/spit on Calia

I read

This DOES NOT happen, the WHOLE point of the story is that the horde and saurfang was WRONG about the even starting a war

No it wasn’t. And no, Sylvanas was not wrong. In fact, she was so correct that even Saurfang agreed with her. Another war WAS inevitable.


woooooosh the story was about saurfang for a reason lol not sylvanas

thats why saurfang is crying in the end right, cause he feels like he was sooooo right

Even when she was actively burning the tree, Saurfang STILL agreed with the purpose of the war.

Go learn some reading comprehension skills, elf.

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Sure thing, thats why as the story continued he was starting to question the whole war to himself, he started to doubt the whole “GOOD WAR.”

He didn’t doubt the purpose. He doubted the methods.

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And that’s why it ought to be left as a Cold War with some flashpoints and proxies here and there.

The Horde and Alliance are basically evenly matched to the point of almost every nation in the coalitions having a one for one counterpoint on the otherside. They both have tiny tech geniuses, super strong aliens, nature magic specialists and guys who look like they should be chasing Abbott and Costello around a haunted castle set.

And on top of that, they’ve been shown countless times that even if one could triumph over the other it’d lead to mutually assured destruction by way of the cosmic threats that menace Azeroth every other Wednesday.

BFA had the opportunity to actually set up an interesting scenario where this status quo changed significantly and an all out world war could happen.

The greatest external threat had been dealt with, a new miracle resource has changed the face of war forever and many new nations are joining either coalition.

This should’ve created a scenario where if the Horde and Alliance did return to the old status quo they’d have to do so for new reasons.

Instead though - well the miracle resource doesn’t do much of anything and the allied races don’t contribute much of substance either. The Horde and Alliance already team up before the wars over as yeah turns out there really was no shortage of apocalypse level threats.

Hell it looks like we’ll even be getting a new Satan with the Jailor now that Death Metal Galactus has been put in his time out chair for all eternity. And this one’s even in the afterlife and seems to have read Dante seeing as he himself is a prisoner in the worst layer of perdition.

So the great 4th War boiled down to two cities getting wrecked, some kerfuffles in mostly irrelevant parts of Kalimdor / the EKs and two island nations having a fight.


What ever makes you sleep easier at night

horde players always got to prove that they dont understand Not just bfa’s story, but Warcrafts main themes in general, even tho subtle isnt something blizzard does

I enjoy the irony of how people were going, “Sylvanas doesn’t care about the Forsaken! Calia should be Forsaken and be the Forsaken leader!”

But then Blizz makes Calia help the Forsaken while specifically not taking up the role of leadership and people lose their damn minds, going “KILL CALIA! SHE’S FRIENDLY TO THE ALLIANCE, KILL ANYONE WHO HAS EVER NOT HATED THE ALLIANCE”.

Y’all are a bunch of zealots.


ITs why the horde has no good characters, cause the moment a horde characters helps the world and the alliance, they arent horde characters

edit: this is what horde players think, I dont

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Depends on the execution I suppose.

IMO it’s just that Calia is a looming threat to alter the forsaken I suppose. As long as she stays around the horde, somebody among the devs could have a temptation to just take what worked for all this time and “fix” it. Simultaneously taking the thing away from the players who liked that forsaken fantasy.

gl hf


wait, you mean that if you actually split your fanbase you can get conflicting opinions? oh my god who would have thought.

ill pin this entire problem to blizzard polarizing their fanbases.


Says the person who has no clue what a simple short story is about.


No its just horde players have massive hate bones for the alliance

its not me, :3 the horde wants peace with the alliance, the is the one that knees before tyrande not the other way around, I Think you missed the point

Ahhh here comes the usual “attack all horde players and assume they are all alike from a rabid Nelf derailment method” the usual death of a thread on the story forum for 2020.

You were making some decent points for a second then it sank fast .


lets be real its not all of them, its roughly half by my estimate but i dont have any numbers to validate that.

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Well of course its not all of them, but its enough specially here on the fourms, I know that the majority of actual players dont care about the story like everyone else

Go take some courses to learn reading comprehension, champ.


Take your own advice

I dislike Calia because as presented thus far she’s a polite idiot with a garish fashion sense antithetical to the Forsaken’s aesthetic.

I was initially much more pleasantly disposed to her conceptually. But Blizzard has really burned through all that good will at record speed.

And she’s even more insufferable when Voss is standing right there. Looking the part with some interesting thoughts on the Forsaken’s future, and moreover might’ve had some opinions on Blightcaller worth hearing seeing as they’d worked together.

But alas I suppose it was just critical I learn Calia has rescued the unnelves. In case I didn’t learn about this in Tirisfal or I didn’t read Shadow’s Rising.

Which makes sense I guess as Calia didn’t read SR either. If she did she might’ve remembered the part where Tyrande was pretty pointedly disinterested in anything she or anyone else has to say unless it’s related to the Banshee Queen’s death or whereabouts.