Spiteful, Resentful, and Disrespectful game development

I’ve heard these themes echoed across communities, friends, guilds, and just about every youtube WoW creator for how the developers make the game in regards to their customers.

With recent 9.1.5 changes being announced, it looks like there’s hope that players can start to be able to play more freely based on their playstyle without having to feel restricted. Players, especially those with multiple characters, can enjoy the “alt” life without the dull monotony of having to grind through the same quests they’ve previously completed all over again.

Many great points have been made about how 10.0 will be the true test of how realistic this newly foundrespect for players is - which I completely agree with. But here’s to hoping for a continued betterment and growth of WoW.

In the spirit of developers continuing to shed the spite, resent, and disrespect within game design - what are some other changes you’d enjoy in the game?

Personally I would like:
-Flight masters whistle returned
-Better RNG management of loot (don’t allow duplicate pieces of loot to drop if we don’t want them to, and let us pick or “ban” particular slots from vault rewards.
-Make mount equipment a by-account feature that can vary by-mount. This will stimulate the professions that craft these items while giving players more agency over what mount they choose.

What are your ideas?


I would like them to iterate upon and actually listen to community feedback during the PTR cycles. Not 1 year after. It cant be that much to ask for a game to be released that the playerbase actually likes. I dont want to have to spend 1 year tolerating the game. Just stop fighting and arguing with the players. We play their game. It cant be that hard to open the ptr forums and see whats bothering the players the most. THEY KNOW WHATS WRONG WITH THE GAME. They just refuse to fix it early. Thats what bothers me

They have the “lets play it out and see what happens” mentality. This is ridiculous. You dont have to play it out. We are not monkeys for you to test your bad ideas on. We know what we like. And when we say something is bad, just take the hint early on. That would help


I feel like the title doesn’t really match the post. I get what you are talking about, but I would suggest changing the title because a s***-storm is about to break out.


I think my heart would have jumped in mouth! Lol And I would have started playing right now, instantaneously.


Spiteful, Resentful, and Disrespectful

I thought you were talking about a M+ Key for a second there, haha.


I like the positivity of your post. Much as I’ve been salty and grumpy about WoW, I do respect the changes coming. They may be too late for Shadowlands, but it could potentially be a start for 10.0. Maybe…

I think all I really want is more communication, during testing phases and during the live game. I want to see them actually talk to the player base again, and consider feedback before the game goes live. Honestly I’d love for the expansion to be complete upon being released and not have to be fixed for its entire life. I don’t think that’s too big an ask.


There is zero evidence that ‘newly found respect’ is the reason for the adjustments.

The list is too long and none of them superficial enough to be implemented during the present scrabble for patch content.

Resentful and Disrespectful are going to the two new 9.1.5 M+ affixes, duh! /s

To OP: I agree that these changes are nice, it’s just getting exhausting having to go back and forth between us the players about the various RNG elements, systems, currencies, lore, gameplay, class balance…etc…when it’s Blizz that is the one who should be held accountable. We may be paying for access to the servers with our $15 but our voice should matter too, ya? How can so much PTR development feedback just be ignored? Tossed aside? Forgotten? This cyclical approach by blizz is getting to be uber-meme levels now because if they haven’t learned by the last 3 expacs, I don’t know how much they will learn in the next one.

I think for all of us the truest test will be 9.2 and 9.3 (maybe) and 10.0. Will they double down on their bad decision making? Will they cave and listen to us, the players? I am cautiously optimistic right now so only time will tell. These ARE good changes, but I have a feeling blizz has already burned a lot of good will and to get back all of that in one .5 patch seems a bit overzealous. They need to plan for the future of this game and how they want to be viewed.


Listen I gripped hard at them a few days ago about completely missing b&w as wanted void elf hair colors. I was mean and snarky and downright ruthless. Because it represented many times in which they didn’t read past the op of the thread and did something while only half listening.

I am happy to say they made a liar out of me and managed to repair it within two days and amend for b&w with a boot in on brown. If they can muddle thru our mean exterior and keep doing stuff like this they can win us back. It will be hard cause right now the player base is a wounded abused animal atm. But if they want to they can win us over, but they really have to want it.

We recognize they are not the ones who directly hurt us. But we have trust issues that have been well founded.


That’s why 10.0 will be the true test.

I’m still curious what they are. What are your top 5?

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One of the biggest problems WoW is facing right now is that it’s “cool” to hate Blizzard. It’s the “in” thing right now. I’m not a PR person, but it’s going to take a LOT of work to flip that image. I don’t see any community managers, I don’t see any campaign ads. I don’t see them even attempting to recover their footing.

(The other big problems are that the game is bad and the story is bad, good luck fixing that too.)


For a company with billions of dollars of profit margin, would it kill them to have an intern on the forums and twitter thanking people for their feedback, and actually putting together a file with the complaints most people have?

You make a post with 3 thousand interactions, and not a single blue posts in it. not even a thank you for your feedback reply


They do that already. The developers don’t act on it, though, because they think the players are always wrong.


Actually they dont. blues barely interact on the forums. at all

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I would like atleast one class dev to have actually played warlock some time in the last decade


The fact that a bunch of changes are coming only right after a huge PR disaster is suspect. No communication for months then oh here’s a bunch of stuff you’ve been asking for since 9.0. This is seriously disingenuous.

Does Blizz purposefully create frustrating designs so they can sell you a solution to keep you subbed? I dont like conspiracies but from what we’ve seen the past few xpacs I dont know what to say about Blizzards mentality on the customer relationship.


I think a knew group is in control now…maybe.

They do on the alpha & beta forums. Which is what I was referring to.

In fact, the blues in alpha & beta actively request specific feedback… which the dev team then completely ignores.


I’ve always said that if we do the 10 dungeon weekly vault thing, we should be able to choose a dungeon we get loot from for the third slot. It keeps the RNG while allowing a player the opportunity to target a specific item they really need later in the tier.

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I dont know about that one. ive been a part of the ptr cycle on the past 2 expansions, actively reporting on issues and ive never seen a blue interact with feedback. not even once. most ive seen is them posting a specific topic and asking people to comment on it. but random posts that people open. not once