I found leaked footage of the cinematic.
One of those women burned kids alive on purpose.
Change your mind so soon? I thought you said Tyrande shouldn’t forgive her?
I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Tyrande sentenced Sylvanas to the Maw and she jumped in willingly.
Where did you get that?
From the same Twitter thread, you see Sylvanas jumping somewhere and Dori’thur also is modeled following her.
Where did you get that?
Is that just your speculation because Sylvanas submitted to Tyrande’s Justice?
Are you assuming Tyrande would sentence her to the Maw?
Just FYI I don’t take speculation as fact, all we have is a sentence of Voice Over and a rough rendering of Sylvanas jumping into nothing. Assuming she jumps into the Maw willingly is just speculation because we don’t even know it is the Maw she is jumping into, we just assume it’s the Maw. But it’s likely she’s going to search for Nathanos and that may have just been an ultimatum or reward for helping us defeat the Jailer. We should consider all possible options.
Doubtful. Sentencing Sylvanas to the Maw accomplishes nothing, much more likely that she has charged her with a sacred duty of some sort in regards to the Maw.
I used to have this argument all of the time with Night Elven fans…they aren’t going to tarnish Tyrande as a character (especially new and improved calmed down Tyrande), for the sake of some Tarentino-esque revenge fantasy.
The Maw is morally inequitable and unjustifiable, for anyone.
Come on, just recently they wanted to throw Arthas there. The Maw is meant to dispose of permanently dangerous souls, no?
Then Dori’thur will peck out her eyes. Or at least scratch her face. No one should go unpunished.
No, the liver is better, can’t touch your eyes.
Not to my understanding. My understanding is that all souls go to Revendreth first, even world-scale genocide perpetrators. Also there is the concept that the Maw is a perversion brought about by the fall of Zovaal, that it is not actually part of the normal intended structure of things (not that I’m a big fan of the afterlife system that WoW has chosen to portray).
Also the very fact that Uther is shown to be morally wrong in casting Arthas into the Maw rather proves the point here that Tyrande will not make the same mistake. Tyrande will not sentence Sylvanas to the Maw. After all we know about Sylvanas’s experience, to do so would be a moral evil.
I love your creativity by turning Sylvanas into Prometheus, but maybe you should scale your saltiness back a bit?
I liked your old look better, Shernish.
Maybe. The owl “relieves its natural need” on Sylvanas’s head and flies away - okay?
I’m not sure what you mean by this.
As for flying away, I’m not even sure she’s still able to do that, she may not even be a banshee anymore. She was made into a Banshee because part of her soul was ripped out and Arthas severed her spirit from her body. Zorvaal when he gave her back her soul piece also seemed to have reattached her spirit to her body. Now’s she seems to just be a regular undead. She doesn’t have her smoke tendrils or her banshee form anymore.
Most likely not, but I really don’t want to go straight to the phase of disappointed sigh…
Poor wording of the original sentence, subject-object is messed up. Owl excrement on Sylvanas’s head.
I would roast the owl with a nice lemon and rosemary sauce.
The owl flew away and did the dirty deed in flight. Besides, there is no lemon or rosemary in the Maw.
That’s not defecating Shern, that’s a euphemism for intercourse.
I’m max level cooking and bring my own ingredients I bought on the AH.
The whole phrase or only part of the “dirty deeds”? Meanness = Dirtiness?
What a shame to lose such a wonderful Horde in the Maw.
I can see why you would think that the dirty part refers to excrement, but it’s actually because the west has a lot of shame when it comes to s-e-x. it’s the act that is “dirty” not literally though, just figuratively because it gives people shame it’s considered taboo to speak about it.
I always bring raid feasts