[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

Yup, just read a bunch.

Seems just like the Malfurion who keeps calling me every night.

“Where are you Alynsa?? I NEED YOU!!!”

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I’m only into Night Elves, though.

:scream: traitor


The best part was this was basically canon for Horde players who did first week of the War of the Thorns pre-patch quests.


Nope, she’ll be forced to forgive Sylvanas.

Her reasoning is that Sylvanas helped free Anduin, which is a joke since all the Night Elf souls were obliterated, yet Tyrande considers this as “setting things right”.


They probably think its the “break glass in case of emergency” that they need right now, because they are so out of touch. Honestly they have mishandled Sylvanas so much that she belongs in the scrap bin anyway.

Imo it’s a very good thing that the playerbase doesn’t have the same perception of someone like Sylvanas/Tyrande/Genn depending on the faction. That’s the way things are supposed to be I think, in terms of narrative experience. Which is why it’s so, so harmful to have a character like Anduin being depicted as undoubtebly good from about every possible perspective.

Anduin is that guy who sees the truth in every viewpoint, makes mistakes that are actually not mistakes, and deeply regrets any slighty questionable thing he says/does the second after he says/does it. It’s like writers refuse to give you the right to dislike him. Very frustrating.


True. I was saying what I want to happen, not what I think will happen.

I want Arthas to be denied a redemption and I want his soul obliterated like Ner’zul.

I want Sylvanas to be the one to obliterate his soul.


That could still happen beforehand.

Nah, then I want Sylvanas to return to the Forsaken and for the Forsaken to break off from the Horde, taking Loyalists with them.

I want a neutral third party option not involved in Horde and Alliance conflict because Imho neither faction deserves Sylvanas or the Forsaken.


And then the Forsaken, the Loyalists, and Sylvanas can sail from the ever most west, ever westward, to the Undying Lands, and leave middle azeroth to the Humans. And the tales of our majesty will fade.


Personally, I would be unhappy with any outcome for Sylvanas where her story doesn’t end once and for all with Shadowlands, she gets rewarded or she doesn’t get locked up somewhere like Revendreth for all her crimes (thankfully, it looks like “Arbiter Sylvanas” is off the table).

Seriously, we’ve summarily executed villains for much lesser crimes than what Sylvanas has done.

This is where I stand. If you want Sylvanas let off the hook, you do you. It may happen, it may not.


Preferably with a slice of the “she was right all along” pie obviously.


Only if Yrel gets the same.

I don’t care about Y’rel so that seems like a fair trade. You can also have that no problem. Win win.

I would not stand in Y’rels way in attacking the Horde if I was no longer part of it.

Even with Yrel getting a slice of “she was right all along” pie?

I don’t like orcs either so that’s fine. Someone has to pay for the Path of Glory as everyone keeps bringing up.

Hell, I don’t even mind if the NE’s become an independent faction and attack the Forsaken, Life vs Death wars are fun.

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Ah, the Draenei bone path in Outland. I was just thinking payment for the Iron Horde. Plus AU Draenor’s a death world like something out of Warhammer 40k. Yrel and the Naaru need to finish the job Aggramar started but left half-done lol

I think you might get at least one of the things you’re after in Shadowlands.


I think she’ll return but she won’t be easily forgiven. She’ll have to start with the Forsaken forgiving her and it will probably be a long process before she’s ever trusted by the Horde again.

The Forsaken will have to re-defined, etc. So like we are talking years of future development.

I do fear the NE story will shift from atonement from Sylvanas to atonement from Elune for abandoning them. They will get more divine special treatment not less in the future.

They wrote this whole Teldrassil arc so poorly that the Elune using the Burning if Teldrassil to save Ardenweald is so defensable that it’s hard to reconcile that Elune abandoned her “favorite children” or worse, condoned genocide.

I think people will be salty about that way longer than Sylvanas’s redemption.

I play a NE, I’m not even sure what to feel anymore regarding the NE’s story. I’m a boomkin to boot.