Endgame, where you actually get to play your character.
It’s so that instead of taking 15 minutes to finish Zul’Farrak, it’ll take 14 minutes to finish Zul’Farrak.
I meant, as far as World of Warcraft developing engaging, exciting, and challenging game-play for the players. We’ve gone from the old days of slow game-play to this speed-running game-play. What type of future game-play will this present type engender for the future?
Where the hell is the downvote button!?
Nothing new. Blizzard works in cycles. What will happen is the devs will change the leveling system and which will affect the dungeons. This has happened in the past. The end result will be that the dungeons will present a real challenge. I remember the last time the Devs changed things. It was really funny. As soon as people got in a dungeon group and spawned into a dungeon, either the tank, or even a dps charged pulling mobs, to quickly get killed. The outcries of “this ain’t fair” resounded in the dungeons. We have had something similar in leveling dungeons recently. The orc worgs one-shot kill players. It’s funny as all get out when you see these high and mighty players get murdered by dogs, lol.
When the Devs make the dungeons harder again, you will see an end to these speed-runs. And the speed runners will again be forced to actually play the game as intended.
Because in all content below mythic, there is relatively little challenge, so it’s best to do it as fast and efficiently as possible. Tanks take basically no damage, so it’s not exactly fun for tanks to take it slow when they’re capable of much more.
Because there is a timer? M+ isn’t speed-running, M+ is consistent pulls and constant pressure and decision making. If you are speed-running M+, then you should go up a few levels and do keys appropriate for your gear and skill level. It is a race, but it’s a marathon, not a sprint.
Context is important, but I would assume that it’s pretty clear depending on the content.
Is it a leveling dungeon? They want that end of dungeon exp to level faster and the dungeons are pretty much faceroll difficulty anyway.
Is it a mythic+ dungeon? Well there’s a timer and rating.
Is it a holiday/event dungeon for a weekly quest? Those are also generally pretty easy and they want that quest reward.
I don’t think it’s a great mystery as to why people would rather go faster than slower.
It’s generally not the majority. It’s generally one arrogant dps player who thinks he’s the king of the group and should decide for everyone how the group should run the dungeon.
If he goes off and pulls because he “likes a screen full of chaos and numbers” or because he’s impatient and wants the dungeon to finish 2 minutes sooner, than I have two options. A, leave him alone and let him die, and hope the healer doesn’t get aggro and cause a wipe, or B, pull the mobs off of him, which means he’ll never learn.
Chances are that option A will lead to a wipe and the dps getting angry and upset and all that. Option B leads to it happening more often.
I’m damned if I do, damned if I don’t.
People “keep up” because if we don’t, we wipe. It doesn’t mean that the majority of people want to play like that. How many times do you see threads about this exact thing on the forums? All the time… Because people hate it.
If you’re in content where the DPS can routinely pull packs instead of the tank and not get one-shot, you’re probably doing content that’s too easy for your gear and skill. In which case, you might as well rush through it and get to where you’re actually supposed to be.
Right, because defensives aren’t a thing, right? A rogue can literally use evasion and run through groups of mobs picking them up and take zero damage.
If there are casters they also have cloak of shadows. DK’s, warriors and pallies are tanky as it is. Any ranged can literally pull from range.
Simply saying “They’d just die if they did that, therefore the content you’re doing is low, suck it up.” is just plain ignorant.
It’s because Blizz has trained us to believe that fast equals efficient…provided you survive. If you don’t, well perhaps you need to spend more time playing your character so you can go faster and live.
In other words, speed is the goal set by blizzard and if you can’t go fast then you need to get to the point where you can.
No one is gearing in LFG dungeons so everyone is there for either weeklys or farming something, going slow is not a good idea
I disagree.
I’ve done pretty much all vanilla dungeons at least 1000 times each, mostly because Im insane and really enjoy leveling and releveling toons. But…
I go fast because it’s fun. I also really enjoy the dungeons.
But in the end, I go at the pace damage and the group allows.
If I’m not taking damage. I’m going fast and losing at the closest wall/corner.
If I’m taking a lot of damage, I’m going to slow down.
Those are both major (2 min) cooldowns. If they’re really able to do that for you on every pull, then you ARE moving through the dungeon way too slowly. That is not a common occurrence.
It literally is though. Hence all the threads about it. lol.
Also, misdirect is a thing. Tricks of the Trade. lol.
Both shorter CD’s. It’s 100% possible for dps to pull for tanks and not die. Do you really think that all dps are so squishy that the second a mob looks in their direction they eat the dirt?
Dps pulling for tanks happens all the time my guy. It’s annoying. It’s arrogant, and it needs to stop. If you don’t like the pace of the dungeon, you have several options available to you. You can play with friends or a guild that don’t mind if you pull for them or can go as fast as you think you want to go. You yourself could tank and pull as much as you want as fast as you want.
Jumping into a group with random people and expecting them to play YOUR way and pull wall to wall is asinine.
The general flow of a dungeon is 2-3 groups at a time. If you can’t handle that, see the options above. If that’s too slow for you, let the group know as soon as you’re invited so they can determine whether or not they want to play with you. If you say “Hey, I’m going to pull for the tank if the tank pulls less than 4 packs” and the group decides they don’t want that, you should be upfront and they can remove you from the group so you can find a group that’s ok with that kind of gameplay.
Do your due diligence and let people know that you want the fastest run possible and that you’ll throw a hissy fit, call us names and abandon the key when someone dies because of YOUR actions. Let us know the minute you get invited so we know what we’re getting into and can make a decision on whether or not you’re fit for the run.
Use the vote to kick feature.
People complaining about speed is common, sure. It’s a big game, not everyone is going to match your natural pace. But people actively trolling/griefing you by using their cooldowns to safely pull mobs onto you? If that is happening as regularly as you say, if nothing else it means their cooldowns are up often enough to actually do that, which is indeed a you problem.
That is griefing (no in-game solution) and thus you can report them for that.
Irony? Pot meet kettle?
More irony? I’m not the one crying here, it’s not my thread.
Because it’s trivial content and we want it over as soon as possible.
Edit: also, what are you expecting in there? Do we need to mark targets? Sap sheep and so on? lol
Because they are all ADHD types, they pay a monthly subscription to avoid playing the game. Personally I feel sorry for them, like what’s the point of even playing an MMO?