[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

What am I supposed to say? How are the Night Elves going to recover from being obliterated in the maw? They aren’t.
It’s literally impossible.

Well, we already knew there were far too few Night Elves left, so I don’t know how anyone could say they weren’t almost extinct.

People kept saying that I was wrong when I pointed this out for an eternity


The ones still living can bounce back.
The Legion is far more of a formidable enemy than the Horde is or ever was. If they can bounce back from Legion then they can bounce back from anything.
The problem is the Horde is still there and a major threat.

Nope, they are like a handful and the book keeps saying that the Night Elves are far too few to do X or Y.
Literally about anything, the Night Elves are too few.

Again, the only hope for the Night Elves was the actual rescue of their souls instead of oblivion, but since Blizzard hates them so much they wanted them to suffer the worst possible fate.

I forgot they both took place at close time.

Blizzard absolutely doesn’t care about the demographics of a race. The answer to “how many individuals are left in that race ?” will always be “enough”, no matter the wars, no matter the genocides. Blood Elves are supposed to be the remnants of a wiped out race. Tauren were almost driven to extinction by the Centaur. The Bilgewater Goblins could all fit in Gallywix’s ship. Blizzard doesn’t mind about that stuff.

Really, just don’t worry about NE. They’re a playable race. In other words, they’re safe and their future is secured.


I don’t know why the writers choose to make them mutually exclusive. Vengence can be cathartic. I don’t like how preachy WoW has become in the last couple years. Slapping wrists of people who enjoy the war aspect of World of Warcraft.

It’s fantasy. We all know it’s fantasy.

Akiyass will be dissapointed to know I don’t go around burning kids in trees irl.

I just wish people would accept that Horde fans and Sylvanas fans were mostly all equally horrified watching the Burning of Teldrassil. Don’t listen to those fringe idiots who cheered. (I’m pretty sure Cursewords just has dark humor like I do. Some people can’t deal with heavy topics, like death, without joking about it.)


Are you saying if the remaining Night Elves were left alone for thousands of years that if we came back in a time travel machine we would not find a thriving civilization?
Because I think there are enough Night Elves left to do that.

But not enough to actually matter in the short term with the Horde and next weeks big baddy ready to end Azeroth for the millionth time this decade.

Because these writers are not good enough to actually make events matter and have lasting consequence.
After each expansion we have to do a reset.
Alliance is forced to forgive and Horde is like forced to do evil.

There are some Horde players who love being evil. And maybe there are some Alliance players who love being the one to forgive. I sure as sit ain’t one.
After the second time all bets are off matey. We coming for you with fire and brimstone.

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Uh no, everytime it has been “not enough” in regards to the Night Elves in the past years.

Nope, I wouldn’t even be surprised if Blizzard removed them as being playable anymore.
The Night Elves being playable doesn’t even make sense with the lore anymore…

The Horde is actively hunting down the rest of them. They have nowhere safe to go, if the Horde decided that they wanted Ashenvale or Darkshore, they could easily get it.

Not when he Horde is done with them, which should only take a few years until the last night elf is dead.

They’ve done that since Warcraft 3, but it was done better. For example, Daelin Proudmoore and the Orcs. It was another “revenge is bad” lesson, except it applied to an entire race. A game can have violence, while also sending morals.

I’m sure Baal would eat you alive for that post lol.

The keywords being IF and LEFT ALONE.

Oh my god you piss me off.

That dude turned out to be the greatest “I told you so” characters of all time.

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Do you actually believe that for a second ? Of course no race will ever be removed from the playable cast, that’s not something they can do, that’s not something they want to do under any circumstances.

Idk just look at the Ren’dorei. Lorewise there are supposedly like, idk, fifteen of them or something. That did not prevent Blizzard from making random Ren’dorei Alliance vanguards during faction assaults and stuff. They just… they just don’t care

We gnomes have been cloning Void Elves ever since BFA started. Ever wonder why they all look alike? Well if you assumed you were racist and couldn’t tell them apart then don’t worry. It wasn’t your fault.


I would like say that, Nathanos was too over powered in Darkshore and I think he was supposed to die then (alternate Voiceover shows Nathanos vs Malf with a Nathanos death VO and Animation) but I think the fan feed back that Tyrande should be the one to kill Nathanos pushed his death back.

I knew you sneaky little punks were behind that. Good job dooming Azeroth by inviting void baddies to come over, really Gnomes, good job !

Citation needed?

Well Ren’dorei are Umbric’s lab partners who were exiled from Silvermoon. They really can’t be many, theorically.

They were said to have been Umbric’s followers, with no number given. One can have a large amount of followers.

If the writers allowed them to, yea. But what’s your point when the Horde is literally in the process of hunting down the few remaining Night Elves right now?

I didn’t believe that the Night Elves’ resolution for Teldrassil would be the obliteration of their souls and torture back in BfA either.
Only when I found out about the maw I knew that Blizzard was going to head this direction, despite hoping that we could get to free the Night Elf souls at some point but yea that was quite an absurd hope.