/spit on Calia

Yes. Baine the alliance pawn. He doesn’t care about the Horde. He made that clear ever since he sold us out to his alliance friends. #hatebaine Taurajo, Theramore, Derek, it is all the same story.

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I think Baine’s problem is more meta-related than anything else. From what we know of the character, it’s completely within his personality to do what he did and, taken in isolation, it even makes sense that he’d seek to find a way to make peace with, or at least alleviate tensions between the two factions to stop the war.

His issue comes from it being all he’s really known for. He’s turned into “the good one,” like the kind of civilian target dummy at a Hogan’s Alley that you morally fail if you accidentally shoot him. He ended up existing to be victimized to show the horde’s moral failings and the alliance’s goodness in working with him. This behavior carried over into an earlier iteration of the Shadowlands beta, where he was literally thrown away because the King of Hell found no value in him.

I think people would be more tolerant of Baine if Blizzard let the minotaur actually be a minotaur for a little bit, aimed in a positive direction against a threat like the Legion or Old God minions or whatever neutral threat you can think of. But he’s been so consistently…well, Baine, that actually seeing the racial leader fight anything is what seems out of character now.


He does. The problem is warmongers don’t care about the Horde and see the facts wrong.

The Alliance will always be our enemy. Baine sending love letters to Anduin won’t change that. We should turn him into a burger for all the treason he has caused.

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Impossible to say, but very unlikely.

It is the most consistent dynamic in the game. When the next faciton war happens we will root out any traitors who meddle with the Alliance against the interests of their own people. Thrall and Baine are nothing but weaklings who don’t deserve to be leaders of their respective races. I say kill them and replace them with warhawks instead. That way conflict with the Alliance never ends.

I’d say a big bad rising and falling is more consistent. But ultimately the story revolves around breaking the cycle of violence rather than perpetuating it. If and when WoW ends, I think it will be resolved that way.

You chose to play Forsaken, but you don’t want to be forsaken…

Calia’s totally into it though, so it’s fine.

It’s like playing a worgen and not wanting head pats or belly rubs (Both are awesome btw) :gift_heart:

Joking aside, the forsaken player base does seem rather flippant with what they want

In my non-forsaken player opinion, I believe the problem of Calia comes from the mindset of a Forsaken character being at odds with the Forsaken character.

Players who play Forsaken want a darker character. They didn’t suffer death and become slaves and go through all the bad crap that Forsaken went through. Many just like the idea of playing a tragic/morally grey/ generally dark character, and Forsaken is the darkest you can get, just going generally off race.

Calia goes against that mindset of the playerbase, even as she represents a new turn of Forsaken lore. The Forsaken have suffered as a race, and Calia represents healing and sympathy for that suffering. Unfortunately, the Forsaken playerbase does not seem to want a prominent character based around sympathy and healing. They want a darker character to match their character fantasy, like Sylvanus was to them. And given that a Sylvanus redemption arc rumor is going around, many Forsaken players seem to still hold onto the idea of Sylvanus as their leader, because they want that darker character representing them.

Anyway, that’s just my theory, as a player who does not play Forsaken. Happy to discuss it! :slight_smile:


It’s not just Forsaken players who have issues with Calia though. Though I do believe your points are a factor for some Forsaken players. Others have issues due to how Calia has been around Alliance characters before suddenly being in the Horde.

Furthermore for many Calia feels shoved into the Horde, even if they understand the rational of her wanting to connect with her former people. For me Calia joining the Forsaken makes sense, Voss picking her to be one of her counselors is whatever, but Thrall having her come to represent the Horde at the Mount Hyjal meeting with the Night Elves leadership was very much a Tenth Doctor ‘What’ moment. And then Lor’themar talks about how Calia’s advice has proven beneficial to the Horde Council in the pre-patch and I’m just like what advice?

We are essentially being told Calia has earned the merit to represent a faction she just joined and of been of great aid to the Horde leadership, but we haven’t seen it. And that tell, not show mindset is very worrisome, especially after seeing that in BfA with Sylvanas.

And I still recall her naivety with genuinely believing that Parqual Fintallas and the Felstone brothers wanted her as their Princess/Queen instead of realizing that they were using her as a means to remain with their living family. And until I see that she’s lost that naivety, I won’t tolerate the idea of her being leader of the Forsaken.


Ugh, the Banshee simps are at it again…

what they don’t realize is that this is a opportunity for Lorderon’s citizens to leave the sewers and truly reclaim their kingdom, with a menethil on the throne and everything.
nothing would piss off the Alliance more

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It was a hint to keep her mouth sot.
Jokes aside i don’t know what they are planing with her, if they build her up i am ok with everything but NPCs saying how good and valuable she is and Tyrandes “Your kind” isn’t build up its tell not show. Till now the plan to make her forshaken leader is only an assumption. They might have other plans.

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The conflict with the alliance is the main reason the story has spiraled down and out of control, the main reason the Horde has lost a large chunk of relevant developed characters, and the main reason why a lot of horde players are demoralized.

Sorry but I don’t want to have to kill a 3rd Warchief as a raid boss. Send the game back into a Cold War/proxy war stage and give both faction the development they deserve.


I disagree. The problem isn’t that Blizzard is writing a faction conflict. It’s that they don’t know how to write a faction conflict WELL.

Blizzard are utterly terrible at writing any sort of conflict other than Entirely Good vs. Entirely Evil.

A Good War was a good start to BFA because it was a rare time when Blizzard actually explored the possibility that Sylvanas’s and Saurfang’s plan wasn’t necessarily uncalled for, and that it was actually in the best interests of the Horde.

But then BFA just threw all that out the window.


A faction conflict will allways be bad because neither side can win a decisive victory, since this is a two faction game after all. Status quo is king, and allways has been in wow. You didn’t seriously think that either faction would “win” the 4th war right?

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WOW i never seen someone miss the point of a good war soo HARD

and of course its a forsaken player that misses the point

Looks like you’re the one who doesn’t understand me.

Leave it to a Night Elf player to not have any reading comprehension.

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