[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

It’s not switching topics it’s finding positivity in this dumpster fire narrative.

How did I become the most positive NE poster?!


There is no positivity. Not for Night Elves. They have never gotten anything positive and they will never get anything positive.

Their souls have been obliterated, that’s the biggest act of disrespect from Blizzard I’ve seen so far when they could’ve let us free them so easily
There is no coming back from that.

Thats not a good thing though. Its really, really bad.
Thats why it is relentlessly mocked and people found it in very poor taste.

What would be a positive development for you? Because you seem to say that its impossible to achieve.

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The victims of genocide and abuse must not pursue justice. A story from Blizzard Entertainment, about the only matriarchial race in the game.

Well yes. I understand but that’s currently better than most. At least the NE have a promised renewal.

See that’s the extreeme level of delusion that gets arguments from other NE posters.

We defeated Ragnaros. We defeated Xavius… Malf and Tyrande got married and adopted a daughter. Illidan got yeeted into the Sun. (I’m exaggerating on that last one but I wish he would!)



ANYTHING positive please for the love of god.

They could’ve given us anything, they only doubled down on the suffering. How about letting us free the souls instead of obliterating them? Letting us get a victory against the Horde. Not making the night elves extinct. Giving them a new home. ANYTHING


Alliance has gotten enough promises. Honestly I am sick of being told to let things go and hope for a better future just as Horde players are sick of being made into kid killers.

Unless the renewal is supposed to be exclusively for Alliance/Night Elves and the Horde gets nothing. That is neither good or logical to assume or want.

Ok like give us a few examples.
Because everytime I bring up something you say “whats the point? they are all dead and their souls obliterated.”


That’s why I’m rooting for Alliance supremacy next expansion. The Horde took too much spotlight in BFA.

Because the Night Elf Story ended with their obliteration, Blizzard made that clear. How can things get positive for soul dust?

Blizzard wanted to eliminate any chance or hope for actual renewal by having the souls obliterated in the maw

I wanted that in BFA but too late now, I still don’t see how this renewal business is supposed to be a good thing.

So literally anything positive is impossible to achieve…

That will happen in due time, for both the Kaldorei and the Forsaken. They lost their capitals just one expansion ago. Gnomes and Worgen literally never had access to their capitals in the game

I think it’s more of an emotional kick in the teeth to Horde players. The Alliance has cosmic support through the Light and Elune and the Horde doesn’t. (Unless they bring back the Legion)

The Alliance is more “worthy” of divine intervention.

If they were setting up a Light Crusade expansion say 2-3 expansions from now they would start laying the groundwork for it by slowly showing the Light showing preferential treatment.

It’s supposed to be a message that the NEs will recover or some nonsense. But I get the pain and anger of not having anything positive happen

As a worgen fan I can sympathize


Yes, because Shadowlands eliminated any possibilities for that very clearly.

The difference between the forsaken and the Night Elves is that the Night Elves are far too few in numbers to do … literally anything right now according to the new Kalimdor book.

If their souls weren’t obliterated, there could’ve been atleast hope.

What they need to do is retcon the part in Exploring Kalimdor where the Horde is still in Ashenvale and fighting the Night Elves.


They won’t. The message is very clear. They want the Night Elves to be too few in numbers to actually have a future. Danuser also said this in an interview.

This is also something that I’ve kept saying for ages and people said “no no the night elves are not almost extinct you are wrong!”

They can’t though. It’s canon from Shadows Rising that the NE’s and the Horde are hostile.

They are still fighting. Tyrande hasn’t been back to Azeroth to call back her troops. Malfurian is…(probably nappin’)

So, they’re in the same boat as the worgen? Where both races are going to die out in a few generations?

That sucks to think about.

And this is why people find you hopeless to talk to because its impossible to achieve anything positive. I asked earlier what would be something positive, you said “ANYTHING” and when pressed further you admitted actually “NOTHING”
So here we are.

It was an emotional kick for us all. I am not going to say what it was for Horde players but if the Alliance did something similar to the Horde honestly I was mad enough at the Horde to brush it off as some sort of eye for an eye justice for Theramore.

This choose renewal or vengeance is incredibly bad is all I am saying.
We can have both. Criminals should face consequences for their actions and the victims should be allowed to renew. These two are no mutually exclusive.