Speed-Run GO-GO-GO Players. What's The Point?

We need a natural unspoken communication. Like a symbol above our heads that tell the party the speed we prefer like to go. This way a tank can easily read the room and adjust to the group.

If the group has all zoomie symbols the go go go is great.
But if you’re grouped with 3 sloth dps then it’s ok to slow down a bit.

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i mean, they do, if you’re not good enough that’s not my problem.

You’re living in a fantasy. People don’t like slow dungeon runs, particularly in dungeons folks have dozens if not hundreds of time.

This is the correct answer. (Also Barbie is the best movie in the last 5 years).

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“As fast as possible” in vanilla/bc/etc is way different than “As fast as possible” in today’s dungeons. Entirely different approach required for the older dungeons. CC, marking kill order, 1 pack at a time or wipe. And even with a good clear, “As fast as possible” in old dungeons still took a good 30 minutes at least. Today’s dungeons, you can pull 1 or 2 packs at a time and still clear in 15 minutes or less.

I see, you are the official spokesperson for the entire World of Warcraft player population…How fascinating…

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Looks like you missed the memo. I was appointed this time last year. I’ll be sure that my assistant forwards that email over to you.

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we still use cc and have a kill order in packs. we just don’t spend 5 minutes before every pack talking about it and then finally just agreeing to do the same thing every other group does.

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Living in a fantasy are you.

People don’t talk in dungeon groups any more. They haven’t in years.

I didn’t say it was.

Correct. People aren’t doing this in keys. (Other than at the top, as you said.)

There’s the point right there. Dungeons aren’t about what’s in them they’re about the reward for finishing.

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Time is money, friend!

If the Tank wants to charge through a dungeon at 300 miles per hour and can handle it. I am ok with that. I’ll just follow the tank. Not a problem. But what I hate to see is some goofball who is a dps start running ahead of the Tank pulling mobs before the tank has a chance to grab aggro.
I simply despise these idiots. If they want to play tank, Then they should create a Tank Class, and join groups as a Tank.

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Not every dungeon was slabs in TBC that needed such heavy hard CC. Pally tanks were very appreciated in the ones where our ability to actually hold a bunch of mobs at once… allowing for more of a today style run.

Does one ask Sonic on why he needs to go fast? Or does one just accept it as part of his nature?

Yeah, turns out after playing the game for 2 decades, we’re WAY better at the game now. Vanilla speeds were a product of low game knowledge and skill. Retail (and modern classic) have much higher game knowledge and skill and can run dungeons much faster due to this.

The future is now, old man.

It’s because most WoW players are here for the endless farm and grind, not to explore, adventure, or be challenged. The name of the game is number-go-up and the most efficient and quickest path to the next cosmetic they’ll never use is the the modern paradigm. There’s a reason that remix was so popular.

What can be challenging about old dungeons besides pulling more and faster?

Onyxia deep breaths more.

Nope, you can vote kick the zoom zoom out of the group. EZPZ.

because it’s the only way to make normal and heroic dungeon mildly entertaining.