[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

You are boosting Erevien’s ego too much with that comment. He’s more of a Nathanos.

Sylvanas should be on the Community Council, and criticize all the elitists and shills there. That’s one way to earn redemption.

There is no bigger shade I can throw Erevien then compare him to BFA and Shadowlands Sylvanas. I struggle to find a bigger diss and the fact that he would love it makes it all the more delicious.

I dunno, he may just take that as a compliment. He’s a weirdo like that.

Maybe, only maybe, he was banned? because i didn´t saw any new threats today and yesterday.

He was silenced, no doubt. I saw him like a few posts in this thread, during Cursewords’ “debate” with Ethriel.

Hey now, no need for airquotes every debate with Ethriel is valid.

Erevien doesn’t debate. Neither does Ethriel… they just talk at you until you review your life and ask yourself why you are wasting your finite time on this beautiful planet on these two knuckleheads.

For Ethriel though I feel more pity… she/he is a victim of Danuser and his staff. clearly they triggered something in this person and I blame them for what has happened.


Yeah, I feel sympathy for Ethriel too but she bounces back from her depressive episodes real fast.

There’s no one commited to the NE cause quite like her.

I like her better when she sticks to lore instead of rejecting it.

I haven’t had any bad experience with Ethriel. I may be one of the only Horde posters she can stand!

It’s not that Ethriel attacks someone or says something stupid like Erevien, it’s just that she exaggerates.

It’s systematic, she’s turning an elephant into a blue whale, by which I mean, everything she says is true, superficially, and it’s bad enough for a whole elephant, but it’s not a blue whale yet…she’s making one.

Everyone can admit: Many night elfs, most of them, died at teldrassil, we know that, from multiple sources, they are almost wiped out…everyone knew, many more souls were destroyed in the MAW, BUT NOT ALL OF THEM, and thats the crux here, she have a point by saying "this is some of the most horrible deeds ever happened in warcraft, but…its not like that the night elf could not recover from this hit…given enough time…i mean, no race in warcraft was more often treatend with total extinction …as night elves.


Night Elves can bounce back definitely.

But for that to happen we need the following conditions:

  1. For the world to stop facing existential threats for a few centuries.
  2. The Horde to be completely and utterly destroyed. Or moved to the other side of the planet so they can never bother the NEs ever again.
  3. Night Elves would need lots of candles and romance TV shows with lots of construction gear.

Maybe throw in an immortality granting tree into the mix while you are at it.


I like etheriel. What she says is rarely wrong, just over exaggerated like zahir said


it would be enough for the horde to leave the night elf lands, because any war against them…is simply too costly for them, more hordies would die than night elves - proportionally much more - because there are fewer night elves, and it would be a pointless slaughter of their own troops for the horde.

Means Darkshore

With no horde presence.

thats true.

maybe this aswell.

As it has been demonstrated the Horde can and will never leave the Night Elves alone.
Unfortunately there is seems to be no going around this… the Horde is obsessed with killing Night Elves. I don’t know why.

maybe blizzard should stop artificially nerf the night elves…then it would quickly stop.

Just the stupidity debuffs of all their assets like Wild Gods, Chimeras, stonegiants (The explanation in CDEV was always nonsensical), then Elune must end…the night elves should be allowed to shine and convince again…then it would abruptly stop with Horde trying to invade N11 territory.

The problem with this is that many people say to Night Elf fans “Wait and see.” I have said this myself. How long do they need to wait? Everything they’ve gotten so far, is not good. For exanple, the Horde is still in Ashenvale.

Another problem is that she also wants Sylvanas to be killed, no matter what, and she calls it justice. I want Night Elves to get positive development without Sylvanas to die for it.

Also, people on these forums, like Renautus and Cursewords, sometimes go out of their way to say things to make her angry. However, people on General Discussion treat her even worse. Truly, a disgusting subforum, that needs to be cleaned up by Blizzard.


Oh lordy.

They need that much protection?

You don’t have to tell me, I don’t mind a full-on revenge of the night elves, really against Horde and Sylvanas, because both are to be condemned for it and guilty per se.

I even often argued for the case of the night elves, because what happened to them is simply wrong, unfair and unjust.


Well they are definitely nerfed now. No need to artificially do it.
And if I was Horde why would I allow the Night Elves to become a massive powerhouse if I can stop it? The Horde has already went to war for the “they might attack us later” excuse.

This is the lore they have set up. Unless a divine bieng comes down and makes it literally impossible for the Horde to interfere with Night Elves they don’t have a prayer of bouncing back unless Stormwind resettles in Ashenvale and the bulk of Alliance keeps the Horde back forever 24/7.

There is only so much a purity ring can do.

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