/spit on Calia

I actually have pretty good reading comprehension skills, unlike you.

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If you did you’d know that A good war, isnt pro war

Dude, you probably got a 150 on your reading SAT.


And that’d be an issue if she were the sole representative of the Forsaken, but she isn’t. I will understand the outrage if she ever becomes leader of the Forsaken without undergoing some drastic tonal shift in her design, but as it stands it feel like people crowing about how they didn’t want Baine/Saurfang as warchief, but then the position of warchief was removed after Saurfang got killed.

The only other heir apparent is Voss who let’s us know she’s a temp every other sentence.

And even she makes very little sense as heading the Forsaken in an official capacity. But seeing as she’s the most developed undead character standing she wins by default.

The unique modeled Calia standing there with VA lines and Lor’Themar lauding her wisdom and what good she’ll do for the Forsaken is solid enough ground for people to be very worried.


You could always try to refute my point instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and being all like “ITS NOT TRUEEEEE.”

Fair enough.

Though I wonder if people would hate her with the same level of vitriol if she had been risen by regular necromancy and she had a spookier outfit, but otherwise acted exactly the same.

I would like Calia much more if she “forsakes” the light and becomes a shadow priest after seeing how her people suffer HORRIBLE pain if struck with light. Would be more helpful to use the divine powers that make her people feel better instead of doing the undead equivalent of putting a live lobster into boiling water.

I’d still find her about as exciting as wonderbread but at least then she’d just be dull Blizz character #3215. Which would be a shame for the Forsaken but I’m sure there’d be enough cackling fun loving undead around to make up the difference.

As it stands she feels like they didn’t know how to write an undead character so they just gave us a human with a vitamin D deficiency.


I have been instructed to tell you that you have friends in the Story Forum discord who want you to join. Link is in the lounge thread.


Maybe, Maybe not. Here’s Nezmith’s art of such.



Lol if it all it took was a look, people literally complaining about nothing

I can’t even attempt to refute a point to someone who doesn’t know basic reading comprehension.

My proof is just “read it again.” So… go do that.

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Undead are more than looks, and thats something you yourself have argued, its sad that your hate for calia has made you turn away from that

They’re a lot more than an anesthetic. But if they at least got that right I’d have less grounds to worry.

Because I really want haunted mansion Calia being described as soft, unblemished and glowing with an inner light.


You can make bone less undead now, I really doubt if blizzard gave her the fem undead animations you’d be happier

cause you guys dont want a new character you want Sylvanas 2.0

Bah. If we’re going to have another unhinged genocidal leader then Calder Gray is standing right there.

Unlike Slyvanas he came from nothing. He had to drag his victims to the vivisection table by their own bootstraps. He worked for that revoked medical license. And by God if he massacres a city you know he’s going to have fun doing it, and make something real interesting out of the remains.


Just saying theres something funny, about forsaken players rejecting calia based on looks. Glass house and all that, or ignoring story points

I mean idk if Tyrande and Malfurion f’ed off and Blizz kept trying to sell people on a new nelf cyborg mage who was Azshara’s long lost brother but no trust me totally gets their plight then I would say they should also be worried.

Yeah this guy’s whole deal seems antithetical to the Kaldorei’s whole deal but c’mon. Give him a chance.


See all the extra steps you had to take, Calia is just pale with gold eyes, honey

you can make a female undead who is pale with gold eyes and with white hair

What’s the extra step?

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