[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

And you shouldn’t come in here and attack her for it. Be the example you want others to follow

I’m being that example by standing up for someone who was unfairly attacked.


That’s fair

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Are Sylvanas fans being attacked? Sure. She’s a polarizing character going through a polarizing narrative. Anyone who defends her arc will be asked to explain at best, and attacked at worst.

With all that being said, Ren has this habit of either dismissing, or accusing people of sexism, male privilege, or even stalking.

Imagine if Baine fans accuse someone of hating indigenous people for not liking his character.


I’m not sure it is mutually exclusive. Wasn’t the objective to fracture the Alliance and eventually take Stormwind? Having a protracted war with Stormwind (which was where the NEs were fleeing to anyway) as the end goal probably would have sent more souls to the Jailer than burning Teldrasill. So allowing the NEs to evacuate doesn’t have to counter to her ultimate objectives.

I just don’t under stand why I was singled out. Somewhere along the way I couldn’t keep up with posts because I was at work and came back to my name being mentioned over and over. I was accused over and over of doing things I didn’t intend to do, and it made me feel defensive.

I’m sorry Finge.

I’m going to take a forum break.


Sorry to hear that hun hugs

What ppl have to realize is that most ppl posting here are doing so while juggling irl. No one should expect anyone else to respond right away.

The expectation anyone owes you a response irks me.

It’s a 900 post thread. Things are gonna get lost.


It would be rather blatant of Blizzard to copy the whole “Hulk snaps his finger and brings everyone back life” thing, but the Winter Queen alluded to something by saying they would help the Night Elf souls to their spring, so who knows.

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I know hun. People are unreasonable

That’s good of you.

No one asked me, but I think Finge has gone out of his way to be pretty respectful while disagreeing.

I haven’t seen him around much before this week. Idk if he is an Alt or just new around here. But from what I read from him, he has an opinion, and takes pains to validate other opinions while not accepting them as Fact.

Maybe if he keeps posting here, he will lose that goodness, and learn to just cut to the quick, like the rest of us.

I can see that his more stayed posts combined with the usual cacophony of hate spewed around here might be overwhelming. But I don’t think Finge was being very rude or insulting, especially compared to the usual.

Whoa, that is a stretch right there…

(Mostly kidding - I just love Michael Caine)


I’ve extended so many olive branches throughout my time here; going forward I’m going to try a new tactic. I’m switching to offense with care bear stares : )

TAKE THAT ARRGGGHHHHH!!! :rainbow_flag: :rainbow_flag: :rainbow_flag: :rainbow_flag::rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:


I get the feeling I am still going to get bullied by Ren and Micah anyway.
But here is hoping for better days :beers:

Pretty much this 100%
Also I feel like attack is a strong word… like someone is calling immoral, evil, etc for JUST liking sylvanas.
Maybe I upset her but I never called her any of that. I just argued my point and stayed civil.
Was I a little short and to the point about yeah… been here awhile you could post the longest and most comprehensive posts you can but rarely does someone actually take the time to try and to give a full response. So the most optimum method is get just get to the point.


I didn’t want to debate the clinical definition of rape, so before I got forum action, I walked away.

There’s no ulterior motives.


it was a bad topic. One that is taken very seriously by the mods.

It’s one thing to have an opinion on the topic, and disagree, but I felt like it was crossing the line to invalidating real feelings on the topic so instead of allowing more conflict to start. I disengaged from the topic. I’m sorry Finge of you thought I was ignoring your opinion. We were never going to agree on the topic so I thought the best course of action was not escalating, and I focused on other conversations. The subtext is real for people who identify with her over this subtext, that interpretation should never come under fire.

Getting a chance to re-read the thread today I see where it all went wrong.

I see where you were not attacking me, I conflated your messages with Zahir and Smallz personal attacks, I felt like you were not able to get a real sense of who I was, there was just confirmation bias all around. I see where you choose not to engage with them either, and I appreciate that. I have no hard feelings for you, I would just prefer not to debate the validity of Sylvanas character when it comes to subtextual rape, it’s not a topic I am comfortable debating, my feelings on the topic are explosive, it took a lot of personal restraint to walk away.

I hope you can appreciate this message as in good faith communication.


Nobody personally attacked you. At least I didn’t.
I called you a toxic person because you were being toxic and here we are.

What you do is called being a crybully. You have called me numerous names and lobbed many personal attacks at me. But I never called you anything bad.


You have personally attacked her, but with your fragile ego, you just can’t help yourself and you act like you’re the victim when someone calls you out on your behavior



(Not that I agree, but the word “crybully” made me laugh. My lord!)

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  1. a person who self-righteously harasses or intimidates others while playing the victim, especially of a perceived social injustice:

That’s a nice term. I’ve dealt with people like that before, but never knew what to call them. I thought it was just “gaslighters.” Thanks, Smallz.


Lol what behavior?
You guys constantly say I personally attack you but fail conjure a single example.
All I do is talk about the lore and my PoV… I am not even dismissive of other people’s concerns like say Horde players deserve nothing.
Then I get called all sorts of names and I protest and call you out on it.

Hey no problem buddy. On twitter this crybulling is like a national sport.

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oh I’ve been waiting for this…

This is a generalization but it’s still a personal attack, You think all Sylvanas fans left are fanatics, therefor you disregard anything we have to say. You are a hyprocrite if you think you are listening to others people’s opinions in an honest way, you are dismissing Sylvanas fans before they even say anything.

trying to get an emotional rise out of me by using a topic you know that is potentially a jab.

an indirect personal attack based on the fact that i told you the other day not all Sylvanas fans think like Accolon.

An indirect personal attack.


an indirect personal attack.

targetted defamation.

a personal attack.

There is no such thing as multiple conflicting interests. What we are talking about is the toxic behavior that Sylvanas fans engage here by clowning and dumping on NE and Alliance fans with dismissive language or belittling of their concerns.
Something you and Micah have done repeatedly.

Micah in particular though flipflops in this behavior when the mood strikes him which is generally dictated by whatever forum buddy they are interacting with.
I can say with confidence that I don’t belittle anyone’s issue or if Blizzard should address their concerns.

Neither you or Micah can say the same.

A personal attack on two people at the same time.

(only here people actually started to “bully” you back.)

Projections and accusations. Defamation.

Something to do with your wierd vendetta against Steve Danuser.

Trying to project your projections onto others. Or trying to get others to confirm your projections. You were looking for validation from others in your toxicity.

If you stopped, generalizing, making personal attacks, trying to projection your opinions on others, you wouldn’t have this much pushback.

Lies. see the list above.
I was a toxic person and I took accountability for it, you are denying your toxic behaviour, although I’m hoping this proof might maybe open your eyes to just how toxic you are. I read through a 900+ topic thread to hold you accountable.

Calling me a Crybully is the latest example of deflection of your toxic behaviour. Suggesting anyone trying to bring attention to social justice issues is being a bully.

And the topic here is why I may be a bit untrusting or defensive?!? Look at the people posting in this forum on a daily basis. I almost let these people blame me and scapegoat me, I’m glad I have more self-respect.