Spinebreaker Horde Reconnections

Okay! Got my name reserved on Whitemane! :upside_down_face:

Kami!!! <3
Are you playing classic? What server?

Come join Insomnia - Alliance on Blaumeux

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A bunch of us are rolling Alliance on Blaumeux. Insomnia is coming back and looking for members!

I’ll send you the discord.

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Anyone heard from Mekila?

Valedor here been playing since 2004 day 1, wondering if I might bump into old WOW PVP (Spinebreaker) friends.

Name = Darktrooper
Role = Prot Warrior (Main Tank for MC, BWL, Onyxia, AQ, and Naxx briefly)
Guild = Exhumed / Fist of Chaos

Still have my original Tauren warrior (still prot spec) from vanilla. I’ve jumped a few servers and had to do a name change, but still the original character after all these years. Mostly did PvE, but I dabbled in PvP once in awhile.


Hell yeah brother, think ima roll lock too. The duo back together!

Awww I miss Mekila!

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Oh this should be fun with you two back!

Undead Warlock
Fallen Champions / Customer Service

Hey coors! Still kicking around on retail, good to see a familiar name!

Fariz and I rolling alliance on whitemane


Hey it’s Aitia and Mergenstrum! We are going to play Vanilla…what server are you on?

broooooooooo you know once an addict always an addict.

imma add u on discord/bnet

whitemane horde is lookin like the move, mb stalagg in the event of 4 hr queues

Nice, man! I’ll have to meet up with you guys on Whitemane, then. I’ve got a few buddies from work rolling Alliance there, also, and I’m trying to get Shadowpyre to play, if you remember him.

Kernalpain - Undead Mage in Vanilla
Kernal - Orc Shaman in BC
I did some time in Dawn of Valor
RL Friends with SrsUnknown - Resto? Shaman who was in DoV

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I piayed an undead mage in SP named Senital, Aphro is my mother, I know she started another char for classic on Whitemane. I know she is still in contact with Rahtak but im not sure if he will be playing or not.

Senital: Undead mage
Guilds: Disciples of fire, Shadow Prophecy


Guild: Exhumed
Toon: Steerclear
Class: Warrior


He lives! its like looking at a ghost from the past. I swear if Sabershot shows up in here somewhere I’ll cry.

Guild: Revelation, Instinct
Toon: Watamis
Class: Warrior

Ofc I remember you! Good to see you again! Derision#11111 is my btag, add me up if you want to link up!