/spit is the best BM out there
I remember spitting on a Pandaren Warrior one time because that race/class combo is just…gross.
And we had an hour long argument in whispers!
better sure that is a carry over from classic when everyone was ‘nicer’.
and guess what, some of them are still around designing this game.
I’m offended…
Aviela can spit on me
This is the correct answer.
/spit is the best BM out there
I remember spitting on a Pandaren Warrior one time because that race/class combo is just…gross.
And we had an hour long argument in whispers!
See, I’m reading this as
“I was a jerk to a random player because I didn’t like his choice of race/class. I further harassed him in whispers for about an hour”
Why the hell would you tell this story thinking its a funny anecdote and not shameful cringe-worthy trash?
You spazzing out about panda warriors and spitting on people to harass them is not a ringing endorsement of keeping /spit.
See that? You’re blowing things out of proportion I didn’t harrass this player in whispers at all. Infact they harassed me more than anything in whispers all because what? I /spit on them one time? They were just sensitive. I’d love for someone at Blizz to pull up those old legion chatlogs if they can just to show you. I remember the players name If that helps
I kinda miss that argument with the Panda Warrior tbh. It got unrelated to WoW very fast and became about politics and other things I wont bring up that were going on in the real world.
threads like this are a good reason to keep the /spit emote
Don’t tell me, your fefes were hurt by this? Are you saying being spit on in a video game effect you IRL to the point you want it gone? How you can survive outside on a daily basis?
I used to find emotes to not be effective enough. I decided that hour long griefing sessions of killing the player again and again followed up by camping their quest turn in npcs really drove the point home.
Rude af. But really op you should count your blessings, i would much rather just get /spit on than Flag of Ownershiped or turned into a meat chunk by the Gin-Ji Knife Set.
Ew a Panda Warrior, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Isn’t the real question why it would bother you? I have had folks /spit on me.
I always feel like it says something about them and nothing at all about me. Such a petty gesture.
The only time I use that emote is when an sketchy NPC gives me something to eat or drink. For my own amusement. It’s also funny to put the Spittoon toy down and then /spit all around it like you can’t aim.
I’m easily amused.
Ew another male orc warrior?
The point is, when you get ganked by a group and you later find each member of that group you get to spit on their corpse while you camp them. It’s meant to be degrading, as a line of text can be anyways.
Still more interesting than a furry
Lets rude players spit on us, too.
Sorry you find bears triggering friend, i wish you the best in coping with your condition.
Yes, Very very triggering indeed! That’s the word.