Speed-Run GO-GO-GO Players. What's The Point?

No. This is not new. But what is also not new is the fact that there are many players that do not appreciate the go,go,go mentality. Now here’s the problem. You get 5 players in a group. 4 players just want to move at a normally average pace. The tank is doing a good job of pacing themselves and everyone’s happy. But then one player decides that they want to run faster. And they start running ahead and pulling mobs on top of the tank in an effort to push boundaries and create a bigger challenge. Of course the tank goes down and the mobs then kill the rest of the group.

What’s the point of going fast? What’s the point of going slow? What’s the point of gaming? The point is always - play the way you enjoy… if that’s efficient dungeon running then fine, do that.

Well you see that’s the main problem here. When you are in a random dungeon finder group with complete strangers, Whoever thinks that charging at high speed through the dungeon and proceeds to do so, effectively hijacks the run. That person didn’t ask the other 4 people if it was ok with them, they just run ahead.

The other 4 people can only leave the group suffering a penalty. Or stay and finish the dungeon, even through multiple wipes to at least get some loot.

In Follower dungeons if a person wants to speed through em with bots. fine.
In pre-organized groups where all the participants / guild mates agree this is what they are going to do. Fine.

In random dungeon finder groups this is not a good thing.

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I don’t insist the tank chain pull and force us to catch them, but I certainly appreciate it when they do. I don’t want to spend more time in a leveling dungeon than I have to because I’ve done it thousands of times by now.

This is the result of Mythic+ mentality. I still think it was a mistake to make dungeon scaling tied to a timer, which is why i was sad that they didn’t give us the option back in Legion.

I always just wanted the health and damage to scale like they currently do for delves. Thankfully this back in the light of discussion. Make a Heroic+ system with higher HP bosses and have Heroism/Bloodlust reset after bosses like raid do, that way elitists won’t be tempted to wait for cooldowns before every boss fight.

This is a question I’ve been wondering since their ilk first began to be catered to and designed for by Blizzard… Why do these people even want to be here? They despise RPG games. They despise reading
They have no patience or desire to learn or earn anything.

And now they are the majority by far. The massive group of players who made this game are almost all gone either off the mostly ruined genre entirely or into greener pastures.

This statement doesn’t become any more true the more people repeat it. The reality is players have run content that is below their skill level as fast as the game will allow them going back to at least Wrath, if not TBC. Conveniently this is why dungeons in Cataclysm reverted back to being run at similar pace as vanilla and TBC heroics, since those were no longer able to be blitzed through the way wrath heroics were. Nobody is running content that isn’t trivial for them at this breakneck speed; the ultimate irony is M+ is the only grouped PVE mode in WoW that isn’t run like this.

I truly wish Blizzard would add a game mode like this for players who want it. M+ isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay. I really thought with the blog post Blizzard made accompanying the M+ squish in DF S4 that Blizzard was going to move in this direction, but it seems they aren’t.

On a related but tangential note, the people who complain about “everyone will just wait for lust every pull” are missing the forest for the trees. The concern with removing the timer from M+ is that players can choose to be completely risk averse and still succeed in the content; waiting for cooldowns is one of the ways players can do this, but players waiting around for lust is one of the least concerning parts of it. It’s more the potential changes in group composition, the routing decisions teams make when there is no timer to satisfy, how much CC is used, and the like that are the primary reasons why M+ is simply not the same game mode without a timer.

Even setting aside the insult toward people wanting to read, you are vastly oversimplifying the mindset of a lot of players here. I enjoy pushing keys, usually across multiple characters. But in order to do so, there are usually a number of grindy prerequisites I need to knock out before I can even attempt to do so. Any key several levels below where I will push to are not particularly enjoyable, but I will not be successful in the higher keys without the gear and in some cases practice in those lower keys. I am not going to be particularly fond of those lower keys, yet those keys will be the bread and butter for some of the people I am likely to meet whenever I PUG. What seems like an apathy toward the content for me is likely just a desire to “get it over with” before I can hope to succeed at a level where I will enjoy my time.

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Because it’s not actually forever. Gotta love doing places like Strat that is heavy on silencers and then getting blamed for deaths (healer)

Best solution, just add the follower system to heroics and timewalking, then those who want to blast through at mach 10 can, and those who don’t enjoy that can go at their own pace. I mean we already see players treating dungeons like a solo experience with the other 4 being just NPCs that follow them so might as well just go all the way and gut dungeon content to being a solo player experience as well.

Honestly would be nice, if you have a friend you play with regular and would rather just fill out the dungeon with bots I don’t see why not, since the NPCs talk more than most players do.

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They watched in on a stream one time from some sweaty chads and now they think they can do it!

Boot the 5th. That’s what the vtk system is for.

You’re also heavily basing your premise on most people not wanting to go fast, which can’t be proven and seems unlikely given how consistently we see feedback where most groups are going fast.

No, those aren’t the only options

You genuinely don’t understand why someone who has done a dungeon 20 times wants to get it done in 15 minutes instead of 30 minutes?

You genuinely can’t grasp there are limited hours in a day to do things you want?


This is a made up issue. No one in this thread who is arguing in favor of going slower actually wants to be going slower when they get into a dungeon. Many of you have done these dungeons dozens, if not hundreds of times by now. You really want to spend an hour in Deadmines?

Don’t be disingenuous.

you’re being disingenuous

deadmines doesnt take an hour if you go go go or if you take a slower pace.


Those 4 people don’t ask the solo, either. Use your vote to kick and leave dungeon features to get the experience you want. If it’s truly so bad, use Group Finder to get like-minded people.

You have a ton of agency as a WoW player.

Because anything you can speed through in this game is easy, and people are rushing through it to get to the ‘actual’ endgame which is much harder.

I never complained about people rushing timewalking or normal dungeons, because to me, that’s not ‘real’ endgame content.

I’m just rushing through it to get it done with, in-game chores more or less.

People want their daily/weekly box, or exp, or what-have-you.

The auto-queue content you’re doing, isn’t what people are really there for.

Just a means to an end.

I don’t mind big pulls. Just be freaking aware of certain mobs in dungeons. There’s been plenty of times when I’m healing or when someone else is healing and they are constantly being silenced and people die. Guess who gets blamed first. :roll_eyes::expressionless::roll_eyes:

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why do you think people don’t realize this?

it’s a game. no more or less pointless and futile than any other game.

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I like how so many people have the “if you don’t play my way you are wrong” mentality.

People always pretend it’s the “elitists” or 1% that do this.

Apparently not.