Spicy New Bwonsamdi Info *spoilers*

Source that Shadowhunters were the first priests?

Having a priesthood doesn’t make things trolls? What the hell are you talking about? Bwon could’ve been some pre Black Empire proto troll, like Neanderthals are to humans.

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Shadows of the Horde.

Sure bud. During the time of the Shadowhunters when all this priestly stuff wasn’t a thing.

What chapter? I knew I should have said don’t just throw out an entire book. I don’t get why people do this.

What do you think came before shadow hunters? What do you think trolls were called before they were trolls, to quote Bwonsamdi ?

Simple, because you don’t want to search an entire book.

Nothing. They learned from the loa and they guided the others.

Doesn’t matter, because your example doesn’t work.

Well when I make references to books, I usually know the general location or can easily find it. So you can’t do that at all?


It literally does matter because Bwon says he predates the Trolls (implication being as they are today) and he’s always watched out for the Trolls.

If he’s a priest of Mueh before Trolls were even a thing as a proto/pre troll species it doesnt affect known/remembered history of Trolls.


??? I thought I was agreeing with your assessment that it was a Night Elf Afterlife though not with the idea that it was an Afterlife tied to just one Night Elven Zone or Forest in particular.

Infact Ardenweald is a Night Elven Afterlife tied to the World Trees(and Great Trees) which apparently have no room for… Edit: Hold it I spoke too soon! The trees can get just as big as Ashenvale and Val’Sharah!

Ardenweald represents the World Trees and embody Night Elven beauty(taking your breath away even with the huge trees) while the Night Elven Zones of the realm of the Living embody Night Elven greatness(their trees tower over you as you gape in wonder) aside from Darkshore which embodies the Night Elves’ ties to the Wilds what with Players receiving Animal Blessings.

Uuna had to actively invoke the Light for it to contact her in the Afterlife…

The Light has an Afterlife yet the Church of the Holy Light is ignorant of how to get there.


I was Right!! I know it!!!

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Why was our entire exchange deleted? What the?

I said it again: This priest thing seems to conflict with Shadows of the Horde chapter 29
Pages 334 and 335

Story Forum Mod is deleting a lot of posts this morning apparently.

Anyways, no it doesn’t, because Bwon predates the Trolls qua Trolls as a whole race.

Yeah it’s strange. I would understand if it were only something from me or anything. Oh well.

Look we disagree and I explained my view long and broad.
The problem here is: Did Muhe’zalla ever had non Trolls as priests? Not as far as we know. This would then be something we would learn new if he had.
It seems unnecessary complicated.

But I also don’t want to get a whole thread deleted again so… yeah. That’s that I guess.

Yes, because if Bwon predates Trolls, and Mueh predates Bwon, then yes, whatever race Trolls were before they were Trolls worshipped Mueh

It’s really not complicated, just a simple logical sequence.

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It seems pretty meh to me. It’s not exactly a lore-breaking retcon to say that Bwonsamdi is just some ascended troll, but it kinda makes him…I dunno, less impressive to me now. I already wasn’t a fan of his boss being Mueh’zala because it gave me the impression of the game stating about the Darkspear “your religion is bad.” But I originally liked the idea of him predating trolls.


NGL this is better as far as “respectful to IRL Voodoo beliefs” goes, especially if they make him the First Proto Troll to die or something. As someone who is initiated, that matters to me.

Just because the Guede don’t control the crossroads doesn’t mean centering one’s voodoo on the Guede in particular is “bad” or a “fake religion”.


But then they proceed to make Damballa evil so we can kill one more loa.

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Questline implies he’s corrupted, which yes, is frustrating too.

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It also looks like at least three of the planets we went to slap demons on in Legion.

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