[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

twitter is…most of the time…confusing…sometime enjoiable, and the rest simply toxic…^^

None of that means you can’t have a discussion without arguing.

This forum is littered with honest discussions where people either don’t argue, or the arguing is kept to a minimum. This forum is not “about arguing”. It’s about discussion. You can discuss while arguing, but arguing is not a prerequisite.

That is all.


I just chalk your demands up to being cultural things that get lost in translation from german. You come off too forceful to my Canadian sensibilities.

I give you lots of free passes and just ignore your demands. Some Americans talk like this too and it’s just rude in my culture. It’s impolite.

I’m not ingoring you because I have nothing else to say it’s because I’m Canadian and you are coming off rude.

Now this can also be a language barrier, but I meant arguing in the form of the very own pronunciation, namely argumentation, with appropriate schemes, and not fighting.


a simply request like today…is to rude? …okayyy…

to answer this question, no, because I did not even know about this joke, but it is serious.

Between Sargeras, Arthas and Sylvanas there is a difference that just their fans, including you, often want to point out, but because of the story currently it is difficult to impossible to look at it that way.

Sargeras and Arthas were villains, are supposed to be villains, and get a villain’s end. Sylvanas did the things of a villain, but is not supposed to be a villain, and is not supposed to get a villain ending.

No one objects or is offended by the fact that you like Sylvanas, that was never the point, it’s just the fact that this dynamic exists, and Sylvanas gets out of it almost unpunished, if you put in perspective what she did.


For context. What is this passage about? About “WoW gets paid by all fan groups, so it should satisfy them all” or about “Owning an item and forcing a bounty without explanation”?

The context goes back to how he claims this one character ruined what he loved as a kid.

What he loved as a kid was always getting his way. Ie: Never having to share his toys.

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Yeah, I think it might be. I keep forgetting that English isn’t your primary language. You do pretty well with it, all things considered.

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Then I must be doing something right :wink:


“Your fantasy wasn’t damaged before, so I have the right to damage it now”?

I don’t understand Shern. Can you rephrase that?

“Your fantasy used to be intact. Other people’s fantasies were corrupted. Your fantasy needs to be damaged, it will be right”.

Has it become clearer?


Pretty much Shernish. She is implying that I am being unreasonable, when I was upset that Sylvanas burned down Teldrassil and killed the Night Elves in it.

That I am being a selfish who refuses to share their toys… to the kid that breaks them.
There is no language barrier here. You understood perfectly.

Until now I was hoping the Night Elves make a come back, appear strong and bring the Horde and Sylvanas to justice. But this doesn’t seem likely with every datamined content. I voiced my disappointment and for a few days now Ren and a few Sylvanas fans have been increasingly hostile towards me over this.


That has been my honest interaction with Sylvanas since before even Warlords of Draenor was announced. But I’ve hated Sylvanas ever since the Arthas book where she had her blight tested on a young girl.

We killed Arthas off, thankfully. And at least he basically has had no agency in Shadowlands’ storyline.


I struggle now with Sylvanas. And I blame Blizzard’s writing for it. She used to be the character that I loved to hate. From Cata forward to Legion, I enjoyed the character as an antagonist who destroyed Alliance towns (Southshore) and blighted Alliance kingdoms (Gilneas).

Then BfA ruined everything. It took the character across a moral horizon from which there was no coming back. I couldn’t enjoy her as an antagonist because she had gone from a character maneuvering and plotting to advance her people’s agenda to a character that deliberately planned and executed a mass murder (I am going to avoid the “g” word) on a horrific scale.

And now, with the latest part about split souls, I feel like Blizzard has even stolen my ability to hate the character anymore. I can’t bring myself to want her head on a pike anymore.

Which as an Alliance leaning player, leaves me where in terms of resolution? Vague mutterings about “renewal” which based on Blizzard’s past track record will either amount to nothing or maybe if we’re lucky a tweet that says “Don’t worry the Alliance is tots awesome, but we’re not going to bother to put it in game.”

Somehow Blizzard managed to take the ending to MoP and make it even worse for Alliance players from a resolution standpoint.

I mean, I am happy for those folks that like where Sylvanas is going, and I hope they like how this all plays out. At least that way, someone will be happy coming out of this mess of a story.


I’m really not sure how these two are different.

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Southshore and Gilneas felt like conventional military moves in service of a rational policy, i.e. shoring up the Forsaken’s borders to make them more secure against potential Alliance aggression.

On the other hand, Teldrassil just seemed like an evil action done for the sake of evil.

I am probably not explaining it well, but for me there was a difference between the two things.


Gilneas was an active war zone that the Horde was on the verge of losing with Alliance troops arriving by ships and evacuating civilians via other ships.

Teldrassil was captured by the Horde and at their mercy when they decided to kill everyone in it.


The soul split doesn’t change anything for me. Banshee Sylvanas and Ranger General Sylvanas are two distinct characters, and the fused Sylvanas is no different than Varian getting fused between his previously split two halves and struggling with his self-conflicting personalities.

I hated original Blue Garrosh Varian when he was introduced in Wrath of the Lich King. Then Varian was magically healed of his conflicts and he became an entirely different character that we saw in Mists of Pandaria to Legion.

The newest portrayal of Ranger General Sylvanas is far more sympathetic than the version of her from Edge of Night, and I imagine she could be an affable character same as Varian was in the end. Her fused self getting rid of the Banshee’s evil and leaving just the Ranger General would to me be no different than having Banshee Sylvanas’ head on a pike. Either way would be the appropriate elimination of Banshee Sylvanas.