[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

We must have a different post in mind than. I like you ethriel, I truly do. Must know that I’ve always supported you and even defended you when no one else would.

That’s fine, I had to match the energy of the room. It was a hostile room at the time.

I agree I think it toned done alot after Shadowlands spoilers came out. I consider all of you my friends.

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that it was. that it was.

We’ve all said things back than that we regret. I look back and cringe because some of the things I said definitely didn’t age well at all

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You sided with the worst worgen posters but I forgive you. All those worgen posters are gone now.

I’m talking about the comment about me in this thread by this person.

I’m not getting the impression that you like me when you like / support posts that are targeted harassment, bullying and lies about me.
I don’t force anyone to like me, it’s totally up to everyone, but is it too much to ask that people don’t spread lies about me or blindly believe them when there’s no proof?
Everyone that knows me knows that I only ever wanted for the Night Elves to get something positive, just something. It never happened, but do I deserve constant mockery for that? I can ignore this person’s posts, but I can’t ignore when people buy into the lies that are being spread about me and I just feel like that’s unfair, especially when no proof was ever provided.

For example in another thread, I asked for the Night Elf souls to be freed a while back, they ended up being obliterated. This person comes to my thread to rub salt into the wound and say I deserve that because of a lie they made up with zero proof, and you agree with that…

Should’ve slapped me in the head hun, I regret a lot of the things I said and honestly wish I could take 90% of it back

I remember when the person I hated most was Ben Grandblade… and now he’s making good points on Twitter. Oh how times change.

I miss our banter. He gives good back and forth.

No one deserves to be mocked or bullied. I just think you get flak because of how over the top a lot of your posts come off as

The only thing I regret is wasting my time on.
I deluded myself into thinking this was all something worth being angry over…

There was so much grass I could have touched.

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Yeah but that’s more on investment and not you. We were all over-invested.

Nah it’s fine, blue posters stuck with blue posters we were in a heated faction conflict.

I think Blizzard underestimated player investement in BFA. And faction pride.

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And yet I turned out right with just about everything that I feared back then.

Sylvanas got a pass, Tyrande was denied her justice, the Night Elf souls ended up being obliterated, Elune was ruined, the Horde is still attacking the Night Elves and occupying their lands with the Alliance not caring about it and the Night Elves are almost extinct.

Those are all things I said that people called me crazy for. Those all came true and were confirmed later, and people are still calling me crazy???

That’s not what I was refering to, the lies and ongoing bullying of that specific person towards me.


You can name me, that’s fine.

I’m sorry Ethriel. You are right, although I have to admit I never wanted your nihilism to be right.

We knew one of us was going to be right and one of us was going to be unhappy.

Now I feel bad for being right.

Thanks Blizzard!

FWIW, I don’t hate anyone here at all. I like Ethriel, I like Ren, I like Doness and Micah, I like Thad and Zair and Smallz. Ervine exists, so there’s that.

I like all of you, Zul’Momma and all.


Friendly reminder.

If you felt bad you’d leave me alone and stop spreading lies about me and harassing me.

You had a bunch of NE posters tell you were wrong Eth, C’mon. At this point you are just being willfully ignorant.

We are saving NE souls, a lot of them!



Tell me what about my predictions were wrong, I’ll wait. I’ve been spot on with pretty much everything.
I had only hoped in BfA that the Night Elves would get a nice afterlife before I found out about their suffering and obliteration in the maw

The NE have also been promised renewal if they gave up vengence. It’s not all Doom and Gloom.

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Can you stop switching topics?