[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

Honestly, why? Why should Sylvanas be spared? An entire race was sacrificed for a Sylvanas plot…it was for Sylvanas plot, and for the Horde/Saurfang plot, and then it should be wrong that those who have been harmed…by the devs, and in part by the fanbases here on the forum…should also refrain…from getting revenge on the character who is partly responsible for it all?

I am not worried about them getting revenge. I am more concerned with the future of the race.


You were not here when it was other way around. She became a lot better after we found out Sylvanas doesn’t die in the raid. Before that she was absolutely abominable.

I’m not saying I’m in the right either. I take potshots because the last 2.5 years with her were a nightmare.

I have zero sympathy for her now because she was so confident her cruelty would be rewarded by Blizzard. Don’t fall into her victim trap… it’s a trap.


Stormwind the “backbone of the alliance”…is, was and remain one of the biggest joke, the only real backbone of the alliance and remaining powerhouse should and should allways been…(now after the night elves were almost wiped out), before this stormwind, Darnassus and Ironforge with an small advantage of ironforge would be almost equal.

Stormwind? Pah, boring place, boring story and anduin should have died long ago…

There is much more to Sylvanas’ character than just the Burning of Teldrassil. She is important to a lot of people. In the Arthas’ thread, people were discussing if she should go to Revendreth. But, now she is not going to be jusged by the Arbiter anyway.

All I am saying to keep the Horde back the entire Alliance has to basically make Ashenvale their home so their entire army is ready to face the Horde WHEN they decide to invade and kill the remaining Night Elves.

Unfortunately with the Horde its not even an if, its a when.

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And you think that not many people, 17% of a million big playerbase didn’t also care about the night elves, everyone always complains about the night elf players, but doesn’t even realise that the reason why so many posts came about it …because this player and fanbase is also huge?

one of the most beloved race was turned under the rug…for one of the most beloved characters to this point…so, who got more harm from it?

Why do the night elves have to take a back seat to Sylvanas in their history and consequence and payoff for all the crap…is that just and fair?

What are you going to give them in return?

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Not one single person liked the burning. The burning sucked, period


I feel like that’s not fair to T&E on this one. He spends the first ten minutes explaining that we’re assuming 20D chess instead of seeing him as an opportunist with endless amounts of time because Blizzard is bad at storytelling and Zovaal is a crappy villain.

Whether you agree with his conclusion about the 20D chess vs opportunist angle or not, he’s not defending Blizzard at all. Heck, his take makes them look even worse.

Not before answering this question, it’s not about who got it worse, but why should the night elves have to do without what they are actually …entitled to, namely a proper payoff…to do without it, after all it was done at their expense?

Where is the fairness in that?

It’s also about the fact that they were involved in a genocide of their people in a plot that wasn’t about them at all, that constantly treated them as a side/side element and that they were actually absolutely irrelevant to the Hordestory and to Sylvanas-Plot.

Except as soul food and shock moment…and then that’s fair? I think not.

Not with neutered Thrall at the helm.

We are just gonna be the sad Horde that sulks.


It’s crazy how you immediately start spreading lies about me the second I look away.

You’re a horrible person, a liar and a bully and I hope the handful of people that you tricked here will start to see that soon enough

The sad part is that some people, although not many, actually believe your lies without anything to back it up

Also after we found out that Sylvanas doesn’t die in the raid?
Are you kidding me???
I have been saying that Sylvanas won’t face justice THE SECOND I STARTED POSTING

And the fact that Micah supports this makes me just as disgusted at them

Renautus liked it by the way, and also made fun of the obliteration of the night elf souls


The thing is in his second part of the video he provides ZERO evidence for all his claims. The comedy bit and the second bit where he becomes more “serious” where I am wrong in assuming as such are the same. He is running on pure copium trying to show connections that don’t exist.

He is basically rewriting the lore to support his theory. People aren’t crazy for thinking Jailer planned everything. Blizzard says the guy was behind everything with his master manipulator and never facing defeat.
If you check the comments of the video you can see Nobbel… the guy that lives and breathes wow lore disagrees.

Maybe. For couple years but if the Horde has demonstrated anything is they are incapable of keeping the peace. Unless Thrall was an immortal god king and everyone obeyed him for centuries then yeah… maybe.

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There’s hope that Talanji might take retribution on the Alliance and demand the Horde’s protection.

Well this is my point, the nights elves cannot recover with the Horde breathing down their necks. So where do we go from here? Are the Night Elves doomed to a slow death as the Horde slowly wittles them down to extinction?

Looks like it…


how…would this…end the conflict? Or even bring something good to the entire topic?

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An excuse to wipe out the Horde.

Smallz said the only way to restore the NE is to wipe out the Horde. Lets wipe em all out.

I’m sorry, does this look better.

We should wipe out the Horde.

For gameplay reasons that can’t happen.
So the only solution we have is a world reset, maybe Jailer does something… then Elune pops up and brings everyone back to life, there is a magic tree with immortality.

The game gets a complete facelift and revamp meanwhile the Horde loyalists and Sylvanas are in a prison for an expansion before coming back. I think we can all agree we have earned our Sylvanas vacation from the story after 3 expansions in a row of following her grey undead butt around.

@Luxio and Ren

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Well the Horde is still attacking and killing the Night Elves and the Alliance doesn’t help them.

That’s with like 99% of Night Elves being dead and obliterated in the maw, so the Night Elves on Azeroth stand no chance anymore