[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

You’re free to think that, but the idea that Blizzard would have Tyrande cut Sylvanas’s head off…the current Sylvanas we have now…and walk away from it squeaky clean is at best naive, at worst wishful thinking. It just isn’t going to happen.

I’ve been debating anti-Sylvanas types here for years, I know a thing or two about things that are never going to happen. Tyrande killing Sylvanas is one of them.

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You also said Blizzard wouldn’t kill Nathanos off, and that Sylvanas wouldn’t be a raid boss. You haven’t really been credible over these years, just rather posting whatever you’ve had hopes for, same as anyone else.

That’s fair and I have no issue with not interacting with you at all moving forward.

But I do think I have the right to clarify things here.

I’m not really sure what engaging you’re referring to, I have disagreed with Small both in terms of his wider interpretation of Sylvanas and his interpretation of you. It seems unfair that whatever common ground he and I may have found would overshadow those facts.

Absolutely, and when Zahir went on a rant about you and others I explicitly told him that he should have kept it to himself and that it served no purpose.

I know and I’ve never characterized you as such, our discussion was centred around the allegory of sexual assault in the relationship between Arthas and Sylvanas.

I’m not sure where this interpretation comes from and am thoroughly confused here. Am I being confused with somebody else? I’ve consistently validated your opinion and defended you against personal attacks when they were raised with me.

I also think that the implication of “I’m not like the crazy Sylvanas fans” being bad faith is very confusing. The only context I can think of for that is:

Which was in response to:


Which I saw as exaggerations of a Sylvanas “fan” that bordered on “fanatic”.

Later on I even explicitly state that I feel it unfair to lump you in with that sort of exaggerated depiction.

Once again, I’m perfectly content with not interacting with you again.

I’m just thoroughly confused about where this perception you’ve formed of me stems from.

Edit: Just to conclude as I feel I’ve gone to great effort to understand your perspective in this all - I feel like you’re pretty callously misrepresenting me here and I don’t really appreciate that at all. Whether or not it’s how you feel, others have feelings too.


Except for me. I am the 100% Accurate Story forum Prediction Predicter. I predicted that Argus would be what broke the Abriter when everyone doubted me. I predicted Sylvanas would be a raid boss when everyone said “but they’d never kill the cash cow!!” I predicted Elune would be the Winter Queen’s sister when everyone said it made no sense.

I am the Oracle of Bad Story Directions, and you will acknowledge me.

I hereby predict with my predicting prediction powers that Tyrande won’t behead Sylvanas, Tyrande will go back home to Malfurion, and Tyrande will never be villain-batted.

Also, I predict that Shadowlands will NOT be the worst expansion ever. You all underestimate the raw power of under-delivering Blizzard is capable of.


What have you done!?


What Sylvanas could never do.

I have killed hope.


You’ve managed to cement your legacy from here on out as the true villain of Warcraft. Though I do find it odd that, much like the Jailer, you seemingly wish to unmake reality.

Unless… nah, couldn’t be.

Or could it?

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OMG, how many times do I have to debunk this nasty, nasty rumor??

I am not the Jailer!!!

The game’s rating would absolutely change if I walked around the Maw with no shirt on.


Thanks, Alynsa.

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Stupid a&s retcon they added in to absolve Sylvanas of her crimes. It’s no different then if we killed Sylvanas in the raid and then the ‘real’ Sylvanas appears and is like,“Bah, the fake Sylvanas locked me in a closet and I’ve been trapped this whole time”. Imagine if Arthas or any other Wow Villian got redeemed this way.

It’s no different to a reset button to a character who doesn’t deserve it. If Sylvanas gets ‘reset’ then the entire Night Elf population should to.


Their motive with the WoT was that war was inevitable, but with a strong enough preemptive strike the Alliance would not dare fight back. Since war with the Alliance still looks inevitable, and the Horde is consistently written with a level of foresight that Peter Griffin would sneer at…

“Dear Perpetration H company, I have eaten several whole tubes of your product, and I am still suffering from severe hemorrhoids. Clearly, your product does not work.”


I’m pretty disappointed in your response to this situation. You were proven incorrect in your assertions here and now you’re acting like a crybaby. Finge has been very coherent, kind and thoughtful in his posts and is the type of person who should be welcomed on the story forums, but because he has countered your takes you’re treating him rudely and dishonestly. You owe him an apology. Admit to having been wrong and take the L.

This is you being petty.

This is you projecting. You know you’re wrong so you’re putting that view on someone who’s making you feel that way.

Stop being toxic and be better.


I appreciate this, I do try to put thought into what I post and my intention is never to antagonise but to openly discuss whatever topic is at hand.

Of course I’m human and sometimes emotions win out over sense, but I try to limit that as much as I can.

To clarify, this has never been what I was after.

It wasn’t meant to be a “gotcha”, I never wanted to “win”.

All I wanted is to provide understanding on another interpretation that I also thought held validity and logic and to contextualise why I thought that there is more than just a singular way to interpret the story between Arthas and Sylvanas.


Whether it was your intention or not, your posts made it so that she was BTFO’d. She could be humble but picked hurtful instead.

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She’s been attacked on here before for simply being a sylvanas fan. Some y’all need to cut her some slack

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We’ve all been attacked for being fans of something. It doesn’t justify every reaction.

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I never claimed it does. Just saying some y’all need to try to be a little more understanding about why someone is reacting to a perceived attack the way they are.

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And I definitely don’t want, or think, that anybody should attack Ren off the back of any of this.

I would like to highlight that I’m a person too though Micah. I know you don’t feel the same sort of comradery with me and I know that you aren’t aware of my past as you are Ren’s.

But I do have feelings and those feelings are no less valid because we aren’t familiar.

This is far more of a personal attack than anything I’ve levied at Ren.

I try to be as caring and understanding as I can (though I don’t always get that right), and that statement holds some pretty gross connotations about my character.

That upsets me.


She shouldn’t attack innocent people.

I get you and your feelings are just as valid hun. I wasn’t trying to dismiss them. hugs