[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

We literally did…

we freed only a tiny part…the rest was lost…ysera itself said…that the chance to free any others are not worth the risk anymore, so…the quest ended.

They’re still but an outcast group exiled from an already hugely diminished race. We don’t have any numbers of course, Blizzard never gives numbers, but what we know of them through their origins and their recruitment scenario indicates that lorewise, they’re a really tiny population, as far as we can guess

I keep hearing that it’s a repeatable quest, but Ethriel said she did it on PTR for weeks, and it eventually ends.

It’s only 3 quests. People keep confusing it with the weekly soul quest every covenant gets


It does after 3 times or so.


I wasn’t confusing it. I thought the Night Elf souls quest was repeatable also, but that may have been a bug. Wowhead comments said it kept repeating after the third quest. I’d need to switch back to Night Fae to check. I think I did quest 3.

These sort of repeatable quests/warfronts don’t really satisfy my itch of setting things right.
They lack that conclusive finality that a wrong has been righted.

But thats just me.


Ardenweald has special quests to save NE souls from the Maw. It’s part of the Ardenweald story chain.

Of course they don’t. They’re terrible, and even if freeing the souls were repeatable, there’s no confirmation they were all freed.

Doness here, switched to this toon.

Even if they were all freed that doesn’t do anything for me for those still living or their future survival. The unpunished Horde empire in the south and the war criminals still running around like nothing happened.

Meanwhile the Alliance is more dysfunctional than the US senate.

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I wish they were freed. Now they’re mostly obliterated and nothing can or will bring them back…

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Except a retcon from better writers.


It seems that the higher ups at Blizzard okay with this hateful story towards Night Elves…

Yep, they’re okay with it. They said they didn’t expect the reaction they got from Teldrassil, too.

Also, sorry about that drama earlier in the thread that happened. I hope you consider me a decent Horde poster.

Yeah, and Ysera only gives it out 3 times. :smiley:


I will note that while the civilian population of night elves has been decimated, the army is mostly intact.

Which is presumably the in universe explanation for how the Horde got kicked back to Status Cataclysm. The sentinels are still a thing and capable of contesting territory. Could be interesting to write a story about a people where most of the survivors are the warriors…

But it’s Blizzard, so frankly I expect no interesting consequences and the night elves’ near extinction to be treated with the same nuance as that of the Darkspear or the tauren.


In TBC, blood elves were nearly extinct, much like night elves are now. By the time of MoP, blood elves were numerous enough to populate Silvermoon and part of Dalaran, to field full military forces, to show up just about anywhere you might need them to show up.

Unless it has been canonically stated that night elves cannot breed at all, then give it four years or so, and we’ll have enough night elves to surpass pre-WoT levels, given Blizzard’s trends with “dying races”.

Hell, Cata actually DID make dragons an infertile, dying race and they keep showing up all the dang time.


Night elves are also a unique case because they’re very far flung – though mostly the military, again, but there’s civilian enclaves around as well. And while we have a pretty good idea what happened to the population of Ashenvale, Darkshore and Teldrassil, just on Kalimdor alone, there’s a fair amount of night elf towns outside of that. Some even not primarily sentinel enclaves.

Which doesn’t cut back the gravitas of “too few”, because the night elves were never implied to be all that numerous to begin with.


/taps his finger, waiting for the third mention, so he can reappear…

Close enough.