[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

I speculated the Timeway breaking. It’s still a possibility if we are doing Dragon Isles next and not Light Crusade.


I like that sylvanas is getting the ending she deserves. Doesn’t make anything she did as the banshee queen right, it’s just nice knowing that RG sylvanas is horrified at her own actions.

Wasn’t aware that’s a high crime around here :eyes:


Treason and decaptiation for you Micah! there’s no traitors in Alliance ranks.

Cone to the darkside, we have questionably loose morals and bad judegement.


Good thing I’m not a alliance fan than :laughing:

You’re supporting the ongoing bullying, harassment and the lies that person spreads about me

Me and ren hated each other for the first few months we both started posting. I consider her a friend and that’s not a crime last I checked

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Relax they all know you.


I hate all of you.


Love you too smallz

And I remember a time when we were on the same side and you wouldn’t side with someone that is constantly bullying, harassing me and spreading lies about me, so what happened?

I genuinely don’t get how me liking Night Elves and asking for positive development for them justifies some people doing this to me, and you were one of the last people that I expected to support this

I’m sorry I brought you up.

I still support you. I never stopped supporting you. NE fans do deserve positive development, no one is denying that.

Whatever is going on between you and ren, you have to work it out with her. I’m tired of having to choose between friends

You’re supporting and liking the posts of someone that include lies about me and that are supposed to bully me (like when they made fun of the night elf souls being obliterated in the other thread) even though I’m not even talking to that person anymore.

Everytime I see a comment of that type against me I see that you liked it immediately

We are absolutely not the same person.

That post was out of line, I admitted that, but it was funny considering the conversation going at the time

As someone who really, really likes Night Elves. Who gets accused by some who shall remain nameless of various things. I still think this race still has a few hopes.

I mean they are a matriarch amazonian giant forest dwelling warriors from a fallen civilization… like how many more wins can you pack into one fantasy race?
I fully acknowledge they got done dirty for a long, longtime, and BFA was the worst crime in a long list of crimes. But your doom and gloom is so negative that if I was in your position, I would just quit. Its incredibly depressing and even if I was to get my wish laundry list it would all still be pointless anyway.


No it’s not funny to spread lies about me.

People like Renautus are making up completely false stories about me and you believe them when my profile is publicly accessible. That’s when they’re not busy mocking me for the obliterated night elf souls or the extinction of the night elves or something similar.

I don’t get why. You literally know me. I have been saying that Sylvanas will get away with this years ago for example, everyone knows that.
Why do you support lies that are trying to paint me as a bad person when everything I’ve ever asked for was for the Night Elves to get something positive… in vain.

I remember Luxio/Ren being the rabid Sylvanas fan who delighted in every pain she caused to the various fandoms and proclaimed she would win in the end. And turns out both you and Ren were mostly correct in your predictions despite everyone calling you crazy. So you have that in common.
The problem was how y’all behaved.

She seems to have chilled since then and I can respect that. People change and deal with crap differently. But your negativity is very true and if you tone it down some I think you can more positively engage people.

Sorry Ren but thats how you came off as to me back a while ago.


How can I not be negative about the Night Elf Story, after all of this???

I was already negative in BfA, but with a glimpse of hope. How would you feel if all your worst case fears about the Night Elf story became true?
Even back then I wouldn’t have imagined that they’d obliterate the Night Elf souls as a resolution

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Your negative levels are set at 100%
We need you to tone it down to 70%

You understand what I am saying?

Honey… been there done that. The story is a joke to me now… instead of having one of the cornerstones of my childhood nostalgic nerdoms violated beyond recognition being a source of sadness is now a morbid comedy.

It gives me great pleasure to see Blizzard fall apart in slow motion. If only Riot had their MMO ready to go right now they would deliver the killing blow to WoW as we know it.
But for now we just have to keep watching this disaster unfold further as Blizzard doubles down on their mistakes.