[SPOILER] Is Baine key to Redemption for the Horde?

Remember what I said about false equivalency and condonning teldrassil?
Well there you go.

Typical Horde poster behavior.

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The horde sent it’s resources to save the world. She sent a huge portion of her forsaken to clear the way to the valkyr. Even using resources to launch an invasion of the valkyr holy grounds. The rest of the horde were busy trying to save the world from space satan.

How is anything I said a false equivalence or condoning Teldrassil?

You do not get to declare someone to not be a civilian to justify an attack on them.

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The ENTIRE STORMHIEM FLEET save a single ship (The Oblivion) was sent to help you claim the Aegis. Only the soldiers on The Oblivion were there to help get the Val’kyr. Everything else was to help you get the Aegis.


Yep, and we were attacked enroute.

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You are putting a shop keeper grabbing a weapon to join soldiers to fight against an invading force.
Deliberately joining the fight to women and kids in a defensless city being burned to death on the off chance that they too might try to resist a little so its better to kill them all before they have a chance to even try.

I know you were complaining about not signing up to join the evil faction but I think you are exactly where you belong.


The idiocy of tribalism at it’s finest.


doesn’t make what I said untrue though.

That all the IRL people in the other tribe are evil, and the IRL people in your tribe are good?


who said the horde needed redemption?

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I am pretty sure IRL I doubt anyone here would openly support people burning alive because they are part of whatever minority. But in this fantasy there are posters like this:

Who kind of speak for themselves where WoW fantasy is concerned no?

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Actually, she said “innocents.”

Besides, aren’t Night Elf women supposed to be extra-fierce? Perfect warriors and all that?

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Correct, civilians defending against an invading force.

Point to my post where i said this.

You are a sad, sad person.


She wasn’t that specific, just said there were innocents, which I take to mean non-combatants.

good thing it’s not rl, huh? :kissing_closed_eyes:


From what I understood anyone that could fight was already sent to the front to stop the Horde while the army was coming back.
Whoever was left had little to no combat experience otherwise they would be dead on Darkshore’ shores already.

Which as you can see I ain’t complaining about. Its war. Sometimes you need your militia to stand up.

Maybe they are just RPing a rage filled bigot?


No RP. Just discussing the story as I would any other book or movie or tv show.
Probably be telling you the same thing if you were telling me how Joffrey was actually a good person.

Again civilians taking up weapons cease to be civilians. Ask the US forces fighting in Afghanistan or Iraq how they dub these supposed civilians.

You inferred it.
I referenced shop keepers deliberately joining the fight as the cause of being killed by the Dark Irons and you proceed to ask me if NE civilians would not do the same. I am sure some might have but thats no equivalence now is it?

No need to get personal.

So are horde players not allowed to pretend to be sad or angry about their own civilians dying, because they technically became combatants when defending their own homes?