ruined someone else’s life. She atones for what she did unconventionally.

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Sylvanas kneels and says she accepts Tyrande judgement.

Tyrande smiles and commends Sylvanas for her actions in helping Andiun and stopping the jailer.

She then lifts Sylvanas by her collar and looks her eye to eye.
Tell her she must correct the wrongs she commited.
Shw asks how and Tyrande says “by bringing every sorry soul you threw into the maw”

The Tyrande yeets this B into the Maw.
And the Arbiter says “and so it shall be”

Feeling sorry for what you did is not an act of atonement… what?!


People admit guilt and wrongdoings all the time. That does not discharge them of their crimes.


To the Horde’s credit I am at least willing to give that they are imprisoning Sylvanas’ loyalists/allowed the Alliance to deal out our brand of justice to Sira.(whatever that will be) Which is a big different from his “I will never turn over a member of the Horde to the Alliance” back in Pre-Cata.


Nah all those people should be turned over and there is more of them within the Horde.

None of what the Horde has done answers for any of the crimes they have commited.

Besides Sira was victim too.

It starts them on the road on to redemption and possibly making up for the wrongs they committed


I have no issue with Sylvanas to work towards undoing what her actions caused to the extent she can. Though obviously it is not within her power to correct everything she is responsible for.

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True, but when they show actual remorse and there’s mitigating circumstances behind their crimes, they do tend to get lighter sentences than the unremorseful who were in full control of their faculties.


Edited the post to add more, I’m at work.

Interview’s wording is weird. Can’t tell if this was translated.

The Jedi genocide is more comparable to the Night Elf genocide. Sylvanas has not been responsible for ruining either of her sisters’ lives.


Point is, Sylvanas has shown actual remorse and horror at the actions her evil soul half committed and that’s enough for most people.


Light Side sentence, in Vader’s case.

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We likely do not share the same definition of “most”.


I get that NE fans aren’t going to be happy, but why the dismissive attitude towards those who are happy/curious about where her story is going?

(Or am I misreading this?)

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We do not enjoy the same things. As I said before, it is likely no different from your being excited to see people who don’t like a character you do be upset.