Spicy New Bwonsamdi Info *spoilers*

Yeah Blizzard must hate trolls\loa, you are right Elesana.


the neutral dragon loved night elves so much that she bound them to her realm.


Bwonsamdi saved Trolls from the maw and only trolls and I’m forced to work with him. His bias is unacceptable, remove him from Ardenweald.


i mean, same, but horde content got cut for this, and then they dunk on horde characters anyway?
We just had two Alliance-Only expansions in a row, man. Are you not fed up?


Are you kidding me, did you play Hyjal in Cata at all? Ysera personally sends you and tasks you with summoning or reviving or assisting the Night Elf Ancients lmao

Dragon ain’t neutral. Ysera didn’t go bless any other magic tree.

That was retcon’d, actually, which well, here we are, reifying the point. Night Elves were the first Druids, Tauren second.

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The blessings of the aspects were bribes, bluntly speaking. They were intended to make sure even the most corrupt Kaldorei would have reason to protect Nordrassil and the seal on the second Well of Eternity it represented.


horde content didn’t get cut. what content will not exist?

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Man I wish other races were bribed with *checks notes * immortality and increased magical powers by Titanic-empowered dragons


You are playing one of those races.

It didn’t get retconed, they simply never became full out druids. You can learn nature magics and not become a full druid. It is much like the Harvest Witches of the Gilneans were not true full druids.


Dude so much content got cut from Legion until now. But as for Shadowlands?
Forsaken don’t have an afterlife tie in. The focus being spent on night elves isn’t being spent on THE undead race? After they lost everything their faction is about? Who do they even have? Four named NPCs that no one can remember besides Belmont (because of Castlevania) and Voss?

Where’s ANY ancestral worship afterlife?

High/Blood elves aren’t immortal and definitely aren’t dragon pacted.


Blood Elves don’t have dragon powers beloved, check your lore

That is a retcon when Tauren in-game lore stated they were the first Druids before Night Elves lol

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Neither do Night Elves since Warcraft 3

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What Kaileath said wasn’t retconned. Cenarius did spend some time among the Tauren (a while? not sure) treaching them about nature magic first.

That is a retcon, but what they said wasn’t.

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That is a bit like asking where the afterlife of the Light is that humans think they go to. Instead, even someone like Alexandros Mograine woke up in his own personal zombie hell. It turns out the living have very bad understandings of what occurs on the other side of the veil.


Thanks I hate it.
Doesn’t fit with Shadows of the Horde.

Doesn’t work like that. Because Trolls already were called Trolls as they had priests.
This idea was around in Shadows of the Horde yes. But your example doesn’t work with the data you’ve given us here.
Blizzard seems simply to change their lore on every turn.

If in-game lore states Tauren were taught first and this is later changed, that is a retcon.

At the very least it’s a lore ambiguity that was resolved in favor of Night Elves.

Having the four zones be

  1. Greek Paradise (Elysium) + Abrahamic Angel based
  2. Unseelie Fairy + British Isles Folklore Otherwise (including the Drust) based
  3. Eastern European Gothic + Victorian Vampires in Catholic Purgatory based
  4. Warhammer Tomb Kings (and thereby a Tolkien derivative) based

Is kinda limiting regarding what peoples and cultures are being used to inspire the afterlife, further exacerbating by the fact the Loa are held to the side.

It does work like that because he could’ve been a priest of a race that is multiple species before troll lmao

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Not sure we know that. Rather, they might have had priests before the word.

Yes, but that’s not what Kaileath said. That’s what I was commenting on.

This was not retconned. What you said was retconned, but what they said was not and is still true.

Nope. Doesn’t work at all. Trolls were trolls as they had priests. It was in fact one of the reasons for their “downfall”. So not an early thing.

We do know it. First were the Shadowhunters.