Spicy New Bwonsamdi Info *spoilers*

She is correct, Bownsamdi and his boss being upset with him are of little concern to her.

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And yet where is that in the game then? Why is this necessary to portray?

She factually isnā€™t. Bwonsamdi saves her realm by having us defeat muehzala and later (i guess) delivering night elf souls to her.

She still tells him to get out of Her realm.

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Because she is directly addressing the issue of two loa squabbling over something that from her perspective has nothing to do with Ardenweald.


Also an Afterlife of Shadowmoon Valley and Terokkar(and I mean Terokkar not Talador)ā€¦

Ashenvale in particular looks even grander than Ardenweald in that almost every tree was huge. Ardenweald has tons of normal sized trees with only the Dream Trees being huge!

Ashenvale, Teldrassil, Feralas, Moonglade and Valā€™Sharah are filled with countless large trees while Ardenweald has only about 8 large Treesā€¦and they are all Great Trees the size of the ones Staghelm plantedā€¦

Seems more like an Afterlife for the Great Trees than Ashenvale and itā€™s Huge Treesā€¦

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Whoa, itā€™s almost like itā€™s a story or something and she was wrong about it being a petty squabble.


Tyrna for each Night Elf World Tree.
Literal Afterlife of all Night Elves and all night elf gods.
Literally not the afterlife of Loa, apparently, as they are unwelcome in Her realm.
Stop pretending.

And after finding out, she does not correct her racism. OInly Night elves, night elf gods, and night elf dragons matter to the night elf winter queen.

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Except for all the pods full of Loa she has.


Multiple of which are dead and being devoured, but she sure had time to resurrect Ysera at great expense.


Death gods have to honor deals. We learned that from Helya. She made a deal with Bwonsamdi.

Maybe she just likes Ysera.

No maybe about it. Sheā€™s extraordinarily kind to the night elf dragon.


This is like debating with a brick wall.


Which is placing a character who is more partial to Night Elves at center.

And I repeat:


Okay but so what?

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Itā€™s a narrative bias to Night Elf lore for the sake of resolving the Tyrande plotline while Bwonsamdi gets a hole in a tree


Preference for night elf / alliance characters, distaste for troll/horde characters in a night elf / night elf god afterlife that consumed and repurposed the troll afterlife of the otherside.


Oh well i guess if the neutral dragon bothers you so much you can go to Maldraxxus or something.


The only wild god Ysera has any ties to at all is Cenarius, who acted much akin to a foster mother. The Cenarius that spent a lot of time among the Tauren and taught them much about nature magic before he went on to the Kaldorei. That one.


you guys are gonna give the night elves a run for their money by the time SL is done with

itā€™s a lame zone anyway, who even likes the fae and all that

if it were up to me weā€™d burn down that tree too

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