Spinebreaker Horde Reconnections

Character = High Warlord Minibill.
Guild master of Bring Back the Biff which later became Cause for Concern (If I remember correctly lol). Good to see some people around here from back in the day please join my discord to catch up with me I’ll be running a new guild on Arugal (Oceanic PVP server. My name on the Discord is NicenFresh so feel free to dm me or chat in general in the discord (https:// discord.gg/JnjbTGt). remove space

Thank you! Hope to catch up with some old folks from Spinebreaker :slight_smile:

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Sweet, that’s where I’m headed then!

Woot! Time to get more peeps!

Name: Gillbian
Vanilla Guilds: Exhumed, Instinct
Class: Shaman
Likes: Pie


^ Does indeed like Pie

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/blush <3 =P

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Guild: phantom elite and slashlick

Kamisori: undead warlock and later blood elf pally


Vatho - UD Rank 13 destro lock
Cannabees - UD warrior (I’m cringing looking at my old names these days)
Lobstas - Holy Pally in BC

A bunch of guilds, God’s Gift, PK, Corrupt, Empyrean, and Phantom Elite/Dawn of Valor in BC

This thread has hit me right in the feels, o7 gentlemen


Fallchild. That name is so familiar - was he gm of corrupt? So many memories are being pulled from a decade ago.

Eiluaq… your name is so damn familiar

Og. I remember his bass-filled voice from the ventrilo days

Thorgid - Tauren Warrior
Guild - Shadow Prophecy

Ohial I for sure remember you or should I say Killomatic?! are you and your brother Laiho still playing and going to play classic?! You might remember me? I tanked and dpsed for Shadow Prophecy!

Where are all my Shadow Prophecy friends at?! Aphrodites, Rahtak/Aberon, Greendeath, Darklegionz, Sumtingwong, Wezl, Mayrie, Rools, Drexell, Korvish, Kobi, Apoc, Mugra, Littlejim, Jorjah, Laiho, Ohial, Buzzkill, Yakslapper, Dinngy, Dimoo, Borgir?! Ill be joining my private server guild Rise on the Herod server. Hope to see some of you there.


Gillbian! Hope to see you on Whitemane Hordde!

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Yes Woody you need to go Whitemane

I started raiding with TAR back in MC lasted with that core group through TBC. Feel like i remember you, definitely remember Osher.

Rokomis - Tauren Warrior

When i joined Zulanilu and Rokkahorra were running things mostly along with a Tauren Shaman named Vorgoth. Stopped raiding for a while after Drums of War went kaput. We R Teh Suq and Forsaken Fate after that for a while, now just freelance.

Gnar! You got me into my first raid! What was the name of the guild you ran that joined up with TAR?

Hot damn! HUNGER! It’s Empy.

Get at me, my dude.

wow… its been a long time. I was a holy Paladin in Drums of War for some time. My character was Hitbubleheal.

Holy crap, Jabobo! It’s me, Fallchild!

Bro so cool to see your name! You gonna play classic?

Hey man, what was your name?! Never got banned believe it or not! But you just brought back an insane amount of memories with that…