Would be nice if Blizz didn’t break key addons that players have been using for decades to compensate for Wow’s terrible UI.
Do you really go/send people to every place? o.O
Most people should only want to go to current content place (oribos) and Stormwind/Org.
He might want to be able to use his teleports to get around to more places than Oribos.
I don’t always play mage, but when I do it’s because I want to do stuff with lots of inter-zone mobility… hence, teleports. And not having flyouts in addon actionbars means either trying to live with Blizzard’s buggy and mediocre native bars, or wasting an entire actionbar for individual buttons for each teleport destination. Weak.
Well see if this is fixed in Tuesdays build but I wont hold my breath
Highly doubt they’ll put effort into fixing this
Actually, yes, I do.
I’ve been focusing lately on a lot of questing and exploration achievements, as well as a lot of old raid/dungeons, so I’ve actually used pretty much every teleport and a good number of the portals within the last couple weeks.
Sorry I don’t fit into your perfect world of everyone only wanting stormwind or current content.
still no word from blizz on this
With bizzard UI you have 8 bars, 9 if you count the hidden bar, just turn off the hidden bar, move all the spells off it, and use the 8 simple.
So yeah blizzard UI works well on my hunter and mage, I included my druid just to show how many damn buttons I have on him since I use him as my main tank and RL with him.
Id rather use bartender. I like it MUCH better. There is no excuse for Blizz not to fix spell flyouts
there are options for bars that bartender has that blizzard doesn’t. partially breaking an addon that does what they tried but failed to fully recreate will only make me look for workarounds, i’m not going to start using their half-baked UI.
I saw the same issue, at first.
I just dragged the mage portals and teleport off the action bar and deleted them then added them back from the spell book. Problem solved.
Dragging individual spells to a bar is not ‘problem solved’ that’s just a workaround, flyouts are still not working properly with addons so nothing got solved
Bumping cause it’s not fixed, and 4 of my toons (warlock, mage, hunter, and rogue) use these. I use ELVUI as well. It’s not fair to people who don’t want to use the Blizz UI to be penalized.
please fix this, its so annoying
I’ve done what others have done to work around this stupid issue. I have the Oribos teleport and portal on a disappearing bar on the right part of the screen, along with the Wrath Dalaran teleport. But using anything else I have to go into the spell book and fumble through the pages to find teleport and use the flyout from there.
I’m not activating an entire 2 bars to put all the teleports and portals on them, that is ridiculous. That’s like not bothering to fix your stove and cooking your chicken over a fire you made in the trash can.
While I also want this to be fixed, obviously, try using oPie as an alternative for some of these things, like mage teleports. It’s a terrific addon that I’ve been using for that purpose for years, and it works great for it.
Why do you have Arcane shot on your bar and not just in your bar but in such a prime slot? Honestly curious, as it’s not part of BM rotation
Its on my pinky which due to neuropathy I almost never use so I leave it there.
Same was the case for moonfire on my druid but now well I got to reformat my buttons.
lol nosy.
Haha, thanks for answering!! I thought i may have been missing something. I love your bartender layout and im going to try to match it as best I can