[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

Thanks for helping to make things clearer hun. hugs This is why you one of my favorites on here :heart:


And to me, who plays both factions, realizes both stories are really bad for different reasons, and the two playerbases are not any different. Both sides are quiet in BGs and Dungeons until something goes wrong and then the trash talk starts. Both sides say absurd things in trade chat to rile people up. Whether or not someone thinks Sylvanas is justified in anything she does (she isn’t) doesn’t mean I empathize with one side or the other more on a player level.

Not picking Micah apart specifically. Just saying I don’t get the viewpoint.


And that’s fine. I realize most people don’t share my viewpoint and I’m okay with that. :wolf:

Sylvanas is the only faction leader that has such a close relationship with the player character. That makes an impression.


She’s one of the few who actually fights on the front lines with her people too. Don’t see many other leaders doing that


Anduin, Jaina, Tyrande, Malfurion, Sylvanas, Veleen, Genn, Thrall, Saurfang, Vol’jin, have i missed some? I think almost every leader did this…at least every member expect baine…and…galliwyx.


If you play a Goblin and you choose the goblin starting zone, Gallywix was your boss on Kezan.

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but i don´t remember any moment in which gallywix…fought on your side…


Oh, I misunderstood what you were saying.

He steals your money and your promotion to Trade Prince!


And your girlfriend, if you’re male.


Baine was on the front lines for SoO.

These don’t count because they aren’t undead elf with boobs.

Malfurion doesn’t need boobs to count.

He loves me, so he counts.


I’m sure Malfurian has moobs. Illidan has moobs.

On that note, Welcome back Thad. I see you typing.

Sylvanas isn’t the only character in this game with boobs. I hear Jaina’s were recently censored in Hearthstone.

If this means Tyrande gets the killing blow on Sylvanas… I’ll forgive that cop-out in the Ardenweald cinematic AND a lot more :heart_eyes:


Tyrande has chaste boobs, not sure if that adds to her appeal or takes away from it.

It’s 11 pm here this feels like night sitposting.

But he’s not undead either. All that matters is that no matter what I have allegedly done to attack the Alliance, he is always happy to see me. He loves me.

I follow Garrosh’s orders and fight the Alliance in Ashenvale and Silverpine?
Hyjal Malfurion’s all like “OMG, Alynsa, you so pretty and cute and wonderful! Help me save this tree please?”

I do unspeakable things to the Alliance in Mists?
Val’Sharah Malfurion goes “GUYS, LOOK!! IT’S ALYNSA!!! HI ALYNSA!!! Plz help me find Cenarion, you sexy blood elf boss babe?”

I cannot wait for the next expansion where, after the horrors of BfA, Malfurion sees past all that for my inner forest child and excitedly grets me once more.

We are besties. Ignore the rumors saying he’s stepping out on Tyrande for a taste of blood.


Have you seen Makani’s hilarious comics on “Grandpa Malfurian?” I love it.

Were they the one that drew the comic showing old man Malfurion burning down Teldrassil accidentally with that matchbox toy and blaming the Horde?

Yeah, that’s one of them. I like the one where he moonfires Sylvanas because she’s a “rude young lady”