Spire darter's transmog should have been in-game quest

Nope, I showed you to be incorrect many times. You however seem to be begging for attention.

I came by because I just was wondering why you were trolling by spamming the same topics on the forums.

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Just gonna leave this here…


Games aren’t free, development cost isn’t free, and projects that don’t profit the stakeholders die.

So, sure. I’m happy to say that Blizzard is doing a poor job of satisfying their stakeholders in an environment where everyone else is falling over themselves to make a quick buck.

I dare you to wear that to the grocery store!

A few things everything in the cash shop is content? On that wide open definition of content everything is content even our characters, NPCs, building models etc.

Content is actually in simplest of all possible terms “stuff for the player to do”.

Other points…
The transmog set is terrible, the wings look nice on my female caster thats about it.

Finally i dont know if it was a fluke but i got the set for free.

I did buy a 6 month sub…like 3 months ago though.

I probably could. We have a mask mandate and they didn’t say what kind of mask.

Not a fluke anyone who already had a 6month sub had it show up.

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We’ve lost two family members to it. One was only in his 30s with no underlying conditions. The other was a 56 year old veteran. On top of losing my dad suddenly and my father in law two weeks later… this year can go screw itself. :pensive:

13+ year olds play this game but according to many people they need to farm gold ingame alongside schoolwork and friends or ask their mum for their creditcard to see “content in game”

But I guess that doesn’t matter if you can sound like a big brain boy on the forums

They do though. I literally did nothing. I have a recurring 6 month subscription and just got the mog. I didn’t have to go out and buy another 6 months.

Only if dropped from high enough to get serious velocity going. A nice M&M shower could be fun from like…8’

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A shower of M&Ms sounds delightful. They won’t melt!

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An absolute stupid take considering Activision had a record profit last year, despite that Blizzard closed office in versailles cause naive people like you enable companies to make money with as less employees available.

Hence the go to the doctor if you get serious symptoms. Not sure where you are at but here they got things so whipped up some people thought if you got it you were 100% going to die. Panic doesn’t help anything.

I’ll bite only for this comment:

Cosmetics are just that. Cosmetics. Content is not cosmetics. Some cosmetics are unlocked by doing in game content. Others are unlocked with gold or real money or loyalty.

There is no in game content locked behind the cash shop.

Not arguing with you about that aspect of the business. They are bad to their employees.

But they sure as hell could have been monetizing MTX type stuff for years, but they have not.

In retrospect, perhaps the employee cost is the burden you consumers are paying in order to not have much stuff monetized in the game instead.

I feel this is grounds for a “which button” meme.

Oh, I’ve had it for four weeks. It’s just lingering for me because of my RA.

Cosmetics getting sold in a pay to play game shouldn’t be a thing at all. And yes any content wether its on the store or not is content.

Companies exist for 1 reason only and that is to make money. All this complaining about making shareholders happy is stupid, if you don’t make the shareholders happy, they pull the plug on WoW.

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But you’re fine with them charging their fan base that supports them $20. “Not my problem, I don’t care”

Got it.

Maybe leave then and stop sitting around trolling in my threads? I know that’s what you like to spend all your time doing, but maybe pick up a new hobbie?

Do you say that when everyone speaks their opinion? Or are you just trolling.

Blizzard took some in-game content and charged us for it, but then gave us a mount! So It’s okay!

Would you be fine if all the covenant armor sets were $20 each and in exchange they gave us a free mount?

Your logic…yikes.

One of them said “I haven’t had this much entertainment in 4 weeks” imagine trolling and harassing being the highlight of your life over the past 4 weeks… :joy: :rofl:
What’s hilarious is I made this thread and they all instantly mass reported it like my first thread (which is still up) they mass reported twice, both times it stayed up.

They’re truly a sad lot of individuals, at first I enjoyed discussing with them why they were wrong and figured it was fun banter…but these people are actually serious and It’s actually extremely sad that there are people like them in the world…

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