Spiteful, Resentful, and Disrespectful game development

Legion also had random drop legendaries and feedback was given them to improve it and it took them a year into the expansion to add them into vendors.

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The random legendaries were the only serious flaw in legion. They probably didn’t address it earlier because the rage dropped off after the first few months as people finally got the legendaries they wanted.


I’m not sure why you feel this would be the case. How is current development really doing better than doing what any responsible company would do before spending hundreds of millions of dollars on a project that marketing research prior to development would have showed them was going to fail?

How well has their “vision” worked out for the playerbase, and by extension for the game? Do you really think it would have been more successful if they cared even less what players were willing to pay for?

To be fair, a lot of the things people ask for (and are implemented) turn out to be terrible ideas.

Alliance players demanded mercenary mode in WoD. They got it, now they hate it and want it to go away. Hall of Fame was also added to encourage more people to play Alliance, and ended up having the opposite effect.

A lot of ideas from players are just terrible, and will do the exact opposite of what the players think they will achieve.

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Which is why they should do actual marketing research. Not asking a handful of non-random players what they want and going with that - which isn’t what happens anyway.

Ego may be a factor, but I think there’s likely a toxic metrics component to it.

Like a hapless YouTuber, the Developers must drive “Engagement.”

That means padding playtime numbers, gaming statistics, and developing the game NOT for the sake of fun and entertainment, but to make some soulless homunculus in a business suit happy. Up those playtime numbers. Stretch out that content lifespan. Build a game for the game’s sake - not the players.

I just think the current bad PR has left said homunculus temporarily sidelined or reprogrammed for the sake of contradicting it.

Because of the comments and requests on this board.

The only ones that aren’t contrary are the ones calling for the removal of more RP features to make the game easier, simpler and more convenient (aka more braindead) or to homogenize the races and/or classes.

I’ve always felt there was better ways to pad numbers than the ways they implement.

The faction barrier being removed.

Torghast leveling not being a daily and just spammed if one chooses to. Torghast being implemented as a permanent feature with a rotating theme as well as influenced when a major holiday is occurring.

Their vision has been quite odd.

They release the game with restrictions and punishments in place for players that want to play the game more.

Then their ‘vision’ has setup a time in the expansion where they loosen up the restrictions, let players play freely and enjoy the game, and release this as “content”. THIS is the issue.

This is the core issue. Regardless of what specifics the community requests about gear, systems, etc. - the CORE of the issue is to stop putting restrictions and penalties in the game systems from the get go. Let content be content - not the easing up of restrictions.


OMFG this is the best idea I’ve seen so far, especially the “ban” for loot on the vault and fixing this duplicate item problem. I have seen the same 2 hander and bracers in the vault for 2 weeks straight now and its made me eye twitch more then is heathy

I’m a HUGE ran of Role-playing, but the direction this game has taken is quite sad.

1 - A lot of the issues players bring up don’t add anything tangible of value to many players.

2 - The restrictions and things being discussed are needless. They’re just restrictions for the sake of nothing more than drawing out our time played.

3 - The restrictions don’t even make sense from a storyline/RP perspective.

I’m all about worrying about the players running the show - but at the same time I worry about the game developers making a decent game that lets players have fun rather than feeling like they’re being abused.

Just the combination of Dom socket gear and legendaries makes this very practical.

They did something similar with necks and cloaks in bfa.

You do realize they are NOT showing this “respect” because of some epiphany , it is because most admins have been outted for sexual abuse hence the law suit…

I agree players have been starved of respect

IMO it has started since Ion has taken over.
He needs to be reassigned (perhaps he can represent the team as a LAWYER like he is trained for), leave gaming to those trained professionally for gaming.

I would be happy if they addressed PvP gearing imbalance, and did something to help non-rated non-competitive players not feel like second class citizens in the game.

I’m bitter enough to firmly believe that 10.0 will be back to the same-old, same-old of “earn back every shred of convenience and expediency through blood, sweat and tears”. It seems to be their business model at this point - place restrictions, timegates, RNG, everything but the kitchen sink to milk every last drop of patience, tolerance and #engagement from the players like life essence from a Podling until everyone starts to get fed up and leave, and then lure numbers back in by suddenly! Generously! Giving people what they wanted, that they just didn’t understand that people really wanted?

They knew. And they held it back for the sake of the time-played metric, and to have a carrot to coax the horse back into the barn with, and out of sheer unmitigated resentment and spite towards their players.

But…yeah. What I’d like to see is:

  • Fix Jingles, the battle pet reward from EIGHT MONTHS AGO
  • Ditch covenant restrictions on transmog, mounts, toys and pets
  • Just ditch fussy, nonsense restrictions all around on transmog and toys. Big whoop, someone might wear bunny ears all year round and stay transformed into a neon-looking Elf. Someone might be a Mage but wear a piece that looks like it’s made of metal. It’s not going to break the game. Unclench.
  • Fix legacy raiding. Yes, something is still broken. No, getting higher gear isn’t a solution - you shouldn’t have to gear up to beat content from two expansions ago.
  • Make the Artifact Research grind in Korthia 300% less tedious and gross, and have it carry over to alts

Some of these might already be in the works, and if so, wooooo. If not, /taps watch pointedly


No. It’s a pretty basic business strategy based around the subscription model.

They’ve been doing this for at least 3 expansions now.

X.0/x.1 content with restrictions.
X.1.5/x.2 remove restrictions and release as “content”

Has nothing to do with the law suit. It’s a transparent business strategy.

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PTR and Beta.

I don’t know that they do.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they have a company guild that they go in on a fixed schedule and get KSM or AoTC together.

That play experience is vastly different from someone who raid logs, or world first raider, or pugs KSM every season, or is a mog collector, AH goblin, etc.

They can never have enough employees to cover all playstyles… but they need to stop convincing themselves that “they know best” because they studied game design and we didn’t.

You may know more about design than I do…but I’ve spent countless hours playing your game and other games in the genre. I am an informed customer.

When you create a system like “conduit energy” and the best thing you can say about it is “it is super annoying to those who care, or it has no impact positive or negative to those who ignore it”… then maybe it’s time to reconsider.

So I don’t know that “they know what’s wrong”. I don’t think they do. I think they believe “they know better”.

I used this analogy in another thread - but I don’t need to be a chef to tell you when a steak is burnt…so Blizz don’t just dismiss our criticism as a “gruntled gamer” or “he doesn’t know what he’s talking about”. We do know.


The reason for removing the flight whistle was extremely lame, and quite frankly a lie. It was just another measure to waste our time.

Another time wasting design was disjointed zones. It you read dev cata responses, it was said ‘making disjointed zones was a mistake’. We the players who were there do not forget.

Forget vault changes - the vault sucks. Bonus rolls were the best. Removing that was a HUGE mistake.

Then there’s the new zone. The massive rep grind is something no one would want to do on an alt. I have 11 alts in SL now, and none of them go to Korthia - why? Because the whole zone sucks. Massive health pool mobs everywhere designed to slow you down, and a grind that would take months to get gear on just one alt.

Blizz just got too greedy. They are designing for max short term profit. Everything is setup to force people to buy gold. Well that bubble has now burst.


The “playerbase” wants “more skin on Love Boat”.

More, better, faster gear. Teleportation to raid bosses that we can queue for that drops mythic loot, and, oh yea, AI tanks and healers so DPS don’t have to wait. And, of course, it goes without saying that they should eliminate trash in raids.

Instant rep tokens for all of our alts. Earn anything (reps, lockouts, etc.) and make it account bound.

Heck, make everything account bound. And why can’t I switch classes in the middle of a raid? How unfair is that? Why can’t I get cloth to drop on my Pally farming tank? And how come my Priest can’t wield 2H Axes anyway?

No limits. Make bunnies a playable race.

Also, make sure all of the zones are large, flat spaces that we can fly on when the teleporter is more than 10 steps away and the 10s Flight Whistle cooldown is still ticking. Naturally, flight from the beginning, that we can buy with GOLD!!1! 10 Gold to be exact.

They should also balance PVP so that I always win.

Let me queue for M+ so that I can have crews carry me and my AFK auto attacking, fire standing ways. Make sure that M+ drops loot (perfectly rolled loot, mind) that I don’t have every time. If I have all the gear, then just have them drop 10,000 gold.

If my toon isn’t geared perfectly a week after I ding 70, I’ll be sending emails and making nasty twitter comments.

And make sure that there’s absolutely no incentive to play the game on release. I should be able to log in, level, gear, and complete the entirety of the expansion in the 2 weeks before you launch the next one. Any of that “exclusive content” is for the birds. I didn’t play the game 10 years ago, how come I can’t play it just like it was back then with all those nice people just the way it was and get everything they got today? “It’s just bits.” If I pick up Monopoly today, it’s just like it was back in 1975 – and so should be WoW.

Oh, and stick an Auctionasaurus mount in my mail cuz I logged in once in BfA and deserve it.

…and send me a statue.
