Spiteful, Resentful, and Disrespectful game development

Disrespectful is a physical damage reflection shield called “why are you hitting yourself?”

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it’s tough to be told you’re wrong. Eventually they own up to it, but obviously not right away…

Yes personally what you would like can go and tell mommy.

Whatever needs done to give me back a functional water strider without forgoing the obviously more useful no daze equipment for even one other mount would be welcome. I grinded for that and no making all my mounts water walk is not consolation. It’s very situational especially considering other options

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Spiteful, Resentful, and Disrespectful sounds like an affix set.

It seems to be their business model at this point - place restrictions, timegates, RNG, everything but the kitchen sink to milk every last drop of patience, tolerance and #engagement money from the players like life essence from a Podling until everyone starts to get fed up and leave, and then lure numbers back in by suddenly!

Fixed it for you.
Well said tho.


? what lol thats not how rng works

The reason they don’t do this is that it gives people false hope. People assume that if Bliz responds to them Bliz is going to do exactly what they suggested. Rather than just collate the data and maybe do a little with it.

It sucks, but if you’ll notice, anything Bliz does respond to gets dogpiled with all kinds of nonsense. (This isn’t just a Bliz thing. Same thing happens for other games.)

They’re choosing to be silent rather than have people get mad that they responded to feedback and then didn’t act upon it exactly the way people wanted.

Actual moderation.

I hated when they made the change. One of the largest GD threads, next to the covenant ripcord one.

I honestly can’t blame the developers for having some salty thoughts towards the player base as a whole . Always keep in mind that they have dealt with 15 years of hacks, hackers , twinking , boxing , botting, gold scaming and a heaping helping of “we Didn’t know they’d play it like THAT!?”

That being said , its always marvelous when they look past that to the HUGE number of players that never did ANY of that.

I would very much love to see customization changes that allow adjustments to posture , chest size , and leg length . while I’m wishing , how about more duo mounts and making soulbound , account bound instead ?

Your title does not match what you wrote.

Coding and development both take time. They do listen to feedback… all the time, and are tasked with keeping players of all different tastes and opinions happy.

When we offer suggestions, give them time to take it in and put it into motion (as well as implement it properly and free of bugs or other issues). It’s not always a matter of flicking on a switch or cracking a whip. Time. Feedback and development take time. It’s not an overnight process of “GIVE ME WHAT I WANT OR ELSE!”.

It’s also important to understand and take into consideration some of the issues they are dealing with at the moment, with the legal stuff and possible staff shortages.

Patience. :blossom:

I’d love this, especially the customization options. It would diversify characters and actually create more player identity without being toxic to gameplay systems.

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But, you think you do, but you don’t. Right?

Semper Fi! :us: