[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

You can cling to hope all you want yourself. It’s no more rude than being excited to see other people upset for not liking the same character as you.


Personal feelings aside of the character. How do you justify this type of character getting any sort of redemption?

The writing seems to bluntly ignore so much content, almost all major characters storywise have suffered dearly at her hand.

Player characters are up to their own devices, but a large majority could say that what she’s done is unacceptable.


His actual words:

    “Throughout Eternity’s End we will see much more of that story, and we will work towards a resolution of the Sylvanas arc – that’s been something that’s been building for a very long time,” Danuser told Dexerto.

    “We’re very excited about how that story culminates. It will play out in a chapter of the Covenant campaign that we didn’t put out on the test realm for a specific reason: because we wanted to hold back that final piece to the story for players to discover as they play through the content.”


Outside of a few toxic fans, no one is denying she’s done terrible things though. And far worse characters have gotten redemptions before in movies/books, etc

Vader from Star Wars is a literal child killer and yet he got redeemed in the end for example.

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Clearly leaving the door open for her possible return in the future. Does that bother you?

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His “redemption” was in actual death, and it was very shallow one at that. I would suspect no rebel soldier would view Vader as a redemption story, nor would a lot of major characters he’s impacted.

Maybe to Luke, but a sole person hardly counts as a meaningful or fulfilling “redemption story.” =/


So far we haven’t seen her do anything to earn redemption. Her plan to have Anduin tell them how to defy Zovaal’s domination falls flat when Anduin says he has no idea.

It’s still a redemption story regardless.

Still doesnt answer my question though. Does it bother you that they’re leaving the door open for her to return down the road?

Please stop dancing around it

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Maybe, but again, a shallow uncompelling one.

Vader at least sacrificed his life, which gave some merit to a redemption, what is Sylvanas sacrificing? What’s her proof of change? Her word??


I am not bothered by a fan speculation. Whatever Blizzard does with Sylvanas will be what it is.

We’ll find out during 9.2. The last chapter can’t even be tested because they don’t want it spoiled. :man_shrugging:

Pretty sure if Sylvanas was the one seeking justice and Arthas was the one who was getting a redemption while the selfinserting Arthas fanboy assured players that Arthas’ razor sharp wit will not be leaving us soon…

Micah and Ren would be losing their mind over it.


To be fair, if one finds a child murderer getting unearned redemption palatable I’d say we have different tastes.


It’s just nice knowing they aren’t killing off arguably WoWs most iconic character. The game is suffering from lack of recognizable characters after all.

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Yeah, I guess. I never wanted this fate for Sylvanas, it’s not like I had a personal vendetta against her and wanted to see her die before Legion even began…

… but where we have gotten to in the story, I just don’t see any other satisfying conclusion.

If you were a DOOMSAYER on the side of resetting reality and think Sylvanas did nothing wrong, that’s fine.

But what has Sylvanas done right these past three expansions to earn a redemption?

That’s just what I don’t get.


Recognizable characters are no assurance to improving the state of the game. Mists of Pandaria was filled with new characters that held their own when put side to side with old. BfA was full of recognizable characters and was not good.


The interview explicitly says we will see her struggle over the course of 9.2 to come to terms with her crimes. You are asking me how I feel about something that hasn’t played out yet.

Ask me again how I feel after 9.2.

I really enjoyed the Shattered Legacies cinematic that was enough for me to accept Sylvanas deserves redemption.


Speaking of which, hopefully the books explains a lot things also and or puts some theories to rest.


The only chapter missing is the last one. Everything else Sylvanas brings up in 9.2 is already on the PTR.