Spicy New Bwonsamdi Info *spoilers*

No, the Well of Eternity did that and Freya. For Azeroth has just so many Wild Gods compared to Draenor, where there were three birds, and if you like, the Spore Hills. If you have a total of 6 Wild Gods, I count all the Wild Gods on Azeroth, but 35 of them. That is an enormously high number.

I know what LOA means. But only the troll religion calls this type of being loa. As I said, the Titanforged called these kinds of beings Wild Gods, and the night elves called these kinds of beings Ancients.

Again, you have no proof

  1. Lying once doesn’t mean everything you said is a lie, ergo Bwonsamdi could still be older than Trolls qua Trolls
  2. Wild Gods are beings of Life tied to the Dream, Mueh’zala is a being of Death whose home is Shadowlands
  3. Other canon stipulates Loa Priests came after Shadowhunters

Therefore Bwonsamdi could very will still predate Trolls, and be of a pre Troll race that fell apart back into Tribes and became Trolls.


  1. You have no evidence Mueh’zala is a Wild God (Trolls call elemental beings Loa)

Maybe the Necropolis was originally Bwonsamdi’s burial place?

(Also, does Bwonsamdi mean ‘Death grave’ or ‘Graves of death’ in Zandali?)

I don’t think we know the origin of Mueh’zala.


Given its badly written Kreyol I certainly hope not :skull::joy:

Given the portal to the other side, the fact the temple itself resembles Mueh, and Mueh’s medallion is in the Necropolis too, I really think it was originally his temple.

No but all the Wild Gods are naturally occurring beings that for Azeroth Freya tied MOST of them to the Dream and the rest can exist there independently as beings of Life, as we see in some Rezan quests.

Titans didn’t create any of them, let alone the Loa of Death.

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We learned from Roux that Blizzard itself said that Bwonsamdi lies when it serves its interests. That’s why, Trickster-God. And in both situations, it served him well. And it did in both scenes, both Vol’jin and Zekhan.

Mueh’zella was a loa of Azeroth in Old times. he´s in Ardenwaeld, the plane of Reincarnation of all nature life :wink:

But Bwonsamdi was a Priest, not a Shadowhunter, he´s a priest of Mueh’zella,


So it is possible.

Yes and no. In some instances they are. But we know all ‘natural life’ on Azeroth besides Elementals is due to Titan intervention.

My statement stands. Lying once doesn’t mean everything you said is a lie.

We actually don’t know if he’s limited to Azeroth, given Bwonsamdi makes deals with Brokers too, which are not of Azeroth.

Precisely. So if he predates Trolls, and Shadowhunters for Trolls came before Loa Priests, by necessity there’s a missing chapter in the timeline of how Trolls as we know them came to be.

No proof either way, insisting he’s a Troll retcons a lot.

As per Chronicles, which we have confirmed from Word Of God (devs) is “titan perspectives” and has already been retcon’d.

Yes and priests are even younger than shadow hunters in troll society.

Your argument is basically “he lies sometimes” which is proof of nothing.


he will not predate Trolls, he´s a former troll. he didn´t change his appearence, wild gods don´t do this. Dragons do it,but wild gods looks allways the way they look.

my argument is, he ´s a former follower of Mueh’zalla, get given the Power from Mue’zella to be a loa and he ´s a TROLL, you know, he ´s one. He´s no different beings. Most likely Mue’zella created the Trolls.

I’m not saying he’s a troll. Just that

  1. Titan perspective doesn’t invalidate it, especially when we’re talking about the Titans doing the creating.
  2. One part of something being retconned doesn’t retcon everything, you’ve been explained this and it isn’t even worth bringing up.
  3. I wasn’t even using the Chronicle as a source, other sources confirm this with the Chronicle.

The August Celestials change shape for the Garrosh trial so you’re wrong there.

Bwonsamdi predates Trolls because he affirmed as much and was a priest to a death being before Trolls created the priesthood of Loa.

Trolls use Loa for elemental beings, wild gods, powerful dead people, and more. This means nothing except a degree of power.

Precisely, so Trolls have Shadowhunters come first, meaning Bwon belongs to an order that came before Trolls as he was a priest before Trolls would later develop priests.

That doesn’t really relate to what I was talking about, being that all non-Elemental life on Azeroth is due to the Titans.

But either Bwonsamdi came from an order predating Trolls or it was a retcon. Both are equally likely.

have fun with your headcanon…bwonsamdi is a former troll. thats my last statement now…

You are entitled to your ahistorical and incorrect headcanon.

“this headcanon” was confirmed, today.

ask a dev and if you don’t like this Lore, it’s not my responsibility to make them likeable.

Nope, nowhere does Bwon identify as a Troll.


There is no explicit contradiction between “he is a former priest of Muehzala” and “he predates troll”.

So yes, until Blizzard explicitly says he was a troll, your theory is headcanon.


Not necessarily yes, but it can be.
Deepening on what Mueh’zalas priests are. If they are only Trolls it looks bad.