[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

If you mean an Alliance prison cell… then yeah!

Kay maybe not you or Zerde but if Ainhin were here he’d say how Alliance Sylvanas will help reclaim Lordaeron or something equally dumb.


Ainhin has been MIA, and I think Solarion quit and went to Final fantasy.

I saw Solarion post on a another thread maybe he’s just not interested in this topic.

Alliance posters drop like flies here, it seems. He hasn’t posted in about a month.

I don’t mind Alliance having a presence in Lordaeron, it will make for some fun questing and storyline opportunities.

Sylvanas and her Royalists being locked up by Alliance for their crimes is a good enough olive branch from Horde to Alliance imo.

But a fully reconquered Lordaeron is boring.

And players. The game is designed around the Horde and its characters. We are just in it for the ride in the back seat.


I would switch to Alliance just to visit Sylvanas everyday in the Stockades …

I mean, if that’s how Blizzard gets players to play Alliance…I can’t blame 'em.

Remember we dont allow touching during visitation.
And no contraband. We frown on that.

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I literally sit on Anduin’s lap in the Throne room. The guards just let me.

And we have asked you to stop several times.
He cries every day.


Who’s that?

Void Elf poster that I liked who seems to have quit fairly recently.

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He’s blue dabadee babadaa.


I looked him up and I remember him now. If you’re reading this Solarion I apologize!

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Horde players, yes. Horde NPCs, only if they go evil.

The last time a Horde NPC was featured prominently without being an antagonist was Cataclysm. Arguably MoP with Vol’jin, but that’s a bit more of a reach. WoD kept both sides seperate, Legion was all about the Alliance characters (or Alliance-adjacent), BfA was Evil Sylvanas. Shadowlands has featured more Evil Sylvanas (with a very bland and barely present Corrupted Anduin), but the guys we’re working with that existed before SL? The former regent of Stormwind and Jaina, with Thrall and Baine… Existing.

I mean, you’re overall not wrong at all. The Horde’s actions since Cata have really been to move the game’s plot, either directly or indirectly.


Speaking of alliance players dropping like flies…I stick around because I don’t really like the alliance. Just two of the races I like happen to be alliance.

If anything, I probably lean more horde since I empathize horde players more, but that’s me


Not sure what you mean empathize with horde players more. Did you mean with horde races more? Because horde and alliance players are the same, generally speaking.

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Both, with the races and players really. If that helps :smiley:

Not particularly. I can’t empathize with that standpoint. In my experience both Alliance and Horde are pretty much the same. Horde players aren’t significantly different people than Alliance players. So I don’t quite get it.


Not to speak for Micah, but I believe what he’s trying to say isn’t that Horde players and Alliance players are two distinctly different species of humans, but that Horde players have a different perspective to WoW than Alliance players. Which we do, because playing on the different factions builds different relationships with NPCs, storylines, etc.

To an Alliance main, Sylvanas is that dead elf who slaughters your guys, performed gruesome experiments, and is generally evil.

To a Horde main, Sylvanas is that dead elf who rode with you in Silverpine, talking about defending her people.