[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

The thing that just grinds my gears is we currently have many characters saying Sylvanas is bad.


What she did is unforgivable.


She is submitting to Tyrande’s judgment.


“???” events will happen and…

Sylvanas helps us with Andiun.
Sylvanas WILLINGLY jumps into the Maw.

Alright. What kind of judgment is Sylvanas getting? What punishment is she getting? What amends is she making? These very questions can be applied to the Horde.
None that I see.
This is exactly what Blizzard does. Lots of talk and very little action. Is this the best we can expect? What functional difference does it make?
We all roll our eyes everytime Blizzard apologizes and says they would do better and then NOTHING happens. But somehow this is ok when it comes to the story?

Everytime we confronted Sylvanas she has smirked and poofed away. Is she also going to smirk and hop into the maw too? Will this character finally stop failing her way upwards?


I just want this story to go away. I will be completely fine if Sylvanas goes away and spends the rest of her life trying to find Nathanos in Torghast. The place always changes so good luck to her. Not finding him can be her own form of torture.

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It will never go away with how they’re currently choosing to handle this mess

It will eternally exist as an in-game in-universe specter until this game dies unless they undo its existence within the narrative

Then it will simply remain a community-specter until the game dies, which is more manageable than having both specters at the same time


Danuser interview.


Sylvanas won’t die. She wasn’t split into two people. Her fate will be in a part of the campaign not on ptr.


“the Banshee Queen’s razor-sharp wit and abrasive personality won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.”

Good. That’s what I identify with most!

She’s smart and she’s mean. Just like me. Thanks Dan. Just like Sylvanas, I too am here to stay. Just renewed my 6 month sub. :kissing_heart:

This poped into my head while reading this interview. Same energy from Danuser to anti-Sylvanas fans.


Kind of excited to see all the anti-sylvanas scream in rage when they learn she isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Ahh…it’s a good time to be playing WoW :smiley:


Danuser didn’t make the “anytime soon” statement. That was added commentary from the article writer.


Does it matter? this article and Danuser’s comments suggest she’s here to stay.


During a Q&A session with WoW’s Narrative Lead, Steve Danuser, he revealed that players can rest easy, as the Banshee Queen’s razor-sharp wit and abrasive personality won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

It’s literally confirming that Dansuer was saying that Sylvanas isnt going anywhere anytime soon :eyes:


No, it’s making a statement that the article writer wants to make. If Danuser said that specifically they would have quote him directly. We learned throughout all the BfA interviews to differentiate between what the devs said and what words article writers tried to put in their mouths.

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But if that’s the sentiment Steve wanted to “assure fans” then how can that be misconstrued?


Y’all better pull up your big boy pants. This is going to be fun :smiley:


Danuser wanted to assure fans that Sylvanas’ personality was not completely different now. He doesn’t make any statement on her staying around after the resolution of her story arc.

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Okay, but that doesn’t answer Rens question. Why assure fans if she’s not making it out of this patch, or not coming back in the future?


But as far as we’ve seen she does stick around doesn’t she? Well, not outright in the story but she’s not dying and is sitting in the wings for when they want to bring her back like Illidan.


Danuser makes no reassurance on that. Not any the article actually quotes him saying.

Sylvanas: I submit to the judgement… of Tyrande Whisperwind alone.

Thrall: You sent assassins’ to kill me and my children, you cheated at Mak’gora and killed one of my oldest friends…

Baine: You had me imprison and tortured for disobeying the order to remove someone’s free will… then your boss threw me off a cliff.

Jania: You literally tried to create a blight bomb out of my brother and you stabbed my King with a mourned blade made of the shattered soul of my ex-boyfriend…

Anduin: Yeah… you kindof helped deactivate the Arbiter… causing thousands of innocent souls to be condemned to insufferable madness within the maw…


Anduin: … and you did kindof break Bolvar’s crown…


The article specifically brings up that they pulled that chapter segment from the PTR so we wouldn’t see it until it goes live.


You can cling to hope that she gets writren out at tye end of 9.2, that’s fine. But it seems rude to try and discourage Sylvanas fans in finding hope in this interview.


It’s worded in a way, especially Danseurs actual words, that she isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. They might put her on ice for a expac or two, but she’ll defiantly be back