/spit on Calia

Only acceptable story lines:

a) Blizz kills Calia & Voss leader of Forsaken
b) Forsaken 3rd faction

No fn way we can put up with her unicorns and rainbows bs for whole expansion.

Blizz, plizz don’t forsake us once more


Buckle up buddy, because you’re going to be in for a long ride with Calia Miss Alliance Menethil

Not to mention the baggage she brings with being Arthas’ sister and all.


With the amount of Night Elves screaming at Blizz for vengeance, Forsaken will just be…forgotten.

Its why they gave us Calia. They hoped no one would notice.


I agree Calia should have no roll in the forsaken leadership, but spitting on ppl is just wrong.


Is it wrong though, if it’s a walking undead lightbulb(Calia in this case)?

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The Forsaken pride is the only faction pride that bleeds through into irl so it would be pretty dumb from Activision to do such thing. Unless its a slow burner and they are just aiming for forsaken cultural appropriation. Pfff

I am normally a calm Forsaken, but she’s making my bone marrow boil

Sure isn’t! As long as it’s in another faction


Why shouldn’t she?
The players might often forget, but they were citizens of Lordaeron and she’s the last descendant standing of their Sovereign ruler. That’s the whole reason Sylvanas killed her, out of fear they’d like her more and that she’d take back her rightful rule.


As I said, if they keep her in the game, as part of a Redeemed Lordaeron Citizens faction, so be it…

Just let me serve my Banshee Queen for the rest of my WoW years


The way I see it, who they were in life only matters as far as it being something they’ve lost and could never fully reclaim for themselves. Becoming undead was a transformative experience for the entire country, and a “you can never go home again” period in their collective memory. I liked that the old system of government died as a symbol of that, and I think reintroducing any member of the old monarchy for them feels like another misstep in the story.


Yeah, just did the prepatch starting quest and my god they’re heavy handed with her.

Between Lor’themar fawning over her offscreen “wisdom”, to Voss constantly reinforcing “she’s just a temp”, to Valeera bsing about how horrible it is for them both to be “caught between worlds”. This is Blizz doing what I was afraid they were going to do. Rather than actually put in the time to try to build up proper replacements for Horde characters, they will continue to neglect Horde characters in favor of their comfort zone. Writing Alliance characters INTO Horde leadership positions so they don’t have to write the faction they apparently oh so love to write.

Also, gotta love how the massive deficits Calia has in her character to be a prospective Forsaken leader are not being addressed at all … and she’s just keeping her promise to “get to know the Forsaken” totally behind the scenes. Oh, and she only ever really comments on recently dead Alliance characters, like Derek and the NEs, just to rub it in.


Going to just drop my sign right here of “No to Calia Menethil for the position of leadership in the Forsaken.”.


The problem with that idea is that is was one enforced by Sylvanas, but she’s gone now and the person who’s existed as the popular Symbol of the complete opposite of that ideal for years is still around and newly undead.
The forsaken have already tried to reconnect with their past lives and Sylvanas was the one that stomped that out and exterminated the ones that wanted it.


Nah, I’m talking about the story’s depiction of undeath and its effects on one’s mental state. It’s essentially the fantasy version of severe trauma and depression. Sylvanas was certainly the most visible aspect of it, but it’s something the condition itself forced on people.

It’s kinda like opening up an old picture book or driving past a place you used to live, remembering happier times, but knowing you can never really be that innocent or happy again. Either you cope, or you don’t, but there’s no going back to an earlier time.


I don’t know…I think she might end up a antagonist during a Light Crusade expansion. She’ll get a redemption in death saving the Forsaken from the light or something but she’ll still be dead.

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I’ll say it before, I’ll say it again.

The only conceivable way to make Calia work as A Forsaken leader is to properly put in the work and built up Voss as her counterbalance and equal. With Calia representing who the People of Lordaeron were in life, and Voss representing who they have become in death. As a pair, supporting the entire spectrum of identity within the Forsaken of Lordaeron’s ranks. Using characters like Belmont, Faranell, Tattersail, and Velonara to bolster Voss; and characters like Faol, Leonid, Derek, and Delaryn for Calia. And this is going to take some real work to pull off.

I am also just the tinyest bit pissed that Calia is in the SLs. I know she’s there to search for answers about her dead kid and husband; as well as get tied into whatever Arthas redemption Blizz is liken to pull out. But the very fact that she chose to be there, I assume trapped with the rest of us, is just her not doing the one thing she needs to be doing. Getting to know her damned people! We have yet to see her interact with a single remaining Forsaken rep; with Voss being the closest to a person who understands the Forsaken experience (and she’s no Belmont of Faranell).

I have this awful feeling that Blizz is going to give Calia development in SLs, but not the type of development she needs to offset the horrific deficits she has in her characterization to make her even slightly palatable as a Forsaken leader. She’ll grow as a person, and Blizz will conflate that as her growing into a better prospective leader. They’ll also likely use her to continue their trend of whitewashing whatever fragments of grey left in the Alliance out; with Humans not hating undead … that was exclusively a Sylvanas lie… There is no grey in the Blue team.


Calia doesn’t need to be anything. Voss (or whoever really runs the show) just needs to drag Calia around as a puppet to claim royal Lordaeron sovereignty. And Calia is naive enough to go along with it and not notice. And she’s friends with Alliance leadership, making it difficult for the Alliance to reject her royal claim.

Calia is literally perfect in every way. A gift that ensures Forsaken claim to their rightful land. Everything about her personality was almost designed from the ground up to be useful to the Forsaken.

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Yes, Calia was a Lordaeron Princess. She also coward in a ditch for two weeks while the people of Lordaeron were slaughtered by her brother and raised as undead who are now the forsaken. She then runs off and hides out in a temple until everything is over (not exactly what I’d call leadership abilities). Later she almost starts a war between the Alliance and Forsaken by revealing herself and trying to recruit Forsaken to Alliance at their very first gathering.

She is unfit to wear that crown.


Sadly Calia is simply a symptom of Blizzard lacking writers who have passion for writing the Horde. The only way Blizzard could get Golden to write the Forsaken/Horde was to allow her to put Calia in charge of them so she could have another Anduin cheerleader.

  1. As a Menethil, she did absolutely nothing to rally the kingdom while her brother tore it down. She fled and abandoned them to their fate. (In the meta context, I know that even the attempt would be a death sentence and it made sense for someone to favor self preservation, but these people that depended upon that leadership paid the ultimate price and came back to an unlife that had to be clawed out, and have a very valid reason to treat someone who chose themselves over their subjects with scorn.)

  2. She spent this entire time alive in the presence of the Alliance, the people who would most assuredly tear the Forsaken down if given the chance. Given her self-admitted lack of formal knowledge in leadership and politics, she is hopelessly naive to the enemy that would manipulate her at best and an active agent of the enemy regime at worst.

  3. The Forsaken do not have the luxury of diplomacy. They are less than human in the eyes of their adversaries. They are monsters and squatters, false claimants to the kingdom of Lordaeron by the people who survived the fall of Lordaeron, as well as the Alliance that surrounds them, validated in their beliefs by the taboo powers called upon by the Forsaken in the name of survival. The Forsaken need a leader who, at the minimum, knows what’s at stake, as well as every line that’s been crossed and every action that’s been taken to persist in a world that has no natural precedent for their existence. Looking at the Forsaken’s situation from now to their inception, the only way they were ever going to achieve peace for the rest of their existence was by military might to serve as a deterrence from attack by the outside world. Calia would be dead weight in this position for a multitude of reasons.

  4. Calia isn’t actually Forsaken. Neither in the political sense or in the cursed sense. She’s made in the image of the Holy Light, with marble perfection and with none of the physical or spiritual downsides of being Forsaken. She will never face the inevitable danger of the mindless state, nor will she be rejected by the outside world, because to do so would be blasphemy in the eyes of the religion that most of the Alliance worships. She doesn’t know their wants, needs or plights. She even has somewhere to go, if her former subjects threw her out on her keister. She could go mope in Stormwind or Kul Tiras where a literal King or Grand Admiral would protect her and grant her legal status. The Forsaken formed their political body and have done as they done because they don’t have anywhere else to go, or anyone to protect them.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Sufficed to say, Calia would be the worst possible choice for the Forsaken.


It is just a tad bit insulting that even Voss is being portrayed as a “temp”.

Like, say what you want about Voss, but she does embody Forsaken Free will and understands the Forsaken experience very well. Even if both had led her to not being a part of their faction for so long. Thus, even if she is also very forced into her current role … she could be made to work theoretically, with the proper cast and leader moments supporting her. She’s also a bit of a powerhouse, and one of the very few Anti-Light user specialists. Which is a plus.

It … really bothers me that even this forced into her current role character is being portrayed as just a placeholder for Calia. Did anyone sort of lose it when the first words out of Calia’s mouth to Voss when she first meets was her reminiscing about Voss’s father? Like … wow! And Voss is just forced to overlook that apparent alarming lack of understanding of her history.