Don’t know if you remember me but I played quite a bit with Piggbutt and Cowelf (I think they were brothers)
Tauren Hunter
Played in Shadow Prophecy during BC and a bunch of other people during Vanilla
Looking for homies and anyone who remembers me from Shadow Prophecy (I was a child lol)
Steer I remember you! Where are you rolling?
Dude! I forgot I used to be in SP for a long time! I miss Aphro! Tell her kernalpain Undead Mage says hi!! I also created a toon on whitemane!
Seveance #1556
Join us on whitemane Kami!
Toon: Harris, undead mage.
Guild: Corrupt
Welcome home boys
Name caza
Race Undead
Class Rogue
I had a Tauren hunter as well but i cant remeber the name of anything else I played. I think I had a druid also
Name Deathma
Race Tauren
Class Druid
hello misstarfire how are you
I believe Myself and voodoo and rolling with Gillbian and company, ill have to check which server to be sure!
DT!!! /hugs! I figured you walked away once you disappeared in wrath. Missed you buddy!
Played an Orc Warrior named Akrin in Forsaken Fate. Looking for Shroom and Wolframium (my warrior heroes at the time), Seldren, lots of you who I can’t quite remember the names of, but I’d love to hear from anybody that remembers me… Looking to roll Alliance on Skeram this time around (druid main), but one you old timers could easily change my mind as I’m not set on anything other than playing a druid. I was pretty casual and bad the first time around, hoping to be competitive since I have more time this time around.
DJShadow or anyone else interested in playing with the old Insomnia/RC crew, add me on Battle net! Centaura#1530
I will def let her know! hopefully we will see you on whitemane!!!
I remember you! You and a tauren hunter who’s name escapes me now were always after the same gear. His wife is Amelia, she was a holy priest. I have her bnet.
I’m almost embarrassed after all the wipes I caused in MC and AQ! I cant remember the wrestler dudes name but he felt sorry and gave me the Immolation 8 book just before Portent was disbanded.
Are you playing classic and if so where?
I remember Turdie but can’t remember what it was we did, but I definitely remember that name! Wow this is awesome!
I see the mentions of Shroom, Pherr and lots of Shadow Prophecy people but I didn’t join them until late BC IIRC.
And Minibill!!! <3
I will play with a work friend on Myzreal. I think thats the server name. Only other hunter i can realy remember is Northside. super excited to play again.
yea lots of people i remember playing with mentioned in here. alot of the DA people. wish my old school homies come back too!
Miss you guys, Eldrich, Darklegionz, Northside, Morel and countless others.
Was a really long time ago memory is kinda fuzzy on half the people.
Name: Madmilker
Race: Tauren
Class: Shaman
Guild: Abandon All Hope, Dawn of Valor and probably a couple others. (Alt Guild was Chaos Requiem) Tempest in WOTLK and Cata im pretty sure.
Role: Noob lvl 58 raid body that had a Razorgore kill
Smoka is definitely a name I couldnt forget do you guys know what server you are going to be on.
haha i remember you too we didnt plan it out but had the taco names!
dude!!! added will u be on whitemane? i am on there with some buddies