Okay! Got my name reserved on Whitemane!
Kami!!! <3
Are you playing classic? What server?
Come join Insomnia - Alliance on Blaumeux
A bunch of us are rolling Alliance on Blaumeux. Insomnia is coming back and looking for members!
I’ll send you the discord.
Anyone heard from Mekila?
Valedor here been playing since 2004 day 1, wondering if I might bump into old WOW PVP (Spinebreaker) friends.
Name = Darktrooper
Role = Prot Warrior (Main Tank for MC, BWL, Onyxia, AQ, and Naxx briefly)
Guild = Exhumed / Fist of Chaos
Still have my original Tauren warrior (still prot spec) from vanilla. I’ve jumped a few servers and had to do a name change, but still the original character after all these years. Mostly did PvE, but I dabbled in PvP once in awhile.
Hell yeah brother, think ima roll lock too. The duo back together!
Awww I miss Mekila!
Oh this should be fun with you two back!
Undead Warlock
Fallen Champions / Customer Service
Hey coors! Still kicking around on retail, good to see a familiar name!
Fariz and I rolling alliance on whitemane
Hey it’s Aitia and Mergenstrum! We are going to play Vanilla…what server are you on?
broooooooooo you know once an addict always an addict.
imma add u on discord/bnet
whitemane horde is lookin like the move, mb stalagg in the event of 4 hr queues
Nice, man! I’ll have to meet up with you guys on Whitemane, then. I’ve got a few buddies from work rolling Alliance there, also, and I’m trying to get Shadowpyre to play, if you remember him.
Kernalpain - Undead Mage in Vanilla
Kernal - Orc Shaman in BC
I did some time in Dawn of Valor
RL Friends with SrsUnknown - Resto? Shaman who was in DoV
I piayed an undead mage in SP named Senital, Aphro is my mother, I know she started another char for classic on Whitemane. I know she is still in contact with Rahtak but im not sure if he will be playing or not.
Senital: Undead mage
Guilds: Disciples of fire, Shadow Prophecy
Guild: Exhumed
Toon: Steerclear
Class: Warrior
He lives! its like looking at a ghost from the past. I swear if Sabershot shows up in here somewhere I’ll cry.
Guild: Revelation, Instinct
Toon: Watamis
Class: Warrior
Ofc I remember you! Good to see you again! Derision#11111 is my btag, add me up if you want to link up!