[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

Trying to cook dinner. What’s up with you? :eyes:

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I like how now that you’ve been shown definitive proof that the humans invaded the gnoll lands, you justify taking Redridge because the gnolls were later defeated.

You are an evil man, Zahiw


…if you attack someone and later on the one who was attacked by you take…a price because YOU attacked him first…is this evil or…rightfully?

Say if I attack you. You don’t have the right to murder my whole family and take my house and belongings

Since you asked a serious question, there’s my serious answer


Still not what happened.

If I forcefully break into your house and you fight me, but I win and then take your house as my own, am I justified and righteous for my actions? What if I then go into the back yard where you’ve taken up residence, and I then start punching you in the face? Still okay because you had the audacity to fight me when I broke into your home?

Because that’s what you’re saying, you evil fiend.



as far as i know…the gnolls were not genocided to the last child allive…or not?

Neither were the Night Elves.


what is your point now? If you want to troll…then pls…do it, but otherwise the one war isn´t a war on a genocide scale…

So to answer your question from this morning, now that I have time to answer it and I’m not at work. I’m dissapointed in the “I submit to Tyrande Whisperwind’s judgement” because 1) it’s verbatim what Jaina said to her mom in BFA, 2) the last thing I want for Sylvanas is to become Jaina 2.0, but a lot of blue posters seem to want that and are happily welcoming Sylvanas back to the Alliance.


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Most “blue Poster” simply want to end this Story once and for all, nothing else…most purple blue poster (night elves), Worgen and other fans want sylvanas even dead…to end this story. seems to me the entire opposite of “Welcoming Sylvanas back to the Alliance” ( i mean, if you want her dead)

only because the sentence is similiar…its not a prediction on the future and the fate sylvanas will face now.

Honestly, I’m not trying to troll you. You made a serious response to my obvious joke post, so I’ve been responding to you with facts and some snark jokes.


I don’t expect anyone to forgive Sylvanas, but I don’t want her to die or get written off either.

As much as people wanna put words in my mouth. I don’t want Sylvanas to get away with genocide.

not exactly, because you lack some nuances in this conflict A) …the gnolls attacked the humans, at this time redrige Mountain wasn´t a part of the Stormwind-Kingdom, but in order to defend their people they expand their borders _AFTER_the war, that something like this can never happen again, but didn´t start hunting every gnoll to the last child that still live in the redrige mountains until today.

No, you’re just factually incorrect.

Incorrect. The humans were literally expanding into gnoll territory. I gave you a link. Read it. You’ll see I am correct and you are not. I’ve shown evidence of my claims. You have shown none of your own.

Show evidence in the lore that contradicts the lore-accurate evidence I’ve shown.


your source is simply…wrong.

i have the chronicles right before me, and here is the description of wowpedia of the gnoll war…

The Gnoll War [1] was a major conflict fought between the relatively young and small Kingdom of Stormwind, and an unusually unified faction of gnoll packs, around 75 years prior to the opening of the Dark Portal. The war was the result of incursions by unified gnoll packs under Packlord Garfang into lands belonging to the Kingdom of Stormwind, mainly the regions of Westfall and Elwynn Forest. The war quickly turned into one of attrition, where the forces of Stormwind began to become overwhelmed by the sheer number of gnolls invading their lands. With uncharacteristic strategic thinking, the gnolls successfully pinned down the majority of human forces in and around the capital of Stormwind, leaving other regions, such as the bountiful Westfall, open to attack. As a result, a large portion of human towns and lands were vigorously pillaged during the course of the conflict.

The war dragged on until King Barathen Wrynn of Stormwind made a daring and desperate gamble in launching a small, elite assault on the relatively undefended base of Packlord Garfang in Redridge Mountains, where he succeeded in slaying the gnoll leader. This led to widespread infighting among the gnoll forces and a subsequent breakdown in the continuation of the war effort. With minor effort, King Barathen then successfully drove out the remaining gnolls, forcing them back deep into the Redridge Mountains. The outcome of the war successfully established the Kingdom of Stormwind as the dominant force in the mid-southern region of the Eastern Kingdoms

The redrige mountain were not part of the kingdom_BEFORE_the gnoll war, only westfall and elwyn, so…the gnolls invaded _STORMWIND_LAND, because the war was…until the end…in elwyn and westfall.

What you quote is not Chronicles. It’s the same article I linked. Except you stopped at the summary.

Go down to where it talks about the war and you’ll see I’m correct.


i posted it now for you…to show you, you are incorrect.

The gnolls saw the humans as easy prey…their NEIGHBORS…and stormwind react to this threat…it was not the other way around. And stormwind didn´t genocide the gnolls…neither, so…how do i defend genocide? Or…argue about it?


Interesting. So according to Chronicles, the humans of Stormwinds were already settling the gnoll lands of Redridge mountains before the gnolls attacked.

Invading humans stole gnoll lands. Gnolls valiantly fought to defend their lands against the weak humans.

You, of course, side with the human invaders because you are an evil man who hates freedom fighters noblely defending their own territories.


The gnolls were native to Tirisfal Glade(according to Brann) if anything this proves the humans already had settlements in Redridge before the gnolls wars.


Irrelevant. Humans are native to Northrend via Vrykul.

Correct. They settled into gnoll lands, as I said. They invaded gnoll lands.

I’m glad we’re in agreement Zahir.