[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

She won’t kill her, unfortunately.

Can Tyrande get a win? She set out to set things right for her people and so far it amounted to nothing…

Only time will tell.


When did he get upgraded from Dollar Store Reject Bin?


When people actually think that Tyrande won’t just be forced to forgive Sylvanas…

Come on, we have seen 4 years of Night Elf treatment now, they never got anything positive, only tragedy and suffering. How on earth do you expect Tyrande to get that bit of justice?


Yeah that’s the sad thing really.

Tyrande is going to give her a sunshine and rainbows judgement.
Not because that’s what Tyrande should or would actually do,
but because that’s what the writers are going to force her to do.


The Night Elves are dead, were tortured and then obliterated again.

Since Tyrande forgives Sylvanas, she should immediately be despised by her people and taken down as a leader, but obviously she’ll just forgive Sylvanas and nobody will say anything.

As always. 4 years and still not a single positive development.

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By the way, this is most likely where Tyrande thanks Sylvanas then for setting things right :face_vomiting:

Because everything is set right when the Night Elf Souls were tortured and obliterated, but Sylvanas helped free Anduin (after forcing him to serve) so it’s alright.


I’m starting to think you want all the things you say to happen.

Every time you get a win you are so incomprehensibly negative about it. Why?


When? When have I (or the Night Elves for that matter) ever gotten a win?

Why shouldn’t I be negative about Tyrande being forced to forgive Sylvanas? How can you possibly consider that a win?

You probably call the burning of teldrassil a win then too, or the obliteration of their souls


Well, this is a win. You’re well within your rights to be negative, however when there are developments that explicitly favour your position, that is a cause to be (cautiously!) optimistic, not more negative.

Why would I call the Burning of Teldrassil a win for you? Perhaps on opposite day. No need to be like that.

Again, I’m failing to see how Tyrande forgiving Sylvanas is a win for me or Night Elves.
You didn’t explain that. This “development” doesn’t favour my or any Night Elf fan’s position.


Now you’ve lost me. Was there some secret dialogue that I missed, where Tyrande forgives Sylvanas? Because all I can see is that Sylvanas will allow herself to receive Tyrande’s judgement.

It’s hard for me to explain something that I not only never said, but wasn’t aware of in the first place.

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The problem is allways the end.

In theory, the nw introduction in darkshore was fine…until the horde was allowed to archieve anything and it was turned into an warfront and tyrande was until 8.3 useless.

The end of this questline screwed up the entire build up.

“Oh look this uberpowerfull god-avatar, able to shape an entire empire on their own and …oh…nathanos + valkyrs are able to block it. Oh the horde reez the dead one and tyrande can’t stop them. Oh, tyrande is gone and now is a warfront”


Tyrande thanked someone i beliefe. A person/group she don’t trust.

Her comment is - i suppose - about this statement

Who was that?

I guess you missed the dialogue where Tyrande thanks Sylvanas for setting things right because she helped free Anduin:

Yea, and we also know from previous patches that Blizzard thinks that justice and renewal are mutually exclusive, and that Tyrande is ready to forgive Sylvanas.


I was responding to this thread, not your thread. Kindly stick to the topic.

I literally linked you the thread where I talked about this dialogue that you asked about.

Here Tyrande thanks Sylvanas for helping to free Anduin despite the Night Elf Souls still being in the maw or already obliterated


Oops, so I did! I beg your pardon. I’m doing fifty things at once.

That being said - I wasn’t aware of it because it’s really what the thread was talking about. Idk man, being overly negative all the time would just be draining. But that’s me.


We don’t know to which person tyrande spoke

I am not up on the latest spoilers, but if this quote is part of it… it would seem Tyrande has just destroyed someone or something she perceived as an enemy - because she says the Horde is next. Most signs seem to point to Sylvanas as the enemy she destroyed.

Maybe Elune would not empower her to kill Sylvanas because Elune knew Sylvanas was soulsplit, or because she knew Sylvanas was a way to stop the Jailer. So now Tyrande will just do it herself, and kill the now whole Sylvanas who is depowered and willing to face Tyrande’s judgement. That seems cheap, but consistent with Blizzard throwing Horde and Sylvanas fans under the bus.

I guess I will just have to laugh. Blizzard steps on Horde and Sylvanas fans to make Alliance fans happy - but instead they just leave everyone bitter.