Spicy New Bwonsamdi Info *spoilers*



Bwonsamdi has kept a secret place in the Shadowlands he refers to as De Other Side. When the dead started funneling into the Maw, Bwonsamdi hid several in his little domain, keeping his troll followers safe. But this broke an old deal with Mueh�zala and now the ancient loa has come to harvest those souls and destroy their caretaker. Bwonsamdi will need help collecting on some of his other dealings if he is to survive this onslaught and protect the souls within.


  • Bwonsamdi was a Priest of Mueh’zala originally
  • made a deal (his first, one would presume :eyes:) so that he would have the powers (and responsibilities) of the Loa of Death
  • Mueh’zala is “the boss” from BFA
  • This means the Necropolis in Nazmir is actually Mueh’zala’s Temple


  • assuming Nazmir continuity, where the quests in the Terrace of Sorrows in Nazmir of the dead souls who were Bwonsamdi’s priests back when that area wasn’t a ruin and they only recognize Bwonsamdi, the implication is that this deal occurred BEFORE the Zandalari founded Dazar’alor and even before they founded the city of Zul’Nazman
  • That is, Bwonsamdi is a possibly Dark Troll turned into the Loa of Death
  • Alternatively Bwonsamdi, as he predates Trolls qua Trolls entirely, implies Trolls predate even the Black Empire (or co-date)
  • Meaning possibly Bwonsamdi could know of Dark Troll’s pre-Night Elf relationship with Elune in the earliest days
  • In IRL Voodoo, the oldest male grave in a cemetery is an altar of Baron Samedi/the Barons in general, I am HOPING Blizzard uses this to make Bwonsamdi the first Dark Troll qua Dark Troll to die in the history of Azeroth, or Proto Troll/First Azerothian Mortal to die
  • I am also hoping they put the Troll origin date as predating the Black Empire :eyes:

Questions that arise:

  • What is Mueh’zala doing in Ardenweald? How did he become the Loa of Death? Was he in the Shadowlands before Ardenweald was made? Was in the Shadowlands before the Eternals banished the Jailer?
  • Just how old is Mueh’zala’s Temple in Nazmir? Or at least, the giant hole in the ground that leads to the Shadowlands? ICC is tied to Torghast but Nazmir is tied to Ardenweald?
  • Is G’huun a mutated Gorm worm?
  • Winter Queen and Bwon are on friendly terms (he even jokes around with her) during questing, what does this mean?

He said in SotH he predated trolls. Blizzard is just incapable of not retconning things.


Are they saying he was a troll? Did they retcon him being older than the troll race?


Hmmm, I think of it this way:

My great-grandma is still alive. When she was born, my country had another name. She claims that name, and actively. She says she predates our country as we know it, in fact. But at the same time if you ask her, she also identifies as being from the country as it is today too.

ie do Neanderthals predate humans or are they a type of human? if we create a neanderthal today, do we consider them human? or if a neanderthal time travels to right now, are they human for us? Can they claim humanity?


It just feels like Blizzard only cares about night elf lore. just tossing horde lore under the bus whenever they have to use it.


That’s certainly a good way to look at it, especially considering SotH also had a conversation consisting of Vol’jin pretty much asking the same thing, wondering when trolls started calling themselves trolls.
It still leaves a lame taste in my mouth though.

Also, if Bwonsamdi serves Mueh’zalah, then why do so many tribes worship him and not Mueh’zalah? Why do apparently only the Farraki in the middle of nowhere know about him but not even the Zandalari, the lorekeeper tribe, do? It’s weird.


I think this is okay, given they reified Bwonsamdi into the real life Baron Samedi lore and his IRL origin story, and they solidified Mueh’zala as IRL Met Kalfu.

Plus this gives room to possibly make him, as I said, the First Dark Troll To Die.

Meaning he maybe knew of, engaged with, and worshipped Elune before any Night Elf :stuck_out_tongue: at the very least the speculation/questions gives room for Bwon to be ANCIENT, and to confirm Trolls are the first and only “indigenous” race of Azeroth. No Titans or otherwise involved.

Deal with Mueh’zala was Bwon gains access to all of Mueh’s powers (but also responsibilities). So the Temple in Nazmir became “his”. Mueh just checked out lmao got tired of Azeroth save for the periodic Farraki sacrifies I guess.

Being a Zandalari Loa comes with a lot of politics and obligations if you haven’t noticed. Farraki just kill things in your name and you just gotta throw them a bone sometimes.

Idk man. They’re making Elune a first one and nerfing Bwonsamdi. I don’t like it.


Rule #1 of trickster gods: They lie. A lot. He seems perfectly willing to lie and cheat others when it suits his motives. He is infamous for the deals he offers and how lopsided they tend to be to his favor.


Now tell us how you’d react if you found out Elune had lied to the night elves.


Obviously I would not like that, but largely because it be way outside of her characterization. This isn’t outside of what I could see Bwonsamdi doing. Loa gain power through followers, those that get forgotten, fade away. Puffing himself up to impress his followers (and gain more) seems like a thing he do to me.


Not who you’ve replied to, but there isn’t a precedent of Elune being a tricky trickster/lying, or in fact of actually speaking directly to anyone at all, so I dunno if that’s a fair comparison to make.

I don’t think it does. One would assume, if we’re going down the dark troll origin route, that the Necropolis (and, indeed, the modern trolls’ worship [bar perhaps the Farraki, unless some retcons/changes happen] of Bwonsamdi) happened long, long after his promotion to loa?

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Tricking folks in deals is not equivalent to “Well my whole backstory is a lie.”


I mean, the Necropolis as we see it sure, but much in the same way that ICC exists /after/ Nerzhul was made, but ICC mirrors Torghast, I think this is the same thing.

In fact given now we have Ardenweald Necropolis mirroring Nazmi Necropolis and Maw Torghast mirroring Northrend ICC, I wonder if the other zones have equal Azeroth-parallels

I don’t think there’s any new information to state that Elune’s backstory is a lie. Elune’s backstory, prior to this, was https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/605/981/4ae.jpg (lmao) and now we’ve just finished a few sentences on the sheet.

Eh, it kind of checks out, but I don’t buy it - mostly because I don’t want it to be true.


Chronicle 1 definitely set up the interpretation that when the night elves stared into Azeroth’s blood and saw the moon’s reflection speaking to them, it could’ve just been them hearing Azeroth.

I’m not saying that I think Elune should be Azeroth. Just that, were they to go that route, well, they laid the brickwork for it.

I’ve always interpreted that as night elven mythos, and not actual Elune ‘facts’, per se. The fact that they actually did commune with Elune, know her name and use her powers suggests at least some part of is real and not mythological… but that’s Elune for you, I guess.

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IMO they’re working towards:

  1. First Ones were on Azeroth at some point prior to the Old Gods/Black Empire, maybe even before the Elementals could properly form

  2. First Ones are tied to the Titans, Shadowlands, and more.

  3. Elune’s relationship to Eonar’s Tear of Elune (Titans gave them to the Night Elves, and Eonar is the only Titan unnamed, and Elune isn’t a Titan), its ability to restore Xera’s heart, and why Elune’s Night Warriors go to Ardenweald being wrapped up in a conclusion

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So… Bwonsomdi is Dr Facilier?

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I just wonder why it took so long for Mueh’zala to decide to obtain the souls that Bwonsamdi was saving. After all the machine of death broke during Legion and since then Bwonsamdi has been keeping every troll soul safe.

I disagree. Just because Bwonsamdi served Mueh’zala as a mortal doesn’t mean that took over his temple. The way I see it Mueh’zala had his stuff and then Bwonsamdi ended up with his own stuff.

She’s one of his exes?

Might be a matter of reputation. Bwonsamdi’s is rather dark to the point that it caused Zandalari to rebel against Talanji out of the fear that she was his puppet queen. Thus I think it’s possible that the fear of Mueh’zalah could caused the Zandalari to try and unperson him, make as if Mueh’zalah never existed.