[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

Tyrande has unfortunately always been one to act before thinking things through.

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Keeping the factions seperate makes no logical sense. I find it hard to believe that after all the world ending threats both sides have defeated together, that no one has friends on the other side.

Doesn’t mean there can’t be people on either side be antagonistic towards one another


Very hard to justify that when one side was enthusiastically genociding the other side. Now we are all supposed to be best friends?


I will pretend I cannot relate at all to that character trait.


they should abolish the factions and make it about choice instead, like pandas and DK’s a value system is better than a system based on race. then each faction can benefit from all the racials and one faction wouldn’t have an advantage over the other.

That’s how I’d fix this mess.

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The choice should come in the form of the guild system. Let War Mode be a free for all. Let guilds put up their banners on towns they can keep their numbers on to get things going like the organic world pvp that came from Southshore and Tarren Mill.

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Tyrande is a hateful shrew, but I like her enough. I don’t want to see her killed just to attempt to sate my blood lust (I know it won’t).

I would prefer to see Genn and Jaina get what Sylvanas might get - a sentence of servitude.

It looks like Tyrande will send Sylvanas to the Maw to save souls, since she knows the place. I would want something similar from Jaina and Genn.

I think the justice Sylvanas is getting is what I would want from my worst Alliance “enemies”. Not an execution, but contrition and an attempt to redress. But Jaina and Genn receive 0 consequences. In fact, I have to quest with them.

I don’t need them strung up on the parapets.

As things are, the Alliance wins, and the Horde is contrite. I would like the Horde to win, and some Alliance contrition. Anduin giving Genn a stern rebuke for Stormheim in private - with the Horde having no knowledge of it - is as close as it gets.


That’s so awkward and was the worst part of Nazjatar. The mongrel even threatened me, I wanted to smack him on the nose with a rolled up newspaper.

“Hush, you over-rated pet. I’m helping you”

That’s the most derogatory things experienced when playing Horde, even when you help the Alliance NPC’s they still treat you like a dog turd they just stepped in.


(Jaina deleted by Doness)

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Jaina saving Thrall at the beginning of Shadowlands should have been a pretty good indication that the faction conflict was over. Especially with Anduin coming back to normal after the raid.

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For what, Horde scum? The Holy Light will smite its enemies, and we will never relent!

Jaina and Thrall need to kiss already.

We all know they think about it.


Genn and Lor’themar were even more “get a room you two” in Nazjatar than that. If Genn can work with the Horde and even alongside the Forsaken soldiers that were in the Azshara raid the faction conflict doesn’t hold water any more.


Jaina and Thalyssra were like that in BFA, a split in the factions could absolutely work, Blizzard are just cowards.

I know you all don’t appreciate me for being too hype for Sylvanas.

but I can I just appreciate the character development it took to go from this:

But as Tyrande’s glowing eyes fell over the Horde, Sylvanas saw no empathy for thier plight. […]
Sylvanas murmured “Well, played Alliance.”
War Crimes page. 27


I submit to the judgement of Tyrande Whisperwind.

That’s some big character development. What a class act. Even if Tyrande proves she hasn’t changed since War Crimes, and gives Sylvanas no mercy, at least Sylvanas has.

Anyways, good night, friends.


I don’t think I can see it as character development. Ranger General Sylvanas holding her Banshee soul half accountable for her crimes is not a development of Banshee Sylvanas, and Ranger General Sylvanas was always literally a martyr.

You don’t see the irony in wanting others to respect/understand your opinions while not making any effort to respect/understand theirs?


Remember our talk about Sylvanas fans?
Now you understand?

You could say that post legion but you can’t say it now.


Horde players will be working with Shandris again in the next patch, so teaming up to face a big threat is already happening.