Spit emote: what's the point?

I have for years bought up the unsavoury emote that does unsettle some people. Unsettled i would think Blizz would of got rid of this emote.

I guess its a part of Blizzs grand scheme of thing to unsettle players who find it vulgar and negativity of the impact of playing.

Lets all of us Spit on Blizzard ? oh…you cant. Oh well.

/emote Snikrot’s forcefield deflects the spit back at you.

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It is a good way for jerks to identify themselves to everyone. That is all it is good for.

The really disturbing emote is /lick especially coming from any sort of undead.
Except if a Cat or Bear druid, or a Worgen is wolf form uses it, it just becomes silly Rp.

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Sunday threads.

Emotions cannot have points, they are words, not physical objects.

As someone that’s been spit on IRL for their “race” I wouldn’t be broken up if /spit were removed from the game.

Wasn’t this one of your first threads? You’re on a loop now, you gotta think of something else! Do something crazy, like spread rumors that Blizzard is bringing back Real ID for the forums.

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To get a rise out of people. Looks like it worked perfectly.

Just don’t take away my /moon + /moan macro to anyone who spits at me while backing into them.


I’d /spit on a Belf too.

Me too.


I don’t mind. /shrug

Are you hurt? Do you need a doctor?


I just want to know when the OP will change her character to a troll. It would fit the threads she creates so much better and give them the true ambiance they are going for.


If you get spit on frequently, create a macro that says the following:

/me catches the spit in her(or his) mouth. "Thanks!"

Works every time.

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I understand not wanting to be /spit on, but that’s kinda the point. It’s an insult. You’re not supposed to enjoy it.

What’s the point of letting players insult eachother?
What’s the point of war?
What’s the point of letting other players kill eachother?

:sweat_drops: Because it’s fun! :sweat_drops:

WoW was originally designed by toxic bro dbags who made sure to bake in lots of opportunities to be an antisocial jerk.

/spit is a relic of that.
Griefing and corpse camping (or ganking an ingame funeral) are others.

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Not every interaction in life is positive nor should we act like life is a utopia and censor anything and everything that might upset somebody. We literally kill each other in this game…

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When I’m fighting mobs in uldum or the vale to click an objective and someone flys in and steals it, they get spit on.