Spinebreaker Horde Reconnections

Name: Fallchild
Race: Undead
Class: Priest
Guild: Corrupt/Insomnia

Man I was just talking to some old friends about classic WoW and I’m so glad something like this exists so I can reconnect with all these familiar faces! Hit me up if you remember me!


Name: Mcstabbie
Race: Troll
Class: Rogue
Guilds: A Global Threat, Aurora Borealis

I remember a lot of people posting here, wow.

Also played as Emceepeepntz Undead DeathKnight and Mchealbot Troll Shaman during WoTLK

Hey Mate - see my post its Minibill leader of Bring Back the Biff :slight_smile: - come say hello in discord

Hey Big Fella! :smiley:

Red here, still around mate :wink:

Heading to oceanic this time around, time to see the game at a real latency.

Name: Chep
Race: Orc
Class: Hunter
Vanilla Guilds: Foundation, PlayNOW, Ruin, Black Omen and Ostralyan Pain.

I Remember: Heks, Claymore, Umfufu, Tikku, AE & Wol, ilce,
Pants and Whitemouse, Dezlok, Huoying, Kyngore, So many more…

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WoW, GM Fallchild in the house! Awesome to see you still around. I was Madarmydawg, undead rogue in Corrupt. Been a long time.

Holy crap!!! Whats your btag Empy!

Holy sh*t you’re right, I completely forgot about that.

Hai Red! I understand, Latency does suck. Shame, I miss that sexy voice :slight_smile:

Mad! Good to hear from you man!

Wow, it’s neat to see so many old friends! I have such great memories pvping it up with Gods Gift and the OG honor grind. AV for days, 'twas glorious! =D

Motafina - Troll Fire Mage
Franzia - BE Disc Priest
Srsly - BE Noob Hunter

PS. Zargg and I got married 4 years ago, we proudly met on Spinebreaker! Haha, what are the chances of that?! <3

If anyone wants to play BGs hit me up on Emerald Dream!


Hi Motafina, I remember you! I used to play a rogue called Deathmuncher back in the day. Good to see you’re still around.

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Physics , Undead Priest

Forsaken Fate (Shrooms RL Friend) , Foundation

Looking to connect with Malegant, Undead Rogue and any others I used to run with.

I remember Angband raging during MC wipes…

Wow! Ton of familiar names. Trying to figure out where I need to be for classic!

Character Name: Ballzy - Male Troll Warrior with a original Quel’Serrar!
Guild: Denizens of Defilement

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Jabobo, Jeef, Fallchild, I remember you guys. I also remember the others mentioned; Dungren, Maligna, Blizzy, Moona, Tealeaf, Mels, Msdoom etc. Some of the others who stick out in my memory are Burnie the fire mage and Kotor the hunter.
I was a really quiet kid in highschool so probably wasn’t the most talkative guildmate. It’d be fun to reconnect though. What server are you guys rolling on?

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Gill!!! It’s Spottedcow. Glad to see you’re still around. Man, we need to catch up.

Oh yeah

Spottedcow, Tauren Shaman. Only real guild I was in for Vanilla was Tear of Nagafen (ToN), the Chinese guild. Couldn’t make US raid times. I did get to fill in a few times as a warm body for Instinct and for one memorable alt raid with OP doing AQ20 and ZG, although I literally fell asleep on my keyboard during Hakkar.

Any of you Aussies remember a warrior named Paynkiller? I miss that guy a ton, I’d give my left nut to get back into contact with him.

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Playing a lot of HoTS these days - you’ll usually find me online. :slight_smile: