[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

He is involved. He will be in 9.2.

Technically Arthas is too, and there’s speculation about a dragon expansion, which will/should involve the horde.

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a echo of him is involved…yes, the echo of the lichking…if this even means that this is arthas.

This wasn’t bait. That was her goal. She wanted to destroy the Alliance and turn the Alliance humans into Forsaken to boost her kingdom. She talked about this a lot in Before the Storm.

At some point she wanted the whole world united in undeath. This isn’t some secret plot.


Sylvanas goal before even thinking about Teldrassil was to feed the Maw as many souls as possible. In the planning phase they realized that it was unreasonable to contain an overbearing amount of prisoners hence:

Sylvanas tapped her fingers on the table, thinking. “Let us make sure Tyrande does not return. The kaldorei evacuation—it helps us if they use every resource to get their people off the World Tree before we arrive, correct?”

“I believe so, Warchief,” Saurfang said. It would reduce the number of prisoners the Horde would need to care for, it would take fighters off the line to guard the evacuation, and it would mean that most of the Alliance’s magic wielders would need to remain on Teldrassil to assist instead of joining the battle in Ashenvale.

She pointed to the map. Darkshore. “We need to frighten them before we arrive here. If they decide to fight instead of run, the final step of this battle will be messier than all the rest,” she said.

“What can we do to make the civilians of Teldrassil so afraid they can think of nothing but running?

I hope that clears it up. If not I promise we’ll get there. I like that if you don’t understand something you’re asking for references and continuing trying to get to the bottom of my understanding.


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You don’t change opinions based on information but based on the people you seem to get along with on any given day.
If the NE fans are mean to you then you become a Sylvanas stan.
If the Sylvanas fans are mean to you then you become a Night Elf stan.

The one thing you are consistent on is your Gilneas/Worgen fandom but where you choose to use that to support either Sylvanas or Alliance issues totally depends on your latest groupies online.

It clarifies nothing. We already established that the plan on preserving life was totally a lie. Sylvanas had no intention of letting them live. Also the plan hinged on crushing the defenses as fast as possible before Alliance could react.

You are referencing a plan and goals that we were told later were lies told to Saurfang so he would go along with the war as its general.

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she had other plans from the beginning, i agree with you, but she had to convince saurfang with this “good war”, she had to convince him that it is for the good of the horde to get his approval, to use his support in the army and after that…she destroyed saurfang inside, because she got what she wanted. She was out to kill as many as possible, that was her goal from the beginning…but saurfang was used to strike the first fatal blow and since he knew the score after that…she had to inflict something on HIM that he couldn’t do to stop her…and she managed to do that even for a while…because if anduin hadn’t come, saurfang would have rotted in prison…and the war would probably still be going on or N’zoth would rule them all.

I’ve always been a sylvanas fan and I get along with the vast majority of NE posters on here except one and I’m not nor have ever been a NE fan.

I know you like to make stuff up, but this is just sad on many levels

…I’m not getting paid to put out this dumpster fire, so all I’m going to say is that the legal definition of that word is perhaps more useful in this context, because otherwise we run into the issue that most (if not all) necromancy is a form of said word.

And under that definition, Azshara totally pulled it on Prince Farondis and his people as well as it being an unusually petty and creepy punishment for their defiance.

And Prince Farondis is my favorite and I’m sad we’ll probably never see him again.


i think you speak about the…r-word? necromancer abuse their victims…of course they did, but not r…them, …and no, not enitirely, azshara use the stone to creat a killing wave of water and void? (Why is in an titanartifact voidenergy…why?) she destroyed the stone and by doing so, she created the killing wave and this killing wave…cursed them…it was allways a little bit strange…^^

Why can’t he have multiple conflicting interests? At the end of the day he’s a World of Warcraft fan. The only one drawing lines in the sand here is you.

Micah is respecful and kind and always tries to see other people’s PoV. He has empathy, which you clearly lack.

Apparently being a fan of a certain female character, getting along with most NE fans except one and changing one’s opinion or regretting the things one said is seen as a problem to zahir and smallz


Do we share a boyfriend?

He was lovely wasn’t he. It was hard not to fall absolutely in love with him in Legion.

There is no such thing as multiple conflicting interests. What we are talking about is the toxic behavior that Sylvanas fans engage here by clowning and dumping on NE and Alliance fans with dismissive language or belittling of their concerns.
Something you and Micah have done repeatedly.

Micah in particular though flipflops in this behavior when the mood strikes him which is generally dictated by whatever forum buddy they are interacting with.
I can say with confidence that I don’t belittle anyone’s issue or if Blizzard should address their concerns.

Neither you or Micah can say the same.

Gotta love a boy who blinks over puddles and blows up naga.

I was always a bit sad we couldn’t help them move on… though in retrospect I’m really glad that will have to wait until after the Maw fiasco.


Because they have a mob mentality.

A dangerous one that comes across as antagonistic and explosive all the time. A few of us have our differences, but when Zahir and Smalls were not here pist lawsuit we could have debates about lore that were not this intense.

This intensity only happens when they are around.


People should post proof when they accuse specific people of things.


I try to listen to Ethriel’s points myself. I don’t have the same beef with her that the rest of you do. People are very personal on here.


Well, that’s my point. Psychological definitions would imply that a violation of bodily autonomy in a coercive setting means pretty much all necromancy hits the psychological definition of rape.

…I’ve made no great secret of it, but the reason I don’t care for the current version of Syl…

Nopenopenope. Not unless someone slips me a fiver.

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i have no beef at all with ethriel…she is sometimes a little bit tiredsome to read…but atleast she´s honest in her arguing…and not false…but her arguments are exaggerated