Spinebreaker Horde Reconnections

Have al alt names Ballzycow aswell? I rolled with Simfighter (Brent).

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Yeah Deathy!! It’s so nice to hear from you again! Good times my friend! <3

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Cent! <3 What server are you playing classic on? (it’s tiff!)

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Kami!!! I remember sharing belf transmogs with you before transmog was even in the game, such trend-setters! <3 Franzia

Hey Spotted! Miss ya <3 add me on battlenet Gillbian#1828

Man hit me up on bnet if you wanna play together! Sam#113275

Curious if we played together maybe? What was your character’s name?

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Sent :slight_smile: damn man its been freaking forever!

Motafina, yo yo, what server you gonna roll on?

/wave I was one of the people from CFC who left I was the main tank ( nightsalker ) left to make a guild with all the pvp’ers and irl friends from pve to make legend

I started playing WoW cause of reagonomics. i would watch him raid at the gaming center he owned.

Cubajr- 60 Tauren warrior
Hephestos - 60 orc warrior

Hi Gwarlord! Oh I’m not sure yet. What about you?

Whitemane - Alliance

We definitely played together - I was a Warlord destruction lock named Vatho, and you let me raid MC with you. I actually still have the screenshots of a Ragnaros kill with Corrupt. If you’re raiding again this time around sign me up!

Yo add me on bnet! Literally talking to everyone right now about restarting the guild: Sam#113275


I literally have Deathloc on my friends list still lol

Hi again Tankgirl and yes u whinged plenty!!

Ive not seen or heard from Hec or BDC for many years.

What server?

We’re still figuring that out, but add me on bnet (Sam#113275) or hit me up on discord (Sam.#1655) and I’ll keep you posted!