Speed-Run GO-GO-GO Players. What's The Point?

No one ran dungeons in TBC the way they run them now. No one. I was there (sounds like you were too). I pally tanked them and warrior tanked them, I ran with plenty of other tanks. Nobody facerolled from one end of a TBC dungeon to the other like they do today, or anything close to it.

I am old man, this much is true.

Here is my question: does anyone find dungeons fun? Or are they just getting it over with?

You are so full of it, like we literally don’t play classic today.

Speedruns in dungeons today aren’t the result of “skill”, they are the result of the way dungeons are designed.

In classic, everyone is experienced but we still take it slowly because the game design forces us to take it slowly.

If playing a game is like a job, you should stop playing the game.

If you only put in enough effort for your job to continue getting a paycheck, you need a new job.

Don’t ever do something solely because you believe you have to, do it because you want to.

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In Vanilla, Naxx40 was cleared by a fraction of a fraction of guilds. In classic, it gets pugged. The world first for every Classic raid has been like 30 minutes after the servers went live.

Classic is easy and people run it much faster than they ran vanilla because it’s easy.

That’s not what we’re talking about.

People don’t speedrun dungeons in classic because if they do the healer runs out of mana.

There’s a thread in the classic forums yelling at warrior tanks not to charge unless they know what they are doing out of risk of overpulling.

ADDENDUM: If you UMM AKCHUALLY this post by bringing up dedicated speedrun groups then you’re a little ***** because that’s obviously not what this thread is about.

I took a moment to think about that and, yeah actually I do kinda want that. Because back when we had to drink between pulls that was time to talk and breathe.

Now, that’s not even what we’re asking for. That’s an extreme.

Dungeons should he rebalanced in such a way that pulling more than one pack at all time puts the tank in serious danger so that it slows the dungeon down a little bit. Not even to the extreme it used to be.


I blame “energy drinks”. Also, society today is more go Go GO about everything! I wish ALL dungeons were follower dungeons because I like to take my time and enjoy the whole dungeon experience but that’s just me. In fact, I haven’t done any of the dungeons the past 3 expansions because I don’t like to rush thru the game.

See here’s the problem. What I wrote was:

What I didn’t write was.

“Classic is equally as fast as retail”. “Classic dungeons are speedruns”. That’s what YOU read.

I mean I wasn’t, but now that you bring them up, doesn’t that prove my point? People who can run the dungeon fast do because they’re better at the game.

Current WoW is more challenging than anything classic / remix ever offered.

Classic dungeon experience is not the tank rushing ahead pulling everything in sight unless that’s what the group agreed to ahead of time and are properly geared for and prepared for it. Which is FINE.

I wanna go fast cause I want my levels.

Idc about the dungeon quests. The random completion bonis XP is all that matters.

If Blizz would offer the same XP for follower dungeons then I’d just do that. But until then…

Keep up with me when im tanking. Or kick me
I have 2 accounts and over 30 characters so you aren’t going to stop me.


That’s only true for max level content. Everything before that is sleepwalk mode.

Classic leveling is sleep mode

Turning on auto attack and looking at YouTube is not challenging. Trying not to fall asleep doesn’t count.

Max level content is how MMOs survive

I guess I am just bad then because I keep dying lol.

I dunno man.

I leveled two different classes in classic. I just found it tedious.

I am not saying there isn’t challenge if you seek it out. It’s just not really required.

You’re right that classic is easy but I would say classic leveling has a 1/10 difficulty where as retail leveling has a 0/10 difficulty.

Like it’s so hard to die in retail when you are leveling up. In classic you at least have to pay attention so you don’t overpull.

An issue is that once vanilla was over, the focus veered away from leveling.

Retail is largely people who have leveled a ton already.

I am not against leveling being adjusted on retail. Only pointing out that leveling stopped being the primary focus in TBC.

Vanilla it was the primary focus. It’s how most MMOs are. Opening expansion would give you the leveling experience. Following expansion focuses on end game.

While this is true I think the limit to what you can handle being so low in classic leads to very little space for people to express what they are capable of. Which makes it dull, especially if you’ve done it before.

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