Spicy New Bwonsamdi Info *spoilers*

Idk it seems it’s more than just corruption, bwomsamedi outright states it https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/392758838891380736/735669988051910686/af4c90e6af3955332a1a4cd400d44a78.png

That’s really weird since a Darkspear shadow hunter used an ability of Dambala in WoD.

Also they better not say Hakkar has been working for Mueh’zala all along, he was perfectly threatening and interesting on his own.


I think it’s more that Mueh’zala is trying to recrute and empower all of the evil loa so Hakkar is still its own villain, at least it’s not retroactive.

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Or not.

Trolls are first and foremost an ethnic culture, the Troll culture, which by the way is very similar to each other Trollkind everywhere else with only little differences and is based on the same basic religion.

As I said, I think Bwonsamdi is a mortal, one of the first trolls, before the time of the empires, I’ve said it over and over again, and there have been references to it before. It’s the same race, but not the same culture.

And it fits very well when bwonsamdi was a Mueh’zella’s priest of the dead( failed with my idea of a warlord), but in the end he’s a follower of Mueh’zella who became a loa, as I said before, and so both entities have their place in the mysticism of the trolls.

It’s not about night elves like Sadmoore is talking about here, but it’s about the mystification of the trolls themselves and how you can accommodate Mueh’zella and Bwonsamdi without encountering problems as how you could explain that now.

It was the logical choice and I’m glad that it was made.

How powerful must a priest be to not only make a deal with Mueh’zella to become a loa, but also to manage to be noticed on his own level with the other loa, like Rezan or other kinds of Loas.

i said it very times, Bwonsamdi lied there, he didn´t predate the biological race, he predate the culture of trollkind.

I hope so.

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man that’s really wack, they’re really crapping on troll lore and IRL voodoo outsid eof Bwon

Just because patrilineally my ancestors are Indigenous North Africans (Imazighen) in the 10th century doesn’t mean I am one though. Troll is something you become, its a self referential historically constructed term. You can’t retroactively or postfact apply the term to a prior people.

It’s like saying Vrykul are Humans, they’re both Curse of Flesh Titan Constructs no? They can procreate together given Kul Tiran questline where Ulfar states Drust Thornspeakers integrated into Kul Tiran society too. Doesn’t mean Vrykul are Humans even if they’re a branch of eachother. Kul Tirans are Humans because we consider them such and they consider themselves such, even if they’re “mixed” with Vrykul.

Ergo, Bwonsamdi preadates Trolls qua Trolls.

I get it. Bwonsamdi lies. That’s his thing. That doesn’t mean I’m not going to be a little disappointed with this particular case of it.

Honestly, Bwom’s portrayal after the shift in Blizzard’s intentions for the character depicts him as a “good trickster”, I don’t think it would make sense to argue he would needlessly lie about his origins when his lies were shown to mostly fit some sort of purpose and most often than not a good one.

Zahir’s comment just reads as “ahah I was right, troll lore bad”

I prefer Baal’s middle ground of having him be an ascended mortal but from a race that predates the trolls.


No, I’m just glad that I was right and many still don’t understand why Bwonsamdi said that.

He said it when doubt arose, when his influence was about to wane, he made himself bigger and gave a vision - as he did with Zekhan - to manipulate a situation in his favour.

That’s not entirely true.

Trolls exist in two senses.

One sense is the biological race. It simply means the biological species, the body plan, the DNA.

The other is the ethnic culture.

Bwonsamdi is the same biological race. He is descended from the same race from a time before they called themselves trolls. But he never belonged to the troll ethnic culture as a mortal(only as loa) And that’s exactly what I said above.

based on your example, that is:

You are still the biological race H.omo Sapiens Sapiens, but you are not part of the ethnic culture your own ancestors belonged to.

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The thing is Neanderthals aren’t H sapiens yet we know there was sexual relations and cross species integration given anywhere between 0.1-2ish% of H. sapien DNA is Neanderthal.

Bwonsamdi is pre H sapien ancestor, thus not Troll, neither “racially” nor “culturally”.

This makes me happy. I was thinking Bwon boi was a former troll, but I wasen’t really sure of it due to Shadows of the Horde

Good to know that Bwonsamdi is now agelessly hot :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes, that’s true. However, because Neanderthals and H.omo Sapiens shared EXACT the same ancestors and it was only a split that separated them, a local mutation led to Neanderthals based on H.omo Errectus.

H.omo Errectus had produced a few local mutations, one was H.omo Sapiens and the other was Neanderthal, that is the only reason. It is the parent generation that is the identical one and Neanderthal was biologically nearly 100% identical to H.omo Sapiens in terms of genetic code. So, in terms of genetic, it’s the same biological race. . (99,9999999999%) The same genetic diversity that people from different regions of the world share today.

In Siberia they found a human species that descended from H.omo Errectus but is extinct. This species was also a local mutation and differed from humans and Neanderthals in small amounts. By the way, even today, the H.omo Sapiens is not 100% identical, there are local differences in terms of genetic material whether you are European, Asian or African. The neanderthal had the same difference as these.

Are all of them no longer human?

So it remains: Bwonsamdi is a troll, in a biological sense, but he is older than the current troll imperial culture and predate them.

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He could simply be to trolls what trolls are to elves I don’t know why it needs to spring complicated arguments with irrelevant irl comparisons.


Nope, because he predates Trolls. It is incoherent to call him a Troll if he predates Trolls qua Trolls. He is not the same race.

Their excuse will be “but what magic changed them then”

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Recently, I was confronted by many writers here when I said that this possibility explains most of what we know about Bwonsamdi. Shouldn’t one be happy if in such an unpredictable lore as the one of WOW one was simply right?

The only ONLY source for this is Bwonsamdi himself…he lied, you understand, he simple lied to make him bigger and bring vol’jin in line. “I´m the ol Bwonsamdi, the great loa, i was here before even your ancesters were born, do, what i say to you”

Mueh’zella was a Loa of TROLLS not a Loa of everything else…he was the former Loa of Death, and Bwonsamdi was a priest of a Loa, you know, loa…Mueh’zella was _HIS_Loa. Loa are parts of the Trollkind since the beginning of their entire Race. They called the Loa loa, since they arrived Zandalar.

Loa is a symbol and part of the trolls’ religion.

Nothing contradicts his statement so you saying he is lying is just as much baseless as the argument you are trying to oppose to.

And since WoW mostly conveys canon through characters, there is no reason to doubt it for now.


Or maybe he didn’t. The fact he lied once doesn’t mean everything he said is a lie. You have no proof :slight_smile: but we do have other Canon that says Troll culture didn’t have Loa Priests until cities were founded from the Shadowhunter centric Tribes.

Therefore the only way to keep lore consistent if he didn’t lie and he predates the Trolls qua Trolls, a lost civilization that turned back into Tribes and became Trolls.

Haitian Lwa predate Haitian Voodoo, you realize, so same could apply here.

“But Chronicles” it’s already been retcond with Spirit Healers, it’s not Dogma anymore (or ever was)


Bwonsamdi: “Mueh’zella was de loa of Death long time ago. He be givin me dis power”

The titanforged called all Forms of such beings wild gods, Night elf Ancients, the only race from the “three big´s” from the old days who called them loa was the trollkind.

Titans did not create Mueh’zala. Now you are just reaching.

Furthermore Wild Gods exist in Draenor, naturally.


Loa just means deity in troll language, trolls call wisps “loa” , doesn’t mean wisps are troll.